My DH lost his job :(

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I know this is hard on you both, but stay strong and stay positive, and you will see that it was for a reason. There is something better planned for you both. It might seem like the time to sulk but you have to stick together and hold each other's heads above the water during the flood, surely you will see sunshine soon

Very best wishes and as I wife myself, my mind and heart is with you.


Well-known member
Oh Janice, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope and pray that things will get better for you and your hubby soon


Well-known member
I'm really sorry to hear about this Janice! We are all here for you! Best of luck to you both & I'm sending positive thoughts and love your way


Well-known member
Awe this is so sad
Im so sorry to hear this. It's so unfortunate when these things happen, because it's completely beyond both of your control, despite doing our best in life theres always times when things we don't deserve are thrown at us, but take it in stride and have faith that everything will be back to normal soon (because it will!) good luck!


Well-known member
Much love to you, Janice. Those kind of unexpected surprises truly suck. I'm sure DH appreciates all the support and love and I'm sure he will get to the point where he knows there is something better for him and that he will be more appreciated elsewhere.
As a side note, Dave Ramsey has a great book out called The Total Money Makeover that has truly helped my husband and I clean up our debt, get our finances together, and to be prepared for the future.


Well-known member
Wow. I am so sorry. I am sorry you and your DH had to go through that.

I have no doubt this will pass and good things will come your way. You give off so much positive energy, it will come back to you guys.

In the meantime, crack a beer, order a pizza, give a sigh, relax and put on a movie. You guys can get a fresh start tomorrow. You have each other and that means a lot.

I am here if you need an ear.


I'm really sorry, but I'm hoping he finds something even better soon. My BIL also lost his job today, he'd been with the company 13 years and had turned down other offers even recently out of loyalty. They called him in this morning to say they can't afford his salary anymore. They let him come home in his work truck and had someone come pick it up this afternoon. We're really hoping he'll come across something better, he'd known for a while that he should find something that paid better but was too comfortable.

Sorry I rambled there but again, I'll hope for the best for you two


Well-known member
hey girl.

first of all, thanks for sharing this with us.

from what you told us about your husband, the next place that hire him is going to be very lucky to have such a loyal, devoted worker. i know you are a very strong woman, janice, and you will do all you can to be there for your husband.

we all love you and we'll keep you guys in our thoughts and prayers.


Well-known member
Oh honey, that is awful. My husband went through this a few years ago as well. Sometimes companies go bad and it's good people that suffer.

You are a very resourceful woman though, and I'm confident you and your husband will weather this storm. *massive big hugs*


Well-known member
I'm sorry to here that. My dad is a contractor so I know how hard it is to suddenly lose income. I hope your guys pull through ok!

Girl about town

Well-known member
Im so sorry to hear that! there will be something better around the corner, i believe things happen for a reason! meanwhile just take care of each other xxx


Well-known member
big hugs Janice!

I am sorry to hear that this has happened to you and your hubby. try to hold onto the thoughts that things will work out, and that you and he have each other... and that's the most important thing.

a similar thing happened to me a few years ago. at the age of 21 i was made redundant from my job because we had new managers and the company wasn't hitting the sales targets.

i was on the back end of administration, so because i wasn't actively making money (not in sales etc) for the company they let me go. my direct manager was kind enough to tip me off a week before it actually happened, but it absolutely shattered me when i found out. it took me a few days to get myself together again and start afresh - so don't be worried if it takes your husband a little while to feel up to applying for new jobs.

it's so easy to become bitter about the situation (i was for a while when it happened to me), but the effort has to be made to try and rise above that. bitterness about losing your job or about how a manager did you wrong can consume your life and affect your happiness. try to do your best to let this go

definitely get the beer and pizza and have a night of fun.


Well-known member
Janice- so sorry to hear this. I know first hand how he feels- it sucks. Just be there for him to talk to if he needs an ear, leave him alone when he needs time to breathe, and everything will turn out right. Things are meant to happen for a reason <---I am a FIRM believer in this. Something grand is on the horizon for him and the both of you! Best wishes.

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
Ugh, I'm so sorry I hope things look up for you and your hubby, I'm sure they will. People who are dedicated to a company for that long usually have no problem finding another job, someone else would be glad to have him and cherish him so much more! Good luck w/ everything.

I kinda know how it feels because I've been with my company for a little while, and even though I'm an associate I've seen so many people come and go, so many management's so frustrating you just never know. So I hope he knows he's not alone.


Well-known member
Well the head honcho came back from his 4 day weekend on Wed and went apeshit around the office when he found out that they had let Ian go. He did his best to salvage the situation, but the creeps had already sent in the paperwork to HR and HR had already processed it. So... We were REALLY hoping that it could be reversed but it wasn't possible.

Ian's mgr was written up for the episode, but it doesn't change what happened.

Ian is doing good, he left today to go to Kentucky to see his little brother graduate from the Army. He's with his mom and his dad and after 11 AM his brother too. So they are going to do the tourist thing all weekend and he'll fly home Sunday. Nice little break for him at a good time.

THANK YOU for all the support ladies. Ian is my buddy, I just want him to be OK. You know how some of mens self esteem is based on how well they provide for their family. But he's doing good, he really is.


Well-known member
Oh Janice sweetie, I am so sorry! I hope that everything truly works out for the both of you!

Office hierarchies are complete shit, and it sucks when people get screwed cause of difficult managers.

Best of luck to both of you, you know we love you and are here if you need someone to talk to


Well-known member
Janice I am really sorry to hear this! And yes you are right - a mans ego and self esteem has a lot of base in provision!
My hubby lost his job after nearly 10 years employ - they sacked him 2 months before his long service leave was due and he has struggled to recover from that - his trade is the only thing he is qualified to do!
I really hope you guys can hang in there - it will get better I am sure, just give it some time and a new door will open somewhere

Big hugs to you!