My heart is shattered


Well-known member
Instead of slicing yourself, slice his man piece off! What an ass! I'm sorry sweetheart
*hugs* There are many fishes in the sea, you are better off without that ugly Angler Fish teehee
Just don't hurt yourself, he's not worth scarring for.
babe u are worth so much more than this. this is exactly what he wants, he wants 2 know that he got to u. he got inside ur skin and messed up ur head. do u want him to win? ure better off without him. imagine if u actually got married and then u found out about his bit on the side? i know it hurts but atleast u know now what a dick he is.

u deserve better than this. *hugs* xxx


Well-known member
oh sweetie! He is SO not worth your time. What a scumbag. I know you loved him, but do you really want to be with someone like that for the rest of your life?

and what really puzzles me is he is calling you ( like hes in fucking jr. high) making fun of you with his new girlfriend for cheating on you.

He is pretty much saying " haha look at me! im scum!"
and his new girlfriend is agreeing, because she is joining in on the childish phone calls.

fuck them all! Go do something amazing for yourself! you deserve it!


Well-known member
I'm feel so bad for you right now. As many have mentioned before, talk to someone. I know it seems stupid to say right now, but you will get through this. Do it however you need by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. We are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. As Trunkmonkey said, it's better you found out now then years down the line. Start putting yourself first, everything else will fall into place.
to you!


Well-known member
He sounds like an utter wankbag. Please don't even feel bad about losing him, he deserves to be with bottom of the barrel scum!!


Well-known member
Hurting your heart is one thing, but don't let him break your spirit. I know you can't see it now, but this is for the best. If that scumbag didn't run around on me, I wouldn't be with the wonderful man I am with now. I learned that my heart is precious and can't just be handed over to just anyone. Scumbags teach you a lot about yourself and others.

Don't forget you were somebody special before you met him and you are still somebody special now.

You can use your imagination like I did to empower yourself to move forward to get yourself back where you need to be - in the drivers seat of your life.

SeXy MAC LuveR

Well-known member
Wow that is SOOOO Sad, I'm so sorry to hear all of that...but do know this he was never ever worth a second of your time if hes a scumbag like that!


Well-known member
Divorcing the love of my life was the most painful thing I'd ever had to go through. I married him at 19 and he walked out on me shortly before I turned 31. I know what it's like to have my heart shattered.

Cry it out. Scream into a pillow, just get all that negative emotion out of your system somehow. Afterwards, start moving on. The best revenge is to succeed. This piece of trash has to resort to grade school schemes to try and tear you down, but honey you're above it. You might not feel like it right now because you're hurting so much, but you are above it.

So you go on with your graceful, strong self and you show him what he's MISSING without you.


Well-known member
ugh.. what a turd!!

i think someone pointed this out, but you are better off finding that hes a dirtbag now than later.

im sorry to hear about this. cry it all out, but don't hurt yourself. your life is worth much more than a pile of poop. it is not worth hurting yourself over a pile of poop!

think about this: If he cheated on you and was a jerk to you, what's stopping him from cheating on the next girl? I think she's the idiot for dating such a jerk. If I knew a guy was doing this to somebody, I'd kick him in the balls real hard and give the poor girl a hug.

*hugs* Valentine's Day was crap for me too. lol. Nothing is worse than helping somebody you like please another girl. They aren't even officially boyfriend/girlfriend *ughs*

what did i get? chocolates for myself and a trip to the MAC counter >=]


Well-known member
I am feeling okay today. I slept until 6 pm... yes, 6 pm.

Thank you so much for all your support everyone. You really have no idea how much it means to me, to come on here and read all this. Every time I start thinking about things, I'll come on here and read what you all wrote. You are godsends to this sad girl here.

I've been through hard things before. I know this pain will subside. I'm already making plans of things I can do to get my mind off him. I'm gonna get a second job, I'm scheduled to start volunteering with a no kill animal shelter next week, I'm gonna throw myself into my studies. I'm gonna work out a lot - nothing is better motivation than having your heart stomped on.

