my ex is guna slit my dads throat :(


Active member
OMG I am in the EXACT same situation! I loved my boyfriend to death and we were togeth 5.5 years but then he cheated on me and wanted some "space" so we broke up and he had sex with 3 girls (this was 3 weeks ago BTW) and then he found out I kissed a guy and FLIPPED OUT and wanted his name and address and called me a whore. It was so scary.

I hope my situation never gets to the point that yours did!!

I think this is definitely worth reporting to the police and getting a restraining order...


Well-known member
Yes. I would report him right now. I have had a psycho ex before- but not quite like this. They don't usually stop until you report it. Good luck and stay strong


Well-known member
Oh! and another thing is if you do report him (which i highly reccomend) you need to make sure not to contact him. When I was dealing with a psycho ex they tried flipping things around on me just cuz phone records were brought out and they saw I called him once or twice which hurt my case. Best of wishes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BRYNN013
OMG I am in the EXACT same situation! I loved my boyfriend to death and we were togeth 5.5 years but then he cheated on me and wanted some "space" so we broke up and he had sex with 3 girls (this was 3 weeks ago BTW) and then he found out I kissed a guy and FLIPPED OUT and wanted his name and address and called me a whore. It was so scary.

I hope my situation never gets to the point that yours did!!

I think this is definitely worth reporting to the police and getting a restraining order...

he did the same... went with loads of girls and made no secret of it

then hacked my myspace and went nuts about me chatting to a guy?

i hope your situation doesnt get outta hand either hun x


Well-known member
ok update

he has stopped calling me...prehaps cos he knows i can record it?

and has started being nasty on facebook sending me these messages...

Why dont you shut the Fuck up. Everybody i speak to hates you by the way. Why is that?
Sent via Facebook Mobile

9:31am Dec 22nd
Why is that
Sent via Facebook Mobile

9:32am Dec 22nd
I know where you work.
Sent via Facebook Mobile

9:33am Dec 22nd
Fucking answer me you bitch
Sent via Facebook Mobile

10:04am Dec 22nd
I made your dream come true and this is how you repay me.
Sent via Facebook

i should keep these as this is still harassment right?
ive decided not to work over the next few weeks.

thankyou're all great

love to the specktra girlies!
just reading all the support and comments is just wonderful
and cheers me up...i dont think you realise how much a releif it is to have somebody listen

ive not been eating or sleeping

(by the way hes saying 'shut the fuck up' to me asking him to stop being so nasty and leave me alone)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
ok update

he has stopped calling me...prehaps cos he knows i can record it?

and has started being nasty on facebook sending me these messages...

Why dont you shut the Fuck up. Everybody i speak to hates you by the way. Why is that?
Sent via Facebook Mobile

9:31am Dec 22nd
Why is that
Sent via Facebook Mobile

9:32am Dec 22nd
I know where you work.
Sent via Facebook Mobile

9:33am Dec 22nd
Fucking answer me you bitch
Sent via Facebook Mobile

10:04am Dec 22nd
I made your dream come true and this is how you repay me.
Sent via Facebook

i should keep these as this is still harassment right?
ive decided not to work over the next few weeks.

thankyou're all great

love to the specktra girlies!
just reading all the support and comments is just wonderful
and cheers me up...i dont think you realise how much a releif it is to have somebody listen

ive not been eating or sleeping

(by the way hes saying 'shut the fuck up' to me asking him to stop being so nasty and leave me alone)

Yes, keep everything as evidence. Even small things help out...and no matter how much you want to comment him back with a nasty message, try to resist, as his lawyers and stuff will use that to try to turn things around on you. I know it's hard now but it's all worth it in the end! Good luck girl!


Well-known member
If you haven't already, get a lock on your gas cap for your car, have a dog, take self-defense course, record everything, document everything, change the locks on your house, and put additional ones. Get motion detector lights on your property.

If you have pictures of him, pass those pictures around to your family, friends, and neighbors. Let them know you are being threatened and stalked. Get his license plate number and description of his car and also pass that information around to them too. If possible get a picture of his car, that would be better for them.

I would have personal protection ready at all times. If it's pepper spray, test it out on the ground and get comfortable using it.

I would carry a camera with me too. I would take pictures of anything odd.

Get familiar with your car and get it checked out. Learn where the brake lines are, etc. Check your car before getting into to it.

Become more observant of your surroundings. Assess where you park and what cars are near your cars. Look around.

Take it from my experience, don't park next to vans.

If you have to run, ditch the heels. After work, don't wear clothes that would restrict you from running.


Well-known member
girl, it happened to me too. I dated this joke for 4 years (he was my first love), and he was a player type. He abused me mentally and emotionally. He always had to be with a girl. He got tired of me one day and decided to go for other girls. He fails, then comes back to me. One day I get tired of this continuous cycle. So I decide to date another guy. He goes psycho when he found out. finds out where that guy lived and bashed his car right in front of us (and his family). Called the cops. They came, I gave them his info and they went to his house. He denied to the cops that he did any of that, despite the fact that so many people were there to witness it. We finally went to court for it (juvenille). Right when we got to court, he finally confessed. The judge gave him 200 hrs of community service.

Somewhere along there, I stopped dating that other guy because we weren't compatible.

