Movies that disturb you :(


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i actually liked drag me to hell also.
i'm really hard to impress with scary movies but i did like that one..
evil stuff always freaks me out


Active member
The commercial for Drag Me to Hell disturbs me so much I can't leave the screen door open. I'm worried flies will come in and buzz up my nose.


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The Shining always puts me on edge and is one of my all time favourite films for this very reason, plus it's the film me and Mr RR were watching when he scared the crap out of me and proposed to me

I recently watched Silence of the Lambs with the aforementioned man and it scared the bejesus out of me when Hannibal just mauled that guy's face..I still don't fully understand what the dog did down the pit and nobody will tell me.


Well-known member
one movie that disturbed me was Monster with charlize theron playing eileen wournos. the part that got me was a rape scene (i already have a huge problem with those but it just popped on the screen). the man was doing it with a pipe. i'm sorry to put this in writing for anyone else to be disturbed but i was so freaked out by it. it took a few weeks to get it out of my head.

and i haven't seen this movie but my brother saw Boys Don't Cry with hillary swank and told me of a scene he couldn't even watch. he ended up having to skip over it because it was so graphic. i'm scared to watch that movie. i have no urge to see it


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Originally Posted by RedRibbon
The Shining always puts me on edge and is one of my all time favourite films for this very reason, plus it's the film me and Mr RR were watching when he scared the crap out of me and proposed to me

I recently watched Silence of the Lambs with the aforementioned man and it scared the bejesus out of me when Hannibal just mauled that guy's face..I still don't fully understand what the dog did down the pit and nobody will tell me.

the Shining TOTALLY freaks me out but i LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie!! jack nicholson plays that crazy role so well. it comes so easily for him


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Originally Posted by Lauren1981
the Shining TOTALLY freaks me out but i LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie!! jack nicholson plays that crazy role so well. it comes so easily for him

Exactly. The way he plays that character is amazing, even though I've seen it it never gets predictable in that he is so good at playing an unhinged guy that he could easily go any way. The actress who played his wife did a superb job, I love the way he was so extra and she played it exactly as someone in real life would play it. All that snow and the eerie blue-ness adds to the fear factor.


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Originally Posted by panda0410
Ugh... wolf creek did the same thing to me... I couldnt shake it for a few a weeks, though I didnt have insomnia, just background thoughts that lingered a little too long. Try and preoccupy yourself - attention distraction is the key. If you cant sleep at night try reading a book and taking a warm milk to bed, hop in a warm shower - these will all help you sleep. Eventually it will pass

Wolf Creek was incredibly disturbing.
I was actually holding my breath during the last half, and I do not scare easily.

Originally Posted by spectrolite
I LOVE horror movies and scary movies but for some reason some "realistic" violence freaks me out :| I think it must be because it's plausible, not really unlikely (like being eaten by a zombie).


Originally Posted by Lambchop
Funny Games. Very disturbing.

Indeed. I have not seen the American remake with Naomi Watts, but the original German film is deeply disturbing.

Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
I think I'm going to rent EVERY movie mentioned in this thread and have my own personal "Freaky-Shit-I-Shouldn't Watch"-Fest in my room.

I'll join you!

Originally Posted by alka1
anyone see Drag Me To Hell? some parts were disturbing.. overall it was an excellent movie. I loved it!

This is on my list to see. I've loved Sam Raimi's films since he did the Evil Dead flicks.

Jacob's Ladder was very disturbing to me.

I actually enjoy a good scary horror film - like The Descent, actually made me scream out loud in the cinema! Good times.

However, I cannot watch films with violence against animals. I simply cannot take it. Even if it is outlandish and unrealistic, it makes me very upset.


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Originally Posted by MzzRach
This is on my list to see. I've loved Sam Raimi's films since he did the Evil Dead flicks.

ooh, you're gonna love it! I've seen it twice now - scary fun all the way


Well-known member
another movie that disturbed me was Seven. i mean, the fact that many serial murders (from things that i've read) are genius, narcissists with absolutely no feelings of emotion, no conscious, nothing...... that's scary to me.


Well-known member
I was put off by the information on how many people go missing and never found that was included in Wolf Creek.

I've seen both the German original and American remake of Funny Games and they are the exact same movie. The only difference is the actors. It is one of those movies where you understand the message of the film or you think it's stupid and a waste of time.

Seven is a great movie and I think a normal viewer (I can't consider myself a normal viewer when it comes to horror) would find it disturbing.

