Movies that disturb you :(


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The Deer Hunter. And I decided to watch it late one night. Had a hard time getting to sleep, too heavy a thing (for me) to watch that late at night.


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The Hills Have Eyes. I couldn't believe it! So graphic. I only got the chance to watch it a few weeks ago & had no idea what to expect. I wouldn't watch this again.

The other one I can't remember. I thought it was called "Wrong Turn" but that's the one with Eliza Dushku. No. This one focused on two girls in deserted Texas. Yeah, another cannibalistic movie.


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I don't get scared or creeped out by any of the bloody, nasty gory horror movies that have been coming out in recent years. I am, however, completely freaked out by a lot of the old horror movies, where the bloody stuff is assumed, and you're left to use your imagination, because you don't see anything. Movies like Psycho (and the old Twilight Zone episodes, too!)...those suckers get to me, cuz I've got a great imagination, and I think I wind up dreaming up something far worse than anything I've ever actually seen in a movie.


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I am actually really curious to see drag me to hell...I usually don't like scary movies but this one has been getting good reviews and I might just suck it up from being a baby and go!


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I had to come on here and share what happened today while at my local Barnes & Noble:

I had picked up the new issues of Fangoria and Horrorhound, so I'd moved onto the music/movie department to browse their horror section (there was a buy two, get a third free sale on dvds that I could not pass up; I picked up Carrie, The Last House on the Left (original), and Suspiria). While I was trying to decide between Carrie and Friday the 13th Part 2, an employee came by to invite me to B&N's first horror film club meeting.

I thought finding a horror fim club in town would be impossible, so I'm super excited (especially since I am a fan of the movies they plan to discuss).



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Originally Posted by nunu
Definately Hard Candy then comes SAW 2.

My friend told me to watch Hard Candy.... afterwards I wanted to punch him! I really hate that movie it is so horrible on so many levels


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"Bastard Out Of Carolina". The most disgusting thing is that the movie was based on a book that was actually the author's account of her own life growing up with an abusive step father. There are a few sexual molestation scenes, and at the end, there is an actual rape scene. I don't do this scenes, hell no. That disturbs me very much. Also, there is a lot of physical violence in the movie between the stepfather and the young girl. He beats her in like, three different scenes and it's very disturbing and graphic.

If you ever have the opportunity to see that movie, pass on it. Especially if you love kids. It will just break your heart.


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Originally Posted by ashley8119
"Bastard Out Of Carolina". The most disgusting thing is that the movie was based on a book that was actually the author's account of her own life growing up with an abusive step father. There are a few sexual molestation scenes, and at the end, there is an actual rape scene. I don't do this scenes, hell no. That disturbs me very much. Also, there is a lot of physical violence in the movie between the stepfather and the young girl. He beats her in like, three different scenes and it's very disturbing and graphic.

If you ever have the opportunity to see that movie, pass on it. Especially if you love kids. It will just break your heart.

I love the movie but the book is a thousand times better. It's disturbing, but that stuff happens, so I watch it anyway. Have you read the book?


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Originally Posted by smith130
crash- disturbing but in a thought provoking
kids- one of my fav ever. its really sad but happens everyday.
thirteen- which someone just mention was a great movie.
not a movie but, roots. that series gave me nightmares when I was a kid and would make me pissed off. All the stories are deep and makes me feel a certain way to see that sad period of american history.

and last but not least terminator. silly I know. i was 7 when I first saw this and for some reason I love apocalyptic sci fi stuff. I still have nightmares to this day about some secret govt thing and robots. the matrix made this worse. the last one sealed the deal casue at the very end when u hear all these ppl on the radio and they r in some bat cave looking thing I was fed up! That used to be my job when I was in the military. I reconized the verbiage and freaked out. cant wait to have christian bale scare the beejeezus out of me in the new one tho.

