Movies that disturb you :(


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Originally Posted by DOLLface
If you haven't already, go see Orphan (like right now)!!!

I finally made it to a morning showing (I like to see movies when few will be there) and I can honestly say it's probably one of the best main stream, big budget horror films I've ever seen (if you read my rant several posts ago, you'll know how I feel about modern American horror). Everything was well done - the acting, the way it was shot, the story. It was also perfectly disturbing.

I don't want to give anything away because I think it's better to go into this movie not knowing any extra details than what is given in the trailer. I stayed away from reviews and if you plan on seeing Orphan I recommend you do the same.

glad you enjoyed it! I agree with your review - the acting and story were excellent. Max was so adorable and the girl who played Esther =
i mean come on, she's like what.. 12 years old?!

I like to watch movies at the matinee showings as well - usually the first showing of the day on Fridays. I saw Orphan a second time this past Sunday, the 8pm showing. Wow. It's a completely different experience.. People were screaming/hollering obscenities and having full-on conversations.. it was horrible. I had already seen the movie once so I wasn't too upset about it.

Also, what is up with people bringing their toddlers and little kids to R-rated movies? Both times I saw it there were a ton of little kids there - as little as 3-4 year olds and some kids who looked about 9-10. The parents need a good


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Originally Posted by LeeleeBell
The Unborn part 1...from the 90s.

This clip will say enough lol YouTube - The Unborn(1991)

I can't watch this video right now but.. is this an earlier version of the new Unborn movie? The Unborn was released earlier this year I think.. I saw it (of course) and really enjoyed it. Wasn't the best horror movie, but it did have some really awesome and creepy scenes. The dog with the twisted head is one of the creepiest things I have ever seen

I'm not particularly picky when it comes to horror films. I enjoy all of them - from the classics to the cheesy Sci-Fi movies... I even love the slasher type films and more obscure films like Monster Man and the underrated Exorcist III. I loved the new Friday the 13th movie that came out a few months ago. It's in the typical slasher format - but I still love it because it delivers those classic jump-out-of-your-seat scares.


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alka1 - I agree, Max was so cute and the actress who played Ester did an amazing job for being only twelve years old.

I prefer to see movies early or on days when it might not be super busy. I went to the earliest showing (10:20) and only six people showed up after me.

I really don't understand bringing young chidren to see R-rated horror films. I saw the new Friday the 13th twice and both times there were kids between the ages of five and twelve. I wasn't allowed to see R-rated movies at that age; it probably wasn't until I was around fifteen or sixteen that I was given permission to see them. It was incredibly difficult because I've loved horror from a young age, but I wasn't allowed to see a lot of those movies. I'm only seventeen now, but I'm making up for all lost time.

I'm glad to hear you liked the new Friday the 13th. As I said above, I saw it twice, so I could decide if I really liked it or not. It had it's moments (there were a few kills I really enjoyed) and I liked that it was a re-imagining of the first few films versus a remake of the original (which is my personal favorite of the series). It also gets major points for casting Jared Padalecki.

The Unborn released in 1991 and the recent one are unrelated. I missed out on the new one when it was in theaters, but I'm thinking I'll give it a chance (I tend to have the bar set low for PG-13 horror) and add it to my Netflix.


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Orphan is probably one of the more disturbing films I've seen recently. It left a really weird feeling with me for a few days after watching it.

Also checked out Kids, Bully, and Blindness thanks to this thread. Kids and Bully were all sorts of fucked up, and Bully actually made me feel nauseous.

Blindness was great, I loved it a lot. I didn't find it particularly disturbing, though it was a strange and unsettling plot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alka1
I can't watch this video right now but.. is this an earlier version of the new Unborn movie? The Unborn was released earlier this year I think.. I saw it (of course) and really enjoyed it. Wasn't the best horror movie, but it did have some really awesome and creepy scenes. The dog with the twisted head is one of the creepiest things I have ever seen

No...they only share the same name.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I saw Teeth a few days ago and i'll add it to the list..

