Movies that disturb you :(


The Unbearable Lightness of Being! It's disturbing because it's about some emotionless and philandering but talented man, and his pathetic marshmallow and submissive wife. Oh lord why was it so highly acclaimed? Like a cross between the slow pace of the English Patient and the 'tolerance' of that Tammy Wynette classic "Stand by you man".


Well-known member
Theres a movie called The Girl Next Door. Not the comedy version! I have never seen it but refuse to do so cause of the content. But I'm sure if I did it would be the most disturbing movie I've seen. Because it really happened and is such a sad sad story. Its about the murder of Sylvia Lykins. One of the worst stories I've heard about child abuse ending in death. There was also a movie called An American Crime based on it, but I've heard The Girl Next Door is even more disturbing. The people that did it to her walked free!

Here's her story. Warning it will make you very angry and sad esp. if you have children. So if your sensitive to that dont read...


Well-known member
I just saw that The Girl Next Door was already mentioned sorry bout that

Does anyone remember the ending of the cult classic Sleepaway Camp? scarred me for life lol The image was/still is burned into my mind


Well-known member
I just saw that The Girl Next Door was already mentioned sorry bout that

Does anyone remember the ending of the cult classic Sleepaway Camp? scarred me for life lol The image was/still is burned into my mind

I love Sleepaway Camp! The first one was great, the rest were awful, but I still enjoyed them because cheesy, over-the-top, ridiculous horror is pretty sweet.

Really want to see Human Centipede.

I also really want to see Martyrs. Sadly, I've heard they're going to be remaking yay for ruining movies! And if that's not bad enough I read that it's being produced by the people who brought us the magic that is Twilight and they're already pushing for Kristen Stewart for the lead, but I've also heard the director(Daniel Stamm who did The Last Exorcism, which I have not seen, but was not impressed with the trailer) is denying the shit out of that.

So I saw A Serbian Film over the weekend. It's pretty brutal and there are things in that movie that are beyond fucked up. It's definitely not for everyone.


Well-known member
I just saw that The Girl Next Door was already mentioned sorry bout that

Does anyone remember the ending of the cult classic Sleepaway Camp? scarred me for life lol The image was/still is burned into my mind
Sleep Away Camp is one of my absolute favourite movies! My best friend and i own the box set!!
We random picked it up about 8 yrs ago when her older brotehr had a flash back to being a kid watching it with his best friend, and his mom turning it off when the two men are in bed petting each other's chest hair.
Best ending ever. I need to watch that again, so hilarious!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
did anyone watch Black Swan? It was a great movie (I give it 9.5/10) but creeped the hell outta me! I'm still scared of clipping my nails after watching it. I wanna see it again coz i loved it but i'm also freaked out, lol!


Well-known member
I don't know why this got so much under my skin, and this may sound silly, but does anyone have any advice on how to get over this really? I am SUCH a baby when it comes to this kind of's psychologically thrilling and thought-provoking, but it still bothers me to the point where I can't sleep...

Ugh, the worst rape scene movie I could barely sit through was The Last House On the Left:

I was disgusted, angry, disturbed... etc. =)


Well-known member
Human Centipede is so freaking.... wrong!
The only funny thing was that I was watching it with my mom and little sister and we were saying which one of us would take what position (especially the middle), my mom appointing me at the end, my sister being the middle person and my mom saying she'd purposely eat a lot of a food.
But seriously, this movie wasn't necessary to make haha.


Well-known member
Theres a movie called The Girl Next Door. Not the comedy version! I have never seen it but refuse to do so cause of the content. But I'm sure if I did it would be the most disturbing movie I've seen. Because it really happened and is such a sad sad story. Its about the murder of Sylvia Lykins. One of the worst stories I've heard about child abuse ending in death. There was also a movie called An American Crime based on it, but I've heard The Girl Next Door is even more disturbing. The people that did it to her walked free!

Here's her story. Warning it will make you very angry and sad esp. if you have children. So if your sensitive to that dont read...
I've seen An American Crime - which starred Ellen Page as Sylvia Likens. It is a truly horrifying story - I just do not understand people (monsters) who could be capable of something like that. Depraved. So, so sad.


Well-known member
Antichrist is really really disturbing,on so many levels.The ending is just so incredibly sick and nasty that I turned my head away.If you've seen this movie you will know what I am talking about!It makes me cringe just thinking about it.


Well-known member
Another one that disturbed me (not at all scary) was Requiem for a Dream. The sex show bit disturbed me because it showed how desp. the girl was for drugs. And of course, the infected arm bit..

If anyone wants to watch it, it's like a more hardcore version of Trainspotting. Trainspotting had bits of humour in it but this has none at all.


Well-known member
I agree very disturbing movie! I cant believe the bf lets his gf do that for the desperation of the sad.

Another one that disturbed me (not at all scary) was Requiem for a Dream. The sex show bit disturbed me because it showed how desp. the girl was for drugs. And of course, the infected arm bit..

If anyone wants to watch it, it's like a more hardcore version of Trainspotting. Trainspotting had bits of humour in it but this has none at all.


Well-known member
ITs good to know I was not the only one freakked out by that movie.:|

did anyone watch Black Swan? It was a great movie (I give it 9.5/10) but creeped the hell outta me! I'm still scared of clipping my nails after watching it. I wanna see it again coz i loved it but i'm also freaked out, lol!


Well-known member
The Fourth Kind freaked me out! Its about alien abduction. I could not sleep at all and kept checking on my baby to make sure she was still there lol...paranoid! I eventually brought her to bed with me so I could sleep.


Well-known member
"BACKYARD" it's considered a "foreign" film - filmed in Mexico and it's about the femicide that's occuring. It's so disturbing because it's graphic and TRUE. It's been happening for years with no end in sight.
Very sad, compelling and very disturbing.


Well-known member
My husband and I went to see Sucker Punch last week, and it definitely is one that is emotionally disturbing. I don't want to elaborate for fear of spoiling it. It was an excellently done movie though.

I am still yet to see Human Centipede though everyone is always talking about it

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