Originally Posted by Lauren1981
omg when she had to dig through that pile of them to find a key??!!!
that was disturbing. i haven't seen V but all the other ones are very disturbing. that type of torture is just unreal. one has to have a seriously sick, twisted way of thinking to think of something like that (i am agreeing more with your "disturbed minds" point of view)
Exactly, the film freaked me out enough as it was and then Mr RR pointed out that it wasn't true (gee..thanks for that Simon, here's me thinking it was factual) and that it actually came from someone's twisted mind..I don't know quite how to word this but that kinda freaks me out more than people like Al Fish and Ed Gein..they were monsters who actually carried these horrible acts out whereas the script writer just has that stuff festering in his mind..
Originally Posted by alka1
ugh, I really like the Saw movies but I hate that scene. The noise the needles make as she crawls around in the pit.. makes me cringe every time
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh<<<the exact noise made by me when I saw the guy push the girl in, I had to jam my eyes shut whilst the side was changed..it was horrendous.
Originally Posted by blindpassion
It always makes me worried - that the people who write those movies (such as Saw), have something wrong with them.
I was thinking this as well, like The Shining scares me but it's not like scary as in super demonic scary..even films like Halloween scared me but they didn't have the same torture element as the Saw films have, in my mind it's fine writing a horror book but it doesn't have to be OTT on the violence side.
Oh, I just remembered another film which still gives me heebie jeebies to this very day, Candyman
. When I was at school and was about 7-8, we realised that a teacher who taught at the school had died and that there was a plaque for her in the flowerbed outside the reception. Now this was the same time that the film the Candyman was out and there was a rumour that if you said the teacher's name five times into the mirror, she would appear. To make matters worse, there was a corner window in our classroom outside which you could see a mannequin but when you got outside the room you wouldn't see anything in that corner..once we had a school disco and this boy was doing the whole Candyman thing with a group of us kids in the boys' toilets and just as he said the teacher's name for the fifth time the lights cut out..that really shit us up and even though that was more than 10 years ago, the film still gets to me even now