I KNOW I am so much better off without him. He is $20,000 in debt, at 23. His family... is HORRIBLE. The behavior of them on the phone? That's them, every single day. They are the meanest, most cruel people I have ever met. I get a little bit happier remembering when his brother's PRESENT girlfriend (the one on the phone laughing at me) sent pictures of herself naked to her boss and baby's daddy... while she was with and living with the brother. They all deserve everything they have coming to them. They belong on Jerry Springer.

My mom is dealing with him so that I don't have to, in terms of exchanging stuff. I am very grateful I have her on my side. She can be scary. Even better, he thought my parents loved him so much they would take his side. Whatever, buddy.

I damn well intend to make this a turning point in my life. I plan to make this summer the best summer of my life. I've had so much pain in my life the last few years, letting people walk all over me. Well I've had it.

Thank you so much everyone, you are all angels. Your words and support mean the world to me.


Well-known member
Seek out support and comfort.

You don't realize how lucky the schmuck showed his colors. Being tied to such a person in marriage is truly way more devastasting than just a break up.

You will be fine, you will be happy again. Let go of this jerk.



Well-known member
Geeze, what a horrible loser. I wanna tell you to like, go burn his house down or something, because he deserves it, but then you'd go to jail, and that would suck. Loooser loser loser loser. Loser. LOOOSEEER. I can't stop saying it, it's like a loop in my head that turns on whenever this kind of stupidity appears before me. I'm sorry you wasted your time on this jerkface.

Don't feel bad for needing sleep aids though. It's hard to understand this kind of mindset if you've never experienced it before. I know that I used to think people who had to take medications or whatever because of emotional troubles were just overreacting or overmedicating, and then it happened to me and I couldn't sleep for like 3 days straight until a well-meaning friend finally made a midnight trip to a drugstore for some Tylenol PM. ;(

A huge emotional jolt like this one can throw your body chemistry way, way out of whack. What you're experiencing right now is generally called ruminating thoughts, where your brain focuses in on one thing and goes round and round with it, and in this case that one thing is traumatic. It's like one of those metal poles that has the volleyball on a string attached to the top, and it keeps going around and around and hitting you in the face on every pass. You may need sleep aids for a while. If it gets really bad, you may need to go on mood stabilizers for a few months to give your body a chance to stabilize itself. I hope it doesn't come to that, usually it has to be something really awful, like a family member dying, but you can't pick and choose what destroys you emotionally, unfortunately, even if logically you know it could be worse. The most important thing is to get yourself a good support network and cut him off completely. Do not answer his calls, no matter how tempted you are. Do not answer calls from unknown numbers (if it's important, they'll leave a message). Only answer calls from people you know aren't dealing with him.

I'm a very vindictive person, so I can't tell you to try to be the better one here. All I can say is that I hope someday you get your revenge, even if it's just by living well (which some people say is the best revenge anyway).


i have also been through a bad relationship in the past. i can only tell you that time will heal you. the person whom you fell in love with is no longer him and doesn't exist anymore. he has changed and instead of thinking of all the good times you guys had, focus on the bad and realize you are so much better without him. you will move on. but it takes time. sometimes your road to recovery will be like a rollarcoaster. you will be great and then you might fall and start to think about him again and that's ok. it's all part of the process. time has helped me heal and now i am in the best relationship i can ever ask for. your time will come. sometimes we have to experience the bad, for the good to come. so be strong. good luck and all of us are in support of you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oulala
I am feeling okay today. I slept until 6 pm... yes, 6 pm.

Thank you so much for all your support everyone. You really have no idea how much it means to me, to come on here and read all this. Every time I start thinking about things, I'll come on here and read what you all wrote. You are godsends to this sad girl here.

I've been through hard things before. I know this pain will subside. I'm already making plans of things I can do to get my mind off him. I'm gonna get a second job, I'm scheduled to start volunteering with a no kill animal shelter next week, I'm gonna throw myself into my studies. