Michael Jackson Passes Away...


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Originally Posted by Fataliya
BTW, shame on ET Online for posting a photo of Michael on the ambulance stretcher. He was probably already gone at that point, and to post the photo is just....disgusting.

What some shows/stations will do for ratings is...inhumane.

I agree. Another station showed it as well. The person who took that shot was only thinking of the big $$ they would get, not about remembering a legend or thinking about his family or fans having to see him in that way.

I'm not blown away by many artists, I am kind of a music snob, but he really did blow me away with his talent, as did James Brown (someone mentioned him above). There are some some artists that are just kind of there, and then there are some that are just magical.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fataliya
BTW, shame on ET Online for posting a photo of Michael on the ambulance stretcher. He was probably already gone at that point, and to post the photo is just....disgusting.

What some shows/stations will do for ratings is...inhumane.

Even though I'm used to seeing that kind of stuff, I am truly dismayed by the publication of this photo as well. One of our biggest concerns in health care is maintenance of a patient's dignity. Dying patients and families are the most vulnerable and their privacy and dignity is of utmost importance to us. This does not end upon death, the person and their families are even more deserving of preservation of dignity. I even still talk to my patients while doing their post-mortem care. They're still someone's loved one, for god's sake!


Well-known member
There isnt much I can say here that everyone else hasnt said already. His music really touched me and he will be missed. RIP MJJ


Well-known member
i am by no means a fan of him or his music, but it's still pretty shocking nonetheless. i just happened to be at mac of all places when one of the mua's came out of the back & mentioned it. i thought it was a joke at first!

his death puts things into perspective & makes you realize that life is just way too short. you never know when you might go. i'll give him credit for being an innovative & highly influential person in music and don't think anyone will ever be able to quite live up to that. few musicians have been able to do so!

hopefully his family & children will have peace soon.


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I haven't thought of nobody but him for two days. The tears keep flowing and they won't stop. I adored him.

I felt like MJ was surrounded by many but known by few. He has been around vultures all his life and these same vultures even in his last moments of his life are snacking on his body by posting that picture for the world to see.

He wanted so much to be loved for himself not the musician. He told us that time and time again. And that is why his death is haunting me.

Trapped as a child performing like an adult, adult performing but still wanting to have the wonderment of a child, using the money to escape a world he felt like wanted to devour him but needing me to keep wondering to finance the constant need for escape which led to further isolation and I believe a soul-crushing loneliness that was probably unbearable. All geniuses are labeled crazy, insane and bizarre but only because their brains move in such ways that our small brains just can't understand.

So if you are a genius would you wonder,

If I am loved by a billion but only can count on one hand your true friends, how do you think that would make you feel?


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RIP Michael


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As a side note, on the radio here today all they could talk about was negative things about MJ. Im only 20 years old, and I never was a die hard fan. However, when all of these rumors and things began circulating about Michael and young kids, I never believed it. I never believed it. Im not saying Im God or that Im always right, but damn there are some things that you just feel and know. I truly believe that he was just such a lonely person inside and nobody knows the life he went through. He basically went through a life just to please and entertain others--who cares about how much money he got in the process? You could tell he was not a nasty person, he was giving. No matter how much money he had, money can't buy you love or happiness or fulfillment, and you can just see how lonely and sad he was.

I will pray for Michael's family, and the lonely bastards who have nothing better to do than to talk shit. A man, a legend, someone's brother, son, father, husband just PASSED AWAY and all u can talk about is allegedly how he did ___________, and how he was a "freak"?????? How DARE you....unless you knew him personally, you have no clue of his personality. You have no clue of what happened in his house. You know what the media throws out there, and thats all. It truly sickens me that people think they have the right to talk about something they know absolutely nothing about. Thank God that I have faith in people, and I believe in mankind and that I have a heart and soul. People can be so fucking cruel


Well-known member
^^amen. i never believe any of those stories.. i don't believe gossip unless I saw what happened for myself. RIP MJ!! To me its not about what COULD have happened behind closed doors, its about the music, the creativity.. and NO ONE (especially considering the music that has been coming out lately) will ever accomplish what MJ has done.


Well-known member
I know it's been repeated endlessly but I want to pay my tribute to Michael. I will miss him so much. He was really magical. I loved him most in Thriller and Billy Jean....he had that gift where you just can't take your eyes off him. RIP MJ.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
He wanted so much to be loved for himself not the musician. He told us that time and time again. And that is why his death is haunting me.

That's what's so heartbreaking about it.

