My DH lost his job :(


Well-known member
Hi Janice, i think DH is a great person. I like the way he straight forward when something is wrong. I hope all the positive stuffs sooner will come into his life =]


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear that Janice. But it could also be seen as an opportinity for him to move onto better and brighter things job-wise. All the best to you and your husband.


Well-known member
i am so sorry to hear that


Well-known member
Janice so sorry to hear about DH's job. I can honestly say that my experience (myself and DH) we have always come out better for it!! (still stings at the time of course) Change is difficult, but know there must be a reason. You have so many wonderful friends here keeping you in their thoughts and prayers. Big hugs........... (can't find the damn hug icon LOL)

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
Well the head honcho came back from his 4 day weekend on Wed and went apeshit around the office when he found out that they had let Ian go. He did his best to salvage the situation, but the creeps had already sent in the paperwork to HR and HR had already processed it. So... We were REALLY hoping that it could be reversed but it wasn't possible.

Ian's mgr was written up for the episode, but it doesn't change what happened.

Ian is doing good, he left today to go to Kentucky to see his little brother graduate from the Army. He's with his mom and his dad and after 11 AM his brother too. So they are going to do the tourist thing all weekend and he'll fly home Sunday. Nice little break for him at a good time.

THANK YOU for all the support ladies. Ian is my buddy, I just want him to be OK. You know how some of mens self esteem is based on how well they provide for their family. But he's doing good, he really is.

Is it possible for him to get rehired?

That doesn't make sense that the "head honcho" said to fix it and they didn't! Blech.

I'm glad you two are doing well, and it's good to spend some quality time with family when these things happen. Those are the people who are behind you 110% through it all.


Well-known member
No, it's not possible. HR had already processed the paperwork (the company is no longer family owned, it's VERY corporate now) and thus Ian is ineligible for re-hire.


Well-known member
Ooh, I'm so sorry to hear about this! Sorry to post so late, I've been kind of scarce lately but big huge hugs to you and your DH, Janice. I'll be sending positive thoughts to Texas.


Well-known member
Wow, I am very sorry to hear that. It sucks the capacity and ability that some people have with little regard to another human's life. Hopefully this is an unexpected change for a new better move in life. At least he will have the best referral ever from the head honcho.

The silver lining (in my opinion) is the way you two are handling it as individuals and as a couple. I've read and experienced that it's not the situation that people go through but how they handle the situation that determines the outcome. You guys sound like you are doing the best that can be expected, and that's wonderful.


Well-known member
Janice, i feel so sorry for you both!

This is an answer I would love to write in German, but I will try my best...

I had some downs the last two years myself and didn't know how to go on. But I have learned to believe that everything has a sense in life, even if you can't see the sense at once.
I am convinced that there is a solution for you and you will look back some day saying: "Wow, that has been a hard time, but we went through it and now it is even better than we have thought it could be!"

I will cross my fingers for you and keep you in my mind until I hear from you that things have changed.

You don't need to change yourself, things will change for you!


Well-known member
Like it was said above....things happen for a reason. This might just be a path to bigger and better things. Also God never gives us more than we can handle. You and your DH are in my prayers!


Well-known member
Dear Janice, i just saw your post in the other thread (video gamers union), and i was wondering how you guys are actually doing? Any updates? Hope you're doing fine


Well-known member
Yeah, everything is good here. Ian is doing well and I must say he's rather enjoying being a house husband. It's nice to have him here during the day because he is so helpful. I would like for him to find another job soon just for financial reasons, but I don't want to put alot of pressure on him. Hopefully he will get motivated soon and start looking in earnest.


Well-known member
So sorry to hear this Janice. Much love and best wishes to you both. fingers crossed there is something better round the corner xx


Well-known member
I'm so sorry that you guys are going through this. I find that in the face of adversity, my husband and I always come out stronger. I will keep sending you guys positive thoughts!


Well-known member
I'm really sorry to hear this! But the only constant is change and usually it is change for the better (even though it may not seem that way now).
You will get through it!