Movies that disturb you :(


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Originally Posted by bellaboomboom
American Psycho (w/ Christian Bale) was disturbing. The part where he killed that guy with an ax in his living room

the book was SO GOOD. very, very, very disturbing (some scenes were absolutely vomit-worthy), but i loved it. the movie was quite horrible. Christian Bale did a great job of portraying the main character, but it really did not compare to the book.

i also watched Paranormal Activity a couple of weeks ago.. i didn't think it wasn't scary at all, and i'm the one who usually cries while watching scary movies and can't sleep for a week. i thought the characters were pretty bad at acting. the only remotely freaky part was at the end when her face got all distorted and she ate the camera or whatever..


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Originally Posted by DOLLface
I thought I'd resurrect this thread since I just saw the new The Wolfman today. Love to hear thoughts from anyone else who's seen it. I'll add mine a little later; I'm still trying to figure out if I really liked it or not.

Also, did anyone see Daybreakers or Legion? What did you think? I missed Daybreakers, which I'm disappointed about, and I'm thinking I'll wait for Legion on dvd.

Daybreakers was pretty bad... predictable plot... kinda like every zombie movie in existence, but with vampires.

Legion was equally as bad... plot was just a let down. The only good part of the movie they show you during the previews of it, haha.

I saw Wolfman this weekend... it was alright. A bit slow getting started, but then it picked up. I liked the cinematography of the movie, like how they did the lighting and how it was dark and moody.


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Originally Posted by claralikesguts
i also watched Paranormal Activity a couple of weeks ago.. i didn't think it wasn't scary at all, and i'm the one who usually cries while watching scary movies and can't sleep for a week. i thought the characters were pretty bad at acting. the only remotely freaky part was at the end when her face got all distorted and she ate the camera or whatever..

HAHA! I saw Paranormal Activity too and it did not scare me at all. I actually fell asleep at some point and woke up right at the end when her face was distored. What actually happened? I assumed she killed her boyfriend and became possessed.


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Originally Posted by panther27
Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door really creeped me out.

ME TOO!! OMG that was just horrible especially since it was based on a true story. I was very curious to see what was true and what wasnt. I think the real story was worse
. Have you seen the real people it was based on? BTW I can not watch that movie again. It truly upset me.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
So I finally watched the remake of the Last House on the Left. I thought that it was going to be really bad but it was not as bad as I thought. Movies with rape sceens tend to be some of the worst as they just seem to be disturbing to me as a woman. That scene was not too bad and not nearly as bad as the one in the Jodie Foster movie The Accused.

I also just saw the Unborn. Why is it that I find movies where the bad characters are children (or look like children) the most disturbing? The Ring was the same thing...that chick freaked the shit out of me!!


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I missed this thread!

I have a few updates. (Btw, Ross, Marshalls, and Wal-Mart have great movies for under 5 bucks. I found some great horror classics!)

Slither: Awesome movie. A great find! It's a horror comedy, a tribute to cheesy 50s alien movies. It's great though, if you can find it I definitely recommend it!

Fright Night: LOVE this one. 80s Vampire film, a cult classic. Some great and fun moments in this movie. Worth a watch

As for new releases..

The Crazies: Two thumbs up. I didn't know this was a remake, so while watching it I'm thinking.. this is classic Romero. Sure enough, he made the original movie. This one is getting great reviews. Go see this one! Acting was great, very creepy moments, fun horror film all around.

Shutter Island: Great atmosphere and mood, great directing by Scorcese! Story is great, this is now one of my favorites

edit - Forgot about Wolfman! Thought it was good overall, effects were fantastic, story was what you would expect. Overall very enjoyable I think. I really want to see the original now to compare them


Well-known member
alka1 - Wal-Mart has become my new favorite place to shop for horror movies. I went back in December and was so excited to see that they have a $5 horror section and then a larger section at $9.

I forgot to add my thoughts on The Wolfman since my last post, so here they are:

Overall, I liked it. Was it the superduperawesomeness that part of me always hopes a remake will be? No, but I don't regret seeing it and I'd watch it again (although I prefer the original). The issues I had were the rushed beginning (I read that they cut 15-20 minutes out) and all the cgi. I understand why they had some problems with the film (last minute director change, re-shoots, etc.), so I'm hoping certain things will be restored to a director's cut dvd.

I'm thinking I'll wait on Shutter Island, so I can read the book. I can't wait to see The Crazies! I borrowed the original from a friend in my stats class (it's pretty great, we talk horror all the time) and loved it.