I agree! Teeth was disturbing..a bit campy, but disturbing nonetheless.

I remember watching Pet Sematary when I was younger..that little boy still gives me the creeps **shudders**


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Grace (2009)

I can't believe I forgot to mention this on here after watching the trailer a couple months back because it looks oh so disturbing.

Of course, America makes what is looking to be an excellent horror film that does well at film festivals, but still chooses to only release it in a limited market (more specifically, LA and NY starting on August 14th).


I also have an update on Antichrist:

The theatrical release is set for October 23rd, but I'm not sure how large the release will be because of the controversial content of the film. There were rumors that the movie would be edited for US audiences, but I just read that it will be released uncut.


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Orphan. Honestly, it was creepy on TOO many levels. I can't even begin! I just couldn't get it out of my head how disturbing it was. The kids gave a great performance, especially the girl playing Esther. As a parent, however, I don't think I would allow my child to portray or engange in such an adult subject, even if its for a movie, and they get payed millions. Thats why we end up with the crazies in the media.

It was weird :s


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this isn't a movie... but i've been watching the tudors... the first two season and some of the torture scenes are really horrible. they don't show everything but the screaming and the implied torture are enough to make me cringe. horrible part is that most likely they really did that to people. not to mention they the killed people in some very horrible ways... not just beheading or hanging. i'm so glad i didn't live in the 1500's.


Well-known member
House of 1000 Corpses,
The Devils Rejects, (Rob Zombie truly disturbs me.)
Hostel 2,
House On Haunted Hill ( i watched this when i was 8, it scared the crap out of me, i still get nightmares about it to this day & i will NEVER watch it again.)
Dawn Of The Dead, (before this movie, i had no problem with zombies, and i laughed how people were killed by zombies when they were so slow, but with the remake... came fast, horrible zombies, which have scarred me for life.)
The Blair Witch. I wasn't even allowed to watch it until i was older.
Suicide Circle (Club) - A really creepy, disturbing, messed up movie. After i watched this, it left me with a horrible, empty feeling inside. Yuck.
The Nightmare Before Christmas - i watched this when i was little, and i dont know why, but it freaked me out soo bad. I cannot watch it to this day. I know its a "classic" but whatever !


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Orphan. Honestly, it was creepy on TOO many levels. I can't even begin! I just couldn't get it out of my head how disturbing it was. The kids gave a great performance, especially the girl playing Esther. As a parent, however, I don't think I would allow my child to portray or engange in such an adult subject, even if its for a movie, and they get payed millions. Thats why we end up with the crazies in the media.

It was weird :s

OMG I totally agree!!!! The hubby and I went to see this and after the movie ended we were like, I wonder if the child that played Esther was affected by the role? It was just too creepy

Please see this movie...besides being creepy it was one of the best suspense movies I have seen in a while.


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I just read an article about Orphan in the current issue of Fangoria and the director said that all the children handled the material they were given really well and it didn't affect them in a negative way.

I was just curious if anyone has seen The Collector or A Perfect Getaway?

I'm hoping to see The Collector soon, but it's not showing at the theater I typically go to (which is quite strange because it's showing at every other theater in town and they had a huge poster of it hanging in the lobby when I saw The Proposal several weeks ago). I think I'll try to make it to a morning showing of A Perfect Getaway tomorrow.


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I am curious about The Perfect Getaway as well - please post your thoughts if you end up seeing it!


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The Orphan was NUTZ!!! I was expecting an Omen type thing, but this was so weird... it caught me completely off guard. (shudder) The Exorcist got me too, I still have scenes from this in my mind. I'm another who loves "spooky" movies. Night of the living dead, the old one from the 60's creeps me out.


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The new friday the 13th movie was absolutely horrible! Not disturbing, just plain crap. All the horror re-makes are crap. Movies rarely disturb me but I found "Old Boy" pretty disturbing in the end.

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