I can't watch roots either. my dad used to watch when it was on tv during black history month when I was younger. For some reason I can deal with all the gore and blood and guts of like the Saw movies and other horror films but movies about slavery... i just can't do it. it makes me so sad... i think because it's real and i know its real i just can't deal with people being treated that way.


Active member
Not very many film's these day's scare me. 'Horror' is now confused with gore and slasher films marketed to Teenagers.

Which I don't particularly find frightening at all. Some do. I don't. Most of those are full of Pyscho's on PCP - Really, who the fuck run's around with a chainsaw for three hour's, top speed?!

Anyway. I personally am attracted to a lot of the 70's and 80's flicks. Some scary ass shit was made in those days. Very intimate, personal filming.

But here's what's made me scared of the dark:

- Last House On the Left - (Original) A favorite, but very disturbing. Only thing I really like from Craven. The Original was very realistic, especially the scene where they're in the woods and disemboweling the friend - just stringing out her large intestate. The Mother ripping off the guy's dick with her teeth.

"Listen to daddy. I want you to take the gun, and I want you to put it in your mouth, and I want you to turn around and blow your brains out. Blow your brains out, BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!"...Just...WOW. What a movie.

I was almost enraged while sitting in the theater for the newer film - that they had left that scene out. Very upset. Grr. The Microwave scene ALMOST makes up for it. But it still falls short.

- The Strangers - Ack. The part where she's sitting in the kitchen and Sack Face is standing in the corner watching her. Ack. Omg. Omg. Omg. Not many newer 'horror'/'thriller' movies these days can freak me out like that one can but WOW. I nearly jumped out of my skin at this film.

- Original, Chucky film. - I've only watched this recently. Maybe, six months ago? Ugh. I hate that doll...His voice, ugh, just everything. So twisted. Everything about that Movie was fucked up. The Mom saving what little they had of their money to get her son something he really, really wanted only to have it turn around, go monster on their ass and kill everyone. Mom was pretty fucked up too, who the hell buys something that looks so TERRIFYING?! for their kid. What happened to a GI Joe?

- Nosferatu - It's silent. But scary, scary, scary. Holy Hell Batman. =O!

- The old, 'When A Stranger Calls' freaked me out babysitting. I would sit for this couple and their two kids. They had a two-story house with 27 windows (Yes, I counted). All open. No blinds. I stayed upstairs with the kids and a cell phone and didn't come back down until the parents came home.

- Bug - Man. I just watched this again the other day. Love it. Not really scary, disturbing yes. I kept smacking myself for a few days after first seeing this, I swear I was feeling bugs. LOL. But the acting was brill!!! Basically only TWO people for the entire two-in-a-half hours.

- Bully - Really hit deep and down and outright disturbed me.

- Anything dealing with Demons of that sort scare me to death! I went with a friend to go see the Omen remake. And in the middle of the Movie the film BURNED. Like, you could see it brown and blacken across the screen type of burn. And then when they finally got it up and running again the sound wasn't working. I really considered walking out.

- I guess another one...was sort of disturbing. I don't know the name of the film, so maybe someone who does can set me straight. This Serial Killer/Crazy Woman, ties up this guy in a chair and proceeds to Rape him. Sit's on his c*ck and tell him that when she gets to three (or was it five?) orgasms she's going to kill him. She does get to three...however it's HER head that's blown off, brains splattering the wall and, she's headless on top of Him. How sick is that?

- Audition - I challenge you, dare you even - to watch this film!!! This bothered me so bad after I watched it. It's a little slow in the middle. But the last half hour will make it all worth while. (It's even hosted on YouTube, in parts.)

That girl in that movie is SO fucked up and creative...using the wire to twist and slice off all of his limbs...sticking him FULL of needles, chest, face, EYES. and that body bag...omg that bag rolling around...egh. and her GIGGLING while she does it all. - Sadistic bitch.

My Watch List: (Thanks to you all!

