My collection . . . **Edited**


Well-known member
how do you like the catherine denevue brush? i was so tempted to get it, but i couldn't justify paying $45 for a brush that i may not use considering i use the 187.


Well-known member
Wow, that's something!

I must stop by your workplace next time i'm in SF, my small bunk town has no MAC anything.


Well-known member
First off you have an amazing amazing collection as a million others have also mentioned on this post. You prob. don't realize it cause your used to it now lol but it is truly remarkable BUT my question is maybe I am imagining this but do you have an 8 pan blush palette?? or what is that in the top pic at the very bottom it has 8 pans in it?? Is it for blush or what is it for and where did you get it?? THX


Well-known member
Originally Posted by koolmnbv
First off you have an amazing amazing collection as a million others have also mentioned on this post. You prob. don't realize it cause your used to it now lol but it is truly remarkable BUT my question is maybe I am imagining this but do you have an 8 pan blush palette?? or what is that in the top pic at the very bottom it has 8 pans in it?? Is it for blush or what is it for and where did you get it?? THX

That's an old "Large palette". If you buy a 15 pan palette now, it says "small palette". They discontinued making large eyeshadows along with making the "large palettes". If you look at the photo of shadows still in their pots, you'll see a few larger ones. Those are the size the old "Large" shadows and I believe blushes used to be. They always made shadows the size the are now, but they also used to make large ones. Make sense


Well-known member
This is totally none of my business, but since MAC is your profession are you allowed to write all of this off on your taxes? If so, that would be awesome...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bottleblack
This is totally none of my business, but since MAC is your profession are you allowed to write all of this off on your taxes? If so, that would be awesome...

yea I was going to look into it actually and if I have time I still will. I'm crazy and actually have every single receipt saved. Those are the only receipts I save though


Well-known member
I was just wondering, what do you use your 150 Diana brush for? I screwed up, buying one thinking it was the 129. Way to go me!

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