Last night, I was discussing this with my family while we sat down and watched the endless coverage on the story and my mom concluded that the reason he was probably so ill stemmed from his insecurities that came with being a child star and being in the public eye so much.

I've been watching a lot of MJ documentaries and music videos. What HASN'T this man influenced?
Pop culture references.
This wonderful video:
YouTube - Indian Thriller

If anything... his death has made me (and probably many other people) appreciate his contributions even more.


Well-known member
OMG I love the Indian thriller! My s/o showed me that a long time ago, and then the lancome manager at my store who happens to be from India happens to have it as one of her ring tones and I would try and sing along lol... good times... But moving on, at my counter tomorrow we're having a MJ day where we play his music allll day long as our tribute. People can think and say all they want about his personal life but the fact remains the man was fucking brillant, and like a previous poster there will be no one else like him, especially the type of music that comes out these days, I just don't think anyone will be ever to live up to the success he did. He was/is a one in a bazillion, but it's a blessing for us to have lived and experienced all of his influences and music through the years, that's something we can pass on to future generations to say that we were there when he was making impacts and breaking boundaries. I know this Halloween won't be the same for me, it was always a tradition I sang along to Thriller and did the dance...but damn it's going to be depressing this year..


Well-known member
I was shocked to hear about it and I kinda watched it unfold as they "fed" us the stories every 30 minutes. I felt it was true, I hoped not but...

I know some things have gone on in his life that could be questionable, but I really remember growing up, listening to his music. The talent he had, born with this gift you could hear it from the age of 5.
Billie Jean is my all time fav video, cause it's a showcase for his passion for dancing and singing. I love that video!! *sigh*
Now he can rest. He was troubled. ITA with about POS who took that photo. Thats lowdown.


Well-known member
ticketmaster sent me a message about the concert. AEG talking about our loss and that we will get a refund. mah!
and when I go to my reservation page, there's nothing. Like he never existed, like I never woke up that day at 5 to book my seats.


Well-known member
I hope the comedians lay off the Michael Jackson jokes now, it wasn't that funny yo begin with, but it would be real disrespectful now

I haven't paid much attention to him either in the last years cuz he was a bit loony, but he was a crazy dancer OMG!

I might get shot for this, lol but am I the only one who hates that damn Thriller song? My faves are Billy Jean, Don't Stop till u Get Enough, and Rock With You.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
woke up this morning hoping it was all a dream...

the shock of it all is what makes this SO devastating. their will NEVER be another MJ. He donated MILLIONS to causes, he PIONEERED music, he broke barriers. all of his "allegation" shit at this point, is irrelevant. its void. let it go. embrace his genius and appreciate what he did for music. because i guarantee you, if it werent for MJ, there would be NO justin timberlake, et al.

and keep your cold hearted comments to yourself, nobody cares.

Me too! The past few days every time I wake up I wonder if it was all just a bad dream. Too bad that is not the case
Michael has been my idol since I was like 10 & I can't believe he is gone. Feels like my heart has been ripped out. And yeah, anyone that has anything negative to say about him right now, keep it to yourself.


Well-known member
Michael Jackson, I have and always will love you! My husband, children, and I have watched his memoirs for the past 2 days. My 15 year old son is a great dancer and his goal was to dance as good as Michael even though he never actually saw a live performance....My heart poors out to his entire family!
FYI: Pay close attention to your own family members (especially our elders), when dealing with narcotics; because believe it or not, some physicians will readily give these meds without any conscience to the harm it causes. I've been in the medical field for a long time and have seen many scary things. I watch my 89yo grandmother's meds closely; because she is too old to be given a prescription for hydrocodone, but has been several times.


Well-known member
I'm listening to "Never Can Say Goodbye" right now.

God, he had the most preternaturally beautiful voice as a child.


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I think I kind of ruined the night of 8000 people after it happened. I was at a Faith No More concert and was going to write something on Twitter about the first encore and it said Michael had died. The guy next to me said something to me and after I replied I went "oh by the way, MJ is dead" and showed him the news on my iPhone. He was like "holy shit" and told the person next to him who told the next person who told the next person and then five minutes later everyone in the audience was pretty much collectively going "WAT", and I was all "...oops". It happens.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
^^amen. i never believe any of those stories.. i don't believe gossip unless I saw what happened for myself. RIP MJ!! To me its not about what COULD have happened behind closed doors, its about the music, the creativity.. and NO ONE (especially considering the music that has been coming out lately) will ever accomplish what MJ has done.

Innocent people don't generally settle civil cases out of court to the tune of millions upon millions of dollars. =/

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