Movies that disturb you :(


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The Shining and Requiem for a dream. Both are great movies that really creep me out!


Well-known member
The Shining and Requiem for a dream. Both are great movies that really creep me out!
i totally agree with you! i esp love requiem for a dream :)

i saw a freaky movie the other day. it was called the hole and is about two brothers that move to a new house and there is a hole in their basement, it is a little silly but still freaked me out!


Well-known member
There is another move called The Hole that stars Thora Birch, very good and completely amazing in a psychological sense.

One movie that disturbs me simply in the fact that there are people that sick out there is The Strangers.

In so far as horror movies...nothing like that scares me.


Well-known member
There is another move called The Hole that stars Thora Birch, very good and completely amazing in a psychological sense.

One movie that disturbs me simply in the fact that there are people that sick out there is The Strangers.

In so far as horror movies...nothing like that scares me.
oh the hole is very freaky but i love it! and the strangers really scared me too - i hate the mindless violece films like that :(


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Coraline creeped me out for some reason, and 500 Days of Summer just irritated me. Idk why.


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The Black Swan disturbed me, too, and Misery. I can't deal with anything Stephen King. The original Shining freaked me out for life! The Lovely Bones freaks me out. It breaks my heart because situations like this have happened too many times to young girls around here, including one that is a serial killer and has not been caught yet. Other ones that freak me out are movies about the holocaust. The Holocaust, Shindler's List, The Pianist, Anne Frank; The Whole Story. Moving and inspirational in some parts, horrifying in others, knowing it really happened. Same with the Boy in the Stripped Pajamas. I find The Piano disturbing and The Passion. I loved Jesus of Nazareth, the mini series, but The Passion is as twisted as Mel Gibson himself. Shiver...


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The most disturbing one I could think of wasn't even a movie but the trailer for the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead. Something about a zombie child freaked me out. Watching the actual movie didnt bother me as much as that trailer did.


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Grotesque (Japanese movie) has to be one of the most disturbing. I don't find Human Centipede disturbing, haha, but most Japanese "horror"/gore is just... a big ol' wtf. I was watching it for about an hour and it was basically just a rape/porn/sexual assault movie. That's it. No real plot whatsoever, oi.

Thirteen Ghosts leaves a bad taste in my mouth as well.


Well-known member
Oh man, I don't even need this or want to try Tarte, but boy is this tempting as I am such a fan of the show. (it's sold by Sephora) .. I ahd no idea where to put this post so I'm considering it a scary movie lol!!!



Well-known member
Oh man, I don't even need this or want to try Tarte, but boy is this tempting as I am such a fan of the show. (it's sold by Sephora) .. I ahd no idea where to put this post so I'm considering it a scary movie lol!!!

Even scarier is that there is an entire palette by Tart for TrueBlood.


Well-known member
me and nick watched one of the nightmare on elm street movies last week. they really freak me out!!


Well-known member
weirdly enough, a movie that disturbed me was "taken". i did not expect that to be disturbing in the least bit when i rented the film. but somehow or rather, that movie freaked me out so much!!


Well-known member
The Human Centipede. Like ew. who thinks of this crap. Also Hostile.

Oh and this movie After Life with Liam Neilson totally freaky. It made me so angry!


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Staff member
One movie that really creeped me out was Shuttle. I didn't know anything about it before watching it, so I didn't know what to expect. It's not like a real horror movie, like the ones I usually watch. It's more of a thriller, it had my attention till the end and was so uncomfortable to watch. The end leaves you totally disturbed. If you want to watch it, don't read anything about it before or watch the trailer, it's a great watch when you don't know where the movie is going. As disturbing as it was, I really liked it, because it's not predictable.

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