my b.fs mom hates me.. Still..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
I think she's a little beyond "standards." She's a control stepdaughter's mpther in law is like this...when they got married, she insisted that she and her son have the first dance at the wedding reception...who the heck ever heard of that???? She's

haha OH HELL NO.. if she ever insisted on that .. I would DEFINITLY go off .. first dances are for bride and groom.. not groom and mom. . Thats something that would piss me of.. evil indeed!


Well-known member
have any of you seen that movie stepmonster.. with jlo.. haha I insisted that Him and I watch that together.. lol.. I was like "!!! ITs just like MY LIFE!!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
have any of you seen that movie stepmonster.. with jlo.. haha I insisted that Him and I watch that together.. lol.. I was like "!!! ITs just like MY LIFE!!" taking it your talking about the movie "Monster in Law"?? god, i love that movie so much!! you should fully sit your bf down and watch it with him, and constantly comment on the crap as things the mother in law does.... hopefully he'll catch on and talk to his mum


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jess98765 taking it your talking about the movie "Monster in Law"?? god, i love that movie so much!! you should fully sit your bf down and watch it with him, and constantly comment on the crap as things the mother in law does.... hopefully he'll catch on and talk to his mum

haha Yes monster in Law thats it! haha I was so tired when I typed that..we did watch it. haha. yeah.. it was amusing

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
I think I would say something to her... Tell her "I know you don't like me but I love your son and I'm going to stay with him, so we can either take it easy or make things hard, that's up to you" or something along those lines.

I haven't met my boyfriend's mother yet and sometimes I'm scared that because we're in a long distance relationship she will not like me for taking her son away...

It seems like that's the case with some mothers and it definitely looks like your boyfriend's mum is very scared of him moving with you... don't take what she says personally, she's just jealous and scared to think he loves you more than her. If he had any other girlfriend she would do just the same.

Good luck beautiful and keep us posted!!!


Well-known member
I hope this comes across OK, hon. I only wish you the best.

I hope you realize that her behaviour towards you isn't about you, it is completely about her insecurity. Someone is "stealing" her posession, her baby. Some women are just like that. It is petty and small, but it seems to happen a lot with mother in laws (ever notice that it is rarely the father in law?).

I agree with others in the thread who say that it has to be dealt with now or it will continue to grow in it's intensity. Chances are, it will only get worse if you get married and have kids. I appreciate that these conversations with your guy and his mom will be difficult, but if her bad behaviour isn't stopped, it unfortunately will most likely become an accepted pattern of behaviour on her part.

The best way to deal with it is to speak frankly to your boyfriend about it. Set standards and boundaries, so that you don't have to feel put down or insulted. You deserve better. If that doesn't work, think about how you want to feel and what you deserve and honestly assess if the situation/relationship is right for you.

Speaking from experience, don't let her drag you into an arguement. She may say something crappy. Fine. Let her act like the jerk. Just try to stay calm and logical with her. If she won't communicate with you in that manner, just say, "I can see you are upset about this, let's talk about it later when we have had a chance to think it over". End the conversation. By all means, when she says something mean, call her on it, just don't let her turn it into a blow out. It makes me sad to hear you say that she insults you and affects your self-esteem.

As nice as your guy is, if he can't make you feel good about the situation, you really need to weigh it all out. You do deserve the whole package. Nothing but happiness.

P.S. Hope your leg isn't giving you too much trouble


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
haha OH HELL NO.. if she ever insisted on that .. I would DEFINITLY go off .. first dances are for bride and groom.. not groom and mom. . Thats something that would piss me of.. evil indeed!

Yeah; that's fu*king NUTS!!!....That's why they have Mother/Son dances!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Say everything you've ever wanted to say to her right to her face the next time she pulls some back-handed insult out at the dinner table. Tell your boyfriend he should respect you and your relationship enough to either tell his mother to fuck off or to let you speak your mind like the adult you are. Your self-respect is worth more than any relationship with a man you will ever have and you'll never be happy with yourself if you let this continue. Pies and gatorade will not win this woman over and neither will keeping your mouth shut and waiting for her to feel guilty enough to change. Say something. And say it soon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
haha OH HELL NO.. if she ever insisted on that .. I would DEFINITLY go off .. first dances are for bride and groom.. not groom and mom. . Thats something that would piss me of.. evil indeed!

Every single person at the reception stood their with their jaws on the floor...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
...when they got married, she insisted that she and her son have the first dance at the wedding reception...who the heck ever heard of that???? She's

O*M*G*. Don't even know what to say to that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
Every single person at the reception stood their with their jaws on the floor...

I can imagine! What amazes me about people who behave like that is that they have absolutely no clue as to how asshole-ish they are behaving. Or worse, they do know and don't care. How narcissistic of the mother in law to demand that kind of attention on a day that does not belong to her. That makes me feel so bad for your step-daugher. How did she take it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I can imagine! What amazes me about people who behave like that is that they have absolutely no clue as to how asshole-ish they are behaving. Or worse, they do know and don't care. How narcissistic of the mother in law to demand that kind of attention on a day that does not belong to her. That makes me feel so bad for your step-daugher. How did she take it?

She didn't say anything...since MIL was paying for the wedding (oh, there's a LONG story behind all of this)...and I apologize to the original poster for hijakcingyour thread...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
She didn't say anything...since MIL was paying for the wedding (oh, there's a LONG story behind all of this)...and I apologize to the original poster for hijakcingyour thread...

haha dont worry about it.. I thinky your story is funny.