my ex is guna slit my dads throat :(


Well-known member
Thank you so much. That means a lot to me.

I think about you often. Please be safe and do those things in the links. I don't want anything to happen to you or your loved ones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Thank you so much. That means a lot to me.

I think about you often. Please be safe and do those things in the links. I don't want anything to happen to you or your loved ones.

i would not quote if if i didnt mean are wonderful!

i keep trying to get hold of my mother...fingers crossed i will

my cutie cat cupcake is dreaming and making funny noises....thats so wonderful to me and makes me smile


Well-known member
wow, that beyond insane! file a report ASAP! be safe girl! keep a watch out. none of the specktra members want anything to happen to you OR your family.


Well-known member
I agree with all of the comments above and hope you've reported this guy and the proper authorities take steps to keep you and your family safe. There's just no way he has a right to do what he's done to you and to go so far as to involve your family with his bitterness/craziness over your split up.

I really hope you'll be safe.


Well-known member
Sweetie please contact the police and keep you and your family safe. Regardless of your occupation you are a worthy person, and do not deserve to be treated like this. I hope you can get the situation under control, and that you and your loved ones have a good holiday.


Well-known member
hopefully, you've already reported him to law enforcement. you don't deserve this, no matter what you do for a living. keep what you recorded him saying, that's good, solid evidence.


Well-known member
Definitely contact the cops, and if they give you shit for being a stripper, contact more cops and more people until you find someone who'll treat you like a human being. If there are big burly bouncers at your strip club, try to have them be on the lookout for this guy and make sure they see you to your car when you get done with work. Try not to spend any time alone until this is resolved, and like others have said, make sure someone knows where you are at all times - I know people sometimes say that changing your schedule means you're letting the guy control you, but I don't believe that. I believe that, as long as you keep living your life and don't become a terrified shut-in or something, taking extra precautions in response to a perceived threat is just plain SMART.

He sounds completely imbalanced. Keep recording tools handy, anything you've got (photo camera, video camera, audio recorder, anything) - in cases like this, you need all the evidence you can get against him, because unfortunately, sometimes people dismiss cases like yours as "oh, he's just mad and talking shit" and they won't take it seriously until someone gets hurt.

With any luck, he's just trying to scare you into doing what he wants, and he won't really do anything - but I wouldn't want to take the chance of being wrong about that.

Good luck! You deserve the same protection as anyone else, and you'd deserve this protection even if you HAD gotten yourself into this situation through bad choices or being stupid or whatever. A woman who marries an abusive guy thinking he'll stop it once they're married, and then realizes he won't and wants to get out, has the same right to protection as the woman who realizes early on that her boyfriend's unstable and then has to fend him off after dumping him.

And one more time... GOOD LUCK!


Well-known member
im so sorri to hear hun! you really dont deserve should deffo report him straight away!
hope u have a great xmas
and i hope everything is going to be ok!


Well-known member
Hey hun!
i am soo sorry this is happening to you. Did you report him?? you really should!! You don't deserve this.
He is being irrational and he doesn't own you! please keep us updated as we are really worried about you!



Well-known member
report him to the cops - hopefully this is already done!

if it's practical, let your family know that this guy has been making threats so that they stay on the lookout and don't let him into their homes.

if you feel comfortable doing so, let your boss or the head of security at your work know that you've been threatened. most of the time they'll be willing to help as much as possible to ensure that you're safe while you're at work - ensuring that you're walked to and from your car, keeping an eye out for this person, having any calls asking about you screened so that no-one gives out information unwittingly. it can be a big help.

vary your schedule, drive along different routes rather than taking the same way you always do etc. try to have someone with you when you're out, if that possible. if you can't have someone with you, stick to busy places.

stay safe! I hope the police are super speedy in sorting this guy out.


Active member
OMG!!! Report him ASAP. It doesn't matter how he was in the past, how sweet he was, or how long you dated. What matters right now is your and your family's safety. What he said to you, the violence, and the detail used is extremely alarming. And the phone calls, yikes! Please call the police and get a restraining order!


Well-known member
As others have said, it MUST be reported to the police immediately. Aside from that, make sure your family knows, as they were specifically mentioned in his threat.

Tell you friends, employer, apt concierge, etc, so they are all looking out for you and know not to divuldge any info about you or your whereabouts.

Don't travel alone. Go to work, errands, etc with someone feel safe with. Vary your schedules/routes/routines for awhile so that he doesn't know where you will be. This makes it harder for him to plan anything/confront you. I don't know if you can carry pepper spray in Wales, but if so, consider it.

I don't mean to scare you, I just really want to stress your personal security until this is resolved or cools off.

DO NOT loose that recording of his threat. That is evidence that you will need.

Overall, take care and I hope this is resolved soon for you and your family.


Well-known member
It doesn't matter what your job is. Everyone is entitled to safety. I hope you really do consider the safety of your family and tell everyone you know and your local authorities. Even if you don't want to do it for your own personal reasons, you should do it for your family's sake. With that many calls, something is so very wrong with him and I am very scared for you. God, that freaks me out too!

Good luck, I hope everything turns out okay for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Keep a journal of all your interactions with him, so you have a written record of his harassment.....

Excellent point. Keep dates/times/locations, etc. As much info as possible. If you try to obtain a restraining order or take legal action, the more legal back-up you provide, the better chance you have of gaining the protection you seek.


Well-known member
Please stay safe! That's first and foremost! DO NOT go anywhere alone. Do not ignore the phone calls, tempting as it is. He might come and find you instead if he cannot reach you through your phone. And if you still receive the phone calls, at least you can record the conversations still.
Report him, keep all of the evidence.
I know what it's like to be stalked and harassed before, so please take care. I understand what you're going through.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Of course you report it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t think he’s just kidding, just saying it makes him a psycho.
I wish you and your family the best.

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