My basic everyday pin-up look


Well-known member
I love the pinup look on you! I actually wanted to mention that I think those deeper blood reds would be really flattering with your skin tone, like Dare You.


Well-known member
I love how you did your liner!


Well-known member
this is an absolutely gorgeous lOOkie for you...
red lips are always to die for (((when done right)))...
n these...are def to die for!!!
but i do agree as far as the trimming of the brows goes...
n seeing a pro for it is def worth it especially cause brows do so much for a lookie!!!
have them clean up the upper line n trim them up n ask them for some tips on up keep...
i think ForgetRegret made a good point about brow wax-it can work wonders n since it sound like you've already tried quiet a few things-give it a shot...
i've tried the one from smashbox n it keeps them perfectly in place...
i take a brow comb/brush w/ some wax on it n give it a quick brush thru so that the hairs are flat...
n then finish off with an angled brush n some brow powder to fill in any gaps n make the top n bottom of the browzies really clean!!!


Well-known member
i love your pinup look! i wish i could rock red lipstick everyday . i love it!
your brows do not look bad to me at all! i do like them =) if anything, maybe thin out the middle part just a little bit (Where it curves)? but honestly it doesnt look bad and keeping them like htat would be good =D


Well-known member
Your hair is so pretty too. For your brows I wouldn't do anything different besides trimming them a lil and using clear mascara to keep them in place. Brush them up and then out and over into place with the wand. Your natural brows are the best shape for your face IMO.


Well-known member
You look so gorgeous with those red lips! I just adore the pinup look, but not many people can really pull it off. You certainly do though!


Well-known member
I agree with thinner end on the brows, and of course filling them in to define the shape.. just because your mother doesn't like your brows doesn't mean you can't!
The eyeshadow paired up with the red lips is so so gorgeous, Russian Red is perfect on you.. you look great!


Well-known member
Thank you so much everyone! I tried sending out individual "quote" replies to everyone but my computer froze up when I was almost done! So again, thank you.

ForgetRegret, thanks for the advice. I will definitely try a wax.

Shadowylady, I am actually considering getting my eyebrows threaded.. I'm a bit chicken right now, but I'll get to it eventually.

ambereness, Thank you hun!!

circusflavouredgum, Thank you babe <3!

Mila, Thanks!