I am dying to see Drag Me to Hell! Evil Dead is a favorite of mine and I've been waiting for Raimi's return to the genre.

I absolutely love this thread because I basically have no one to discuss these kind of movies with who is truly interested.


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MzzRach,I completely agree with you,I cannot watch any movie that has acts of violence towards animals in it


Well-known member
Another film that disturbed me was the Saw family...especially the bit when they pushed the girl into the pit of needles. I have a fear of needles touching skin anyway and have to turn the side over, I thought I'd be able to take it as they wouldn't show them in such graphic detail but I couldn't take and had to turn the side..people have some either very disturbed or creative minds to be coming up with that kinda stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RedRibbon
Another film that disturbed me was the Saw family...especially the bit when they pushed the girl into the pit of needles. I have a fear of needles touching skin anyway and have to turn the side over, I thought I'd be able to take it as they wouldn't show them in such graphic detail but I couldn't take and had to turn the side..people have some either very disturbed or creative minds to be coming up with that kinda stuff.

ugh, I really like the Saw movies but I hate that scene. The noise the needles make as she crawls around in the pit.. makes me cringe every time


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RedRibbon
Another film that disturbed me was the Saw family...especially the bit when they pushed the girl into the pit of needles. I have a fear of needles touching skin anyway and have to turn the side over, I thought I'd be able to take it as they wouldn't show them in such graphic detail but I couldn't take and had to turn the side..people have some either very disturbed or creative minds to be coming up with that kinda stuff.

omg when she had to dig through that pile of them to find a key??!!!
that was disturbing. i haven't seen V but all the other ones are very disturbing. that type of torture is just unreal. one has to have a seriously sick, twisted way of thinking to think of something like that (i am agreeing more with your "disturbed minds" point of view)


Well-known member
speaking of Saw and creepy stuff - did anyone read about the guy who went on a shooting rampage at Northern Illinois University last year?

Steven Kazmierczak was known as "strange Steve" to roommates, studied the Virginia Tech and Columbine massacres and idolized the sadistic killer in the "Saw" horror films, according to documents from the year-long investigation into the NIU killings.

the picture of him holding the saw mask really freaks me out *shudder*



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
omg when she had to dig through that pile of them to find a key??!!!
that was disturbing. i haven't seen V but all the other ones are very disturbing. that type of torture is just unreal. one has to have a seriously sick, twisted way of thinking to think of something like that (i am agreeing more with your "disturbed minds" point of view)

Exactly, the film freaked me out enough as it was and then Mr RR pointed out that it wasn't true (gee..thanks for that Simon, here's me thinking it was factual) and that it actually came from someone's twisted mind..I don't know quite how to word this but that kinda freaks me out more than people like Al Fish and Ed Gein..they were monsters who actually carried these horrible acts out whereas the script writer just has that stuff festering in his mind..

Originally Posted by alka1
ugh, I really like the Saw movies but I hate that scene. The noise the needles make as she crawls around in the pit.. makes me cringe every time

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh<<<the exact noise made by me when I saw the guy push the girl in, I had to jam my eyes shut whilst the side was was horrendous.

Originally Posted by blindpassion
It always makes me worried - that the people who write those movies (such as Saw), have something wrong with them.

I was thinking this as well, like The Shining scares me but it's not like scary as in super demonic scary..even films like Halloween scared me but they didn't have the same torture element as the Saw films have, in my mind it's fine writing a horror book but it doesn't have to be OTT on the violence side.

Oh, I just remembered another film which still gives me heebie jeebies to this very day, Candyman
. When I was at school and was about 7-8, we realised that a teacher who taught at the school had died and that there was a plaque for her in the flowerbed outside the reception. Now this was the same time that the film the Candyman was out and there was a rumour that if you said the teacher's name five times into the mirror, she would appear. To make matters worse, there was a corner window in our classroom outside which you could see a mannequin but when you got outside the room you wouldn't see anything in that corner..once we had a school disco and this boy was doing the whole Candyman thing with a group of us kids in the boys' toilets and just as he said the teacher's name for the fifth time the lights cut out..that really shit us up and even though that was more than 10 years ago, the film still gets to me even now


Well-known member
Oprah Winfrey's movie Beloved was one of the most disturbing movies I have ever scene. The seen where she kills her children gave me nightmares. For the life of me I can't figure out why she thought that scene would be entertaining to anyone. As much as I love Oprah this really disturbed me.

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