My favourite & best bridal looks I've done to date!


Well-known member
so beautiful, and you had such lovely ladies to work with!~
I agree the colors on the last on are my fave as well.
they are breathtaking!


Well-known member
very beautiful! you did a lovely job!


Well-known member
wow!!! your super talented chicka! just wanted to know, how you made those colours stand out sooo much! did you use a base? omg, i'm so jealous of your blending skills


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipglossrockstar
oohh very pretty! you do fabulous work. i'm in love with the first girl's eyebrows! haha great blending, contouring and flawless looks!! the only tip i have to give you if you already don't know, when doing brides or any photography work try not to use foundations that have SPF in them. the lighting of the camera and i forget what it's called in those foundations make their skin off in the pics. it either makes their faces look lighter or darker.

Thnaks for that! I'll def keep that in mind. I'm browsing around for different foundations. So far i'm happy to use Moistureblend and SFF

Originally Posted by jess98765
wow!!! your super talented chicka! just wanted to know, how you made those colours stand out sooo much! did you use a base? omg, i'm so jealous of your blending skills

Well, the only base i use is the eye primer by Elizabeth Arden. Although i sometimes really don't think thats the reason why the colours come out bright, i just litterally pack on the colour.

Originally Posted by luvly_bubly
Woah!! i love ur work! If only you could do my wedding make up. lol

You know, I do travel abroad for bookings... *wink wink*

Originally Posted by pucci
The first one is my fave! But in her whole face shot she has brown eyes then close up they are blue/green! Did she put her contacts in after you applied her makeup?

yeah, i took a few shots before she had to go to the registry office and without elnses. She only put them in after it all, when she remembered she had some lol. I think the lenses really make her eyes pop.

I always try to take a few posey pictures whenever I get a chance. Always fun to do

Thanks everyone who has commented! Hee hee, i never really expected to get this much 'praise' lol. I'm gonna arrange to make a few mini tutorials, should be fun and will come in handy for my classes

I can't exactly remember what i used for the 3rd look. But i do know that i used Gold dusk pigment, Goldmine & gorgeous gold in the inner corner. I haven't been able to find a perfect colour colour, but this one came out really good

I used flammable paint & coppering I think in the outer corner. But I cant be sure. And used retrospeck as highlighter. And Blacktrack as liner.

Hope this helps


Well-known member
Yay Indian brides! the MU, particularly the eyes in the last one. Good work!


Active member
Wooooooooooowww! You did a great job on the bridal make-up which can be tricky. Each look perfeclty suits the girl. I love your colour combinations

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