I hope this comes across OK, hon. I only wish you the best.
I hope you realize that her behaviour towards you isn't about you, it is completely about her insecurity. Someone is "stealing" her posession, her baby. Some women are just like that. It is petty and small, but it seems to happen a lot with mother in laws (ever notice that it is rarely the father in law?).
I agree with others in the thread who say that it has to be dealt with now or it will continue to grow in it's intensity. Chances are, it will only get worse if you get married and have kids. I appreciate that these conversations with your guy and his mom will be difficult, but if her bad behaviour isn't stopped, it unfortunately will most likely become an accepted pattern of behaviour on her part.
The best way to deal with it is to speak frankly to your boyfriend about it. Set standards and boundaries, so that you don't have to feel put down or insulted. You deserve better. If that doesn't work, think about how you want to feel and what you deserve and honestly assess if the situation/relationship is right for you.
Speaking from experience, don't let her drag you into an arguement. She may say something crappy. Fine. Let her act like the jerk. Just try to stay calm and logical with her. If she won't communicate with you in that manner, just say, "I can see you are upset about this, let's talk about it later when we have had a chance to think it over". End the conversation. By all means, when she says something mean, call her on it, just don't let her turn it into a blow out. It makes me sad to hear you say that she insults you and affects your self-esteem.
As nice as your guy is, if he can't make you feel good about the situation, you really need to weigh it all out. You do deserve the whole package. Nothing but happiness.
P.S. Hope your leg isn't giving you too much trouble