I know you girls are gonna hate me for this.... But despite after all that happening.... I got back with him. He sweet talked me and I bought it. I thought he was going to change. BUT I WAS WRONG. He tried to talk to girls behind my back. Everytime I found out, I was devastated and I would go psycho and bitch at him... and he would hit me. Then it got really severe. I would be afraid of him and I was literally his bitch. BUT one day I decided that I'm a human, and i'm no one's bitch. I got up and I left him for good. He would call me and threaten me and I recorded him. The only recording device I have is my cell phone. It can record conversations... but the downside of it is whenever I hit the record button, it beeps and that psychopath knows when I'm recording him. and he said that he'll sue me for recording him because recording people without their consent is illegal. Is that true? I've always wondered about this. The harrassing eventually stopped. That psychopath has a gf now and he still tries to get with other girls, and yes that includes me. But now I am now living a much better life and I'm with a wonderful man.

dollbabybex I know what you're going through. report him, report him, report him. Gosh when i read that message he sent u on facebook saying fucking answer me you bitch... that just bothers me. It's my biggest pet peeve ever to hear a guy call me a bitch. And mainly it's because that psycho path always called me a bitch. I hope that your problems will be resolved soon. Happy new year!


Well-known member
Keep the facebook stuff recorded. Every little bit of contact he has with you, keeo that recorded.

Have you been to the police yet? Please keep up updated to let us know that you're safe lovely!

If it ever gets so bad that you need somewhere to stay for a few days, please do not hesitate to get in touch ok? My doors are always open


Well-known member
As everyone has already said, report this. Harassment is a crime. Don't delete any of the messages. You should show the messages to the police.

Additionally, I would tell you to AVOID RESPONDING TO HIM IN ANY WAY.

I think you're Canadian, but here in America, you could have a restraining order taken out in a heartbeat based on this stuff (whether or not you'd want to bother since they seem to do no good whatsoever, is another matter) But, you don't want to give him any "evidence" that you're "harassing" him.

I work in the legal field and I see this sh*t all the time- harasser tries to beat harasee to the punch and files for a restraining order first. They're usually granted (b/c judges are afraid to make the paper if someone gets hurt and its discovered that they refused to grant a restraining order) and its SUPER EASY TO VIOLATE ONE, most people do it unintentionally. So, even if it's later rescinded, you don't want one against you in the first place.

And general info to all: I don't know about Canada, but in most jurisdictions here, there are usually two types of orders: a full stay-away order where the defendant is to have no contact whatsoever with the victim and a refrain-from order where the defendant must refrain from harassing the victim.

Restraining orders are easy to get. Prosecutors ask for them 24-7 and judges grant them in most cases. In my opinion, restraining orders shouldn't be granted as frequently as they are since the evidentiary burden is so low, they're ineffective against real nuts who are breaking the law anyway and they're frequently violated b/c people don't understand how they really work. Moreover, taking out a restraining order against a person usually encourages him to cross-file one against the victim, which is a mess. Think long and hard about whether or not you want a restraining order.

Additionally, ONLY A JUDGE CAN VACATE A RESTRAINING ORDER. So if you are protected by one, you cannot give permission to the person named in that order to contact you. He will be violating the order. Violating an order is usually charged as Criminal Contempt. It may be a low felony or high misdemeanor- in either case, its serious business. It's a strict liability crime- if you did it, you're guilty, regardless of your intent. There's no defense that the order was improperly granted in the first place.

Ugh, I'm sorry this is happening. What a nightmare. You should really contact the authorities to see if there's anything that can be done.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
thankyou so much everyone for the advice

i thought i was so so strong as my mother was a battered women before my sweet dad and he took my two brothers on from babies!

i wondered how people let themselves get in this situation...assuming somehow it was a choice or they were weak.

you never know until it happens to you huh?

but i apriciate all the replies so much

I know this is an old thread and everything, but can I just say being a stripper is WAY different from being a prostitute. And also prostitute's DO NOT deserve that sort of treatment either.

I hope everything worked out and that freak is out of your life for good. I haven't read through the rest of the thread yet though so don't flame me if it's already at the end.

Edit: I was not saying your a prostitute though hun I meant that in relation to how you were saying you were a stripper and that people think you deserve it. In NO WAY do you deserve anything close to that.


Well-known member
Uhh i've just read this thread and only 10 mins later realised how old it is, how is it going? I hope you reported this guy. And this things you say about yourself made me so upset, really, you shouldnt feel like that about yourself, ashamed, or however you call it. You're a stripper, so what? Really, predjuse is so ugly, you know you're an honest girl, you say you didnt sleep or make out with clients, you say you were faithful all the way around. Who cares what you do? You can be an office clerk and a 24/7 hoe cheating on your boyfriend, what, this is better? You really shouldnt care. As long as your concsience in clear just in your opinion, everything is good. No matter what people say. And OMG you're so cute, i can hardly imagine you being bullied!
Oh, and about the implantants - he sponsored it in a free will and clear mind, you didnt sleal his money as he was sleeping, so? It was a present.


Well-known member
Im so sorry to hear that you are going through this.

Don't underestimate people like this love,
You need to go to the police NOW
I know it seems like maybe you're over reacting and it will get better
But it wont
and you're in danger
and I don't want to scare you or anything, I just think its easy to dismiss these things as sillyness but they always escelate

I was in a two and a half year relationship, and we had our issues but we were very much in love, one day in a public parking lot, he strangelled me... strangers stepped in and he ran off, and sent me a text message saying that f no one had saw, I would be dead.

Now that I think back on it, I shouldn't have ignored the warning signs that he was dangerous
please please please, go to the police