My collection . . . **Edited**


Well-known member
everytime i look at your collection I want a diana brush. I'm gonna look for one, wish me luck your collection is sooooo AMAZING!


Well-known member
God I wish my collection will look like that some day!! Ive not seen anything like in my life. Loving your Style!!! Can I ask did you start of with M.A.C as a make-up artist or on your own? Are they a good company to work for? The reason I ask is that I start my training with a Make-up school in London in september and would love to work for M.A.C after.



Well-known member
First, I'd like to compliment your awesome collection!! Wow! Second, could you tell me which postcard that is in the bottom right corner of the photo that has the Pamela Anderson Viva Glam V postcards at the top left? I can read "Pea-" but the rest of the letters are obscured. Again, beautiful collection!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShadowyLady
First, I'd like to compliment your awesome collection!! Wow! Second, could you tell me which postcard that is in the bottom right corner of the photo that has the Pamela Anderson Viva Glam V postcards at the top left? I can read "Pea-" but the rest of the letters are obscured. Again, beautiful collection!

That's Peachy

Luna Selene

Well-known member
This is an AMAZING collection. I'm so amazed at your eyeshadows and lustreglasses especially, though the lipsticks and glitter eyeliners are tempting too! And of course...the pigment collection totally rocks.

Thanks for posting this!


Well-known member
your MAC collection could very well pay off my Fall tuition.
OMG. This just made me wanna rob a bank =( no, wait, let me take that back. THIS IS RIDICULOUS. I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU, YOU STRANGER!


Well-known member
OMG wow your collection is awesome. how much u spend on all of that? the macys at union square is the only place i go for MAC. when do u work there? as soon as i get some money im gonna slurge on MAC


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzEmo
OMG wow your collection is awesome. how much u spend on all of that? the macys at union square is the only place i go for MAC. when do u work there? as soon as i get some money im gonna slurge on MAC

Haa. Too much. Though most of it was bought at 60% off. I actually need to take new pictures because these are OLD. I work on the 4th floor of Macy's Union Square 5 days a week! The days vary, but I swear I'm there so much I feel like I live there.
how much would you estimate you've spent on MAC?

your collection is absolutely amazing!

(ps: how much do you get off with your employee discount?)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Punkrprincessa
how much would you estimate you've spent on MAC?

your collection is absolutely amazing!

(ps: how much do you get off with your employee discount?)

Spent? Hmm, well I spent at least $1,800 last year, but I know I spent more than that. Our limit when using our staff card is $1500 per year (which I used up by September), and then I spent about $300 on holiday sets for friends/relatives at Macy's. On ebay, I probably spent at least $1,000 so lets just say roughly $2500 just last year. Spent total? I don't know. A lot of it was free from either gratis or EMS and about 50% was bought at 60% off (our discount). I started to add up how much my collection is worth and got as high as $14,000 retail. But a lot of the stuff is d/c l/e and would sell for double, triple or even 6 times it's original retail value if I were to sell it on Ebay. (which I can't because I work for MAC) The total value of it all . . . I'd guess at least $20,000 if not more. Which actually is making my head spin just typing that out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
Spent? Hmm, well I spent at least $1,800 last year, but I know I spent more than that. Our limit when using our staff card is $1500 per year (which I used up by September), and then I spent about $300 on holiday sets for friends/relatives at Macy's. On ebay, I probably spent at least $1,000 so lets just say roughly $2500 just last year. Spent total? I don't know. A lot of it was free from either gratis or EMS and about 50% was bought at 60% off (our discount). I started to add up how much my collection is worth and got as high as $14,000 retail. But a lot of the stuff is d/c l/e and would sell for double, triple or even 6 times it's original retail value if I were to sell it on Ebay. (which I can't because I work for MAC) The total value of it all . . . I'd guess at least $20,000 if not more. Which actually is making my head spin just typing that out.

!!!!!!$20,000.00!!!!! Allan ::faints::

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