(To Finish) Old Boy.
(To Finish) Suspira (Blood and everything is GORGEOUS in this film - A must see!)
Requiem for a Dream
Cannibal Holocaust
A Clockwork Orange
(To finish watching - Original) The Wickerman
Fatal Attraction
[REC] (Russian original version before the US fucked it up and turned it into 'Quarantine')
Funny Games (If anyone knows where to find the US version of this online, please link me! I can't find it anywhere. -_-)
Blair Witch Project
Alice, Sweet Alice
(To Finish) Deliverance

Oh. And erm. Pee Wee Herman is a fucking scary man...


Well-known member
"State's Evidence" was horrible! Seriously- don't see it! It contains the murder and rape of a child.
"Revolutionary Road" disturbed me. It was SO depressing.


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Requiem for a Dream...totally agree with you guys on this. Sad/disturbing.

Um, The notebook. It is my favorite movie, but I always have to stop watching it in the middle, because I can't get through the end anymore without balling. Every single time. It just eats me up to pieces that Allie can't remember her own husband, and that he just loves her so much, that he moves into a nursing home to be with her and remind her everyday. I just wish a love like that existed in my life....where is my Noah? Ands I don't want to be a movie spoiler, but the end really, really pulls on my heart strings. Ok now I am getting teary eyed. lol.

Not really a scary/disturbing movie, but the movie "click" really eats away at me (the one with adam sandler)....because we all know that could happen to any of us, if we ever got an magical remote (at least it could happen to me lol).

Other disturbing movies would have to be in general... movies with plots along the lines of you and your bf/family driving somewhere, then you ask somebody for directions, and then you go off the path and your car breaks down....and then you all know your going to die. Scary. lol

Um the movie silent hill anybody? That siren gives me nightmares!!!!


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beautifulxface - I completely agree with you about todays horror films.

The big budget, mass market releases typically fall into one of these categories:

-R-rated "torture porn" with over the top sex, nudity, and language that do nothing to enhance the plot.

-PG-13 with mediocre plot and predictable scares.


The only good horror being put out now is either foreign or from a smaller production; either way they're only released in to a small market. It's quite irritating to a horror fan like me to be missing a lot of excellent films because they don't come to my town.

I don't feel like horror of today resonates or will be memorable like many past films. Nothing that gets large releases and publicity is original; it's either a remake or a sequel that's essentially the same as it's predecessor, just with new characters.

I could go on, but it'd really just turn into a rant (especially on the topic of remakes).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DOLLface
beautifulxface - I completely agree with you about todays horror films.

The big budget, mass market releases typically fall into one of these categories:

-R-rated "torture porn" with over the top sex, nudity, and language that do nothing to enhance the plot.

-PG-13 with mediocre plot and predictable scares.


The only good horror being put out now is either foreign or from a smaller production; either way they're only released in to a small market. It's quite irritating to a horror fan like me to be missing a lot of excellent films because they don't come to my town.

I don't feel like horror of today resonates or will be memorable like many past films. Nothing that gets large releases and publicity is original; it's either a remake or a sequel that's essentially the same as it's predecessor, just with new characters.

I could go on, but it'd really just turn into a rant (especially on the topic of remakes).

Exactly!! I don't even bother with horror movies nowadays for those reasons.

Makeup Emporium

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OK, I saw Blindness the other day because it was mentioned here. The scary thing is that some people are really THAT morally corrupt! If something like that actually happened I have a feeling it would be even worse then the movie Portrayed...that's the disturbing part for me!


Active member
Is it Sunday Yet??

V2Lucky, in an earlier post mentioned something about the film 'Begotten.'

Well there I go, running to watch the so proclaimed, 'so disturbing-I-need-to-go-to-church," film.

I am nearly twenty minutes into this film and all I have to say is:

Is it Sunday yet?

I want to crawl in a corner, clutch my knee's to my chest and rock myself back and forth and cry. I want to gouge out my eyes.

