My favourite & best bridal looks I've done to date!


Well-known member
love the trith one!! love the color combo!! anthe dress!!! i think you are good doing bridal make-up



They all look so gorgeous. You're so talented.


Well-known member
All three looks are amazing. I really love the first one. It looks so amazing with her eye color. Thank you for posting what you used. I would love to re-create that.


Active member
Very pretty!

What did you use on the lips of the 1st and 2nd ones?

Love the eyes on all of them...

You should definitely do a tutorial...


Well-known member
The first one is my fave! But in her whole face shot she has brown eyes then close up they are blue/green! Did she put her contacts in after you applied her makeup?


Well-known member
i'm so stoked to see your work. it's brilliant, i especially love the first afce!


Well-known member
oohh very pretty! you do fabulous work. i'm in love with the first girl's eyebrows! haha great blending, contouring and flawless looks!! the only tip i have to give you if you already don't know, when doing brides or any photography work try not to use foundations that have SPF in them. the lighting of the camera and i forget what it's called in those foundations make their skin off in the pics. it either makes their faces look lighter or darker.

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