Well-known member
I really enjoy horror movies, however their 'scares' are usually short lived for me. Most movies that disturb me aren't in the horror generally dramas and what not. Movies that are super powerful and shocking.

Kids: My jaw dropped at the end of this one. I just couldn't believe what I had watched, just when you think it couldn't get did.

Thirteen: Another movie that just went there. Let's face it we ALL know girls that took routes like that...rather they were a friend or just someone you went to school with.

American History X: Crazy ending, I went through so many emotions as the credits were rolling. And the curb scene was just....horrifying.

All good movies...just very powerful emotionally.


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Ebola Virus :|

I watched this last night. I didn't sleep much.

Guy and pal go to africa - horrendous scene - return to japan - horrific horrendous scenes - everyone has ebola - horrendous scenes again - finis.

It's a good watch! Anthony Wong however plays the same serial killing rapist he plays in every movie.


Well-known member
Wolf Creek ... because I live in Australia
. That's messed up.

Also The Number 23 which isn't even a horror movie! But i took ages to sleep after that one :S


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cupid
I really enjoy horror movies, however their 'scares' are usually short lived for me. Most movies that disturb me aren't in the horror generally dramas and what not. Movies that are super powerful and shocking.

Kids: My jaw dropped at the end of this one. I just couldn't believe what I had watched, just when you think it couldn't get did.

Thirteen: Another movie that just went there. Let's face it we ALL know girls that took routes like that...rather they were a friend or just someone you went to school with.

American History X: Crazy ending, I went through so many emotions as the credits were rolling. And the curb scene was just....horrifying.

All good movies...just very powerful emotionally.

I agree all of these movies are disturbing, not in the traditional "scary movie" sense though.
Especially KIDS! Omg, my best guy friend was telling me how much of an impact this movie makes on you and blah blah blah, so we got a group of friends together and watched this movie and it stuck with me for days. Great independent film and I honestly think that ALL pre-teens and teens should be required to watch it. Really scary stuff that could happen and does happen to alot of people.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Shutter Island did intrigue me, I wouldn't say it scared me though. I was going over the scenes in my head trying to figure out what the hell happened fohr a few days.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
ME TOO!! OMG that was just horrible especially since it was based on a true story. I was very curious to see what was true and what wasnt. I think the real story was worse
. Have you seen the real people it was based on? BTW I can not watch that movie again. It truly upset me.

No,I don't know who the people are who were involved in real life.But yeah,what makes this movie really scary is that it is a true story,how could anybody really do that to a person?Ughhh.And another thing that bothers me is cruelty to animals in movies,I absolutely can't watch.If there's a part in a movie with it,I either skip past it or just turn it off.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
Shutter Island did intrigue me, I wouldn't say it scared me though. I was going over the scenes in my head trying to figure out what the hell happened fohr a few days.

I haven't seen it yet but I've been dying to.. but you should read the book! It definitely answers any questions the movie may have left you with.


Well-known member
For all of you who would LIKE to be able to watch horror movies but find it's too scary, I recommend just laughing it off.

Laughing is my default when movies scare me. For example, MissResha mentioned the Exorcism of Emily Rose. I watched it in my basement with a friend, at night, while were like, 12. When the girl was thrown through the car window, my friend screamed bloody murder, but i was on the flooring crying from laughter. Paranormal Activity was another movie that made me laugh A LOT.

My boyfriend also hates scary movies, but can watch them with me because my reactions make him laugh.
Hah, am I weird?


Well-known member
I would like to add Ravenous to this list! I saw it as a teenager with my bf at the time...I have no clue why he wanted to watch this, but it was not good for the mind!


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I know this may seem weird, but Kujo (spelling?!) I had been bitten by a dog when I was younger, and when I saw it as a kid (movie) it tramatized me even more. I was scared of dogs until the age of 22. Literally, my friends would have to put their dogs up if I went over. With big dogs I still flinch sometimes, and if I see a dog running towards me unleased I tense up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaboomboom
Well I just saw a horribly scary and gory movie on Sunday on the SciFi channel - "Midnight Meat Train". I could hardly sleep that night
I actually could not watch the whole movie because I was by myself and I got so creeped out but had to go to bed since it was late

I watched that! I fast forwarded through some of it though, but the ending was crazy twist. I liked it!


Well-known member
Im usually pretty good with scary movies, but Paranormal Activity screwed me up for a while, it was really hard for me to watch, it felt way too real for me. FAR too hard to fall asleep for a good week.

I think the jumpy movies scare me the most. Im pretty good with the torture and grusome stuff though, i dig that ! Gives me makeup inspiration. SPFX MY FAVE.

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