This film is nothing but black and white images. No sounds but occasional thuds, except for static silence and crickets.

I haven't slept tonight. I've sat here, struggling to just watch this film in 30-40 seconds takes.

This is the ultimate, 'disturb' film.

This is God. Jesus Christ. Skinning and disemboweling himself with what looks like a barbar knife, the very first scene of this 'film.' (Not your typical 'Christ' get-up with the beard and long hair in the pictures and movies we see, but he does have the familar long flowy white robe on. But it is listed in the credits of the movie as: Actor - xxx Cast as - God, Killing Himself)

Then this woman (which I'm assuming is Mary...) comes out from beneath his robe, after 'God' has died and gives him a hand job. The camera stay's through everything, there is no first class, tricky cut away's - this is filmed like a documentary. When you want to look away - this scene keep going, almost unbearably long.

It's bothered me so much that I can't sleep. I'm not an active church goer anymore but I still believe in God. So, V2Lucky - I too, feel like God is upset with me. That scene is so horrible, almost like the Devil directed it or something.

I mean, the man who play's God is seizing and rocking back and forth on a chair like a man who has just escaped from an insane asylum, while hacking away at his flesh. It's crazy.

I 'fast forwarded' through it, thinking that there is no way that there is anything worse or just as bad than that scene. Wrong.

There is disembowelment like I've never seen. I thought the original Last House on the Left scene was pretty extreme. There is this group of people that are stringing out inside's like clothes lines, and choking people with them to death.

I know I gave most of the film away. Be mad at me. But to the people who are disturbed just by reading by what little was said you definitely will -not- be able to watch this movie.

And please believe me when I say reading it isn't even as disturbing as watching it. The way this was filmed, it will stick with you forever. I for one, will never, ever forget watching this film. And I don't think anything will ever top this movie either, unless someone actually dies in front of me in real life. Honest to goodness.

...Is it Sunday yet?


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"American Psycho." Never, never, never again, Christian Bale's hot bod notwithstanding.

Any movie involving or even implying violence against children or animals. Yes, I'm a delicate flower.


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I love sick, twisted, disturbing films. I don't know why, but I just like to see how far people go because, after all, it is just a movie. I don't get disturbed by films, but there is one that squicked me out.

It's called 'Vase de Noces'(The Wedding Trough), however it's better known as 'The Pig Fucking Movie' because that's what happens. A man has sex with a pig (and the pig is always running away so technically it's not even consensual). The pig has babies and he knits blankets for them(I'm not even joking) and when the pig babies don't behave properly at the dinner table, he punishes them by hanging them. His baby pig-momma is so distraught upon finding this that she drowns herself. Not ready to live his life without his beloved pig the gentleman buries himself along with his lady, but soon decides he's not ready to die yet because he'd rather do something else. Something so horrifying I'm not going to discuss it because it's just wrong.

I figured giving away the "plot" wouldn't be a problem because no one would want to see a movie with a title like 'The Pig Fucking Movie' and if you do, I don't think you'd really care.

The movie is called an "art film," I assume, because it's in black and white and has no dialouge and also as a ploy to get people to see it.

Yes, there was a meaning the director was trying to get across, but still, it's kind of hard to focus on anything when a grown man is constantly chasing around a pig. So he can fuck it.


Active member
Well. I finished it. Begotten. Still disturbed.

My final thought's for folk who are thinking about watching it - don't knock it until you've watched it all the way through.

There is no dialogue, moaning, screaming, etc. It's very slow. It isn't entertaining - you don't sit around eating popcorn while you watch it. (It has a plot though, you are able to follow it throughout the entire movie)

It is a piece of art.
Very weird and disturbing art.

To summarize:

I'm going to gouge out my eyes.

I want this film.

I need to attend Church.

EDIT: On the post above, no one was choked to death. He was actually just being LEASHED and pulled along by a woman who pulled out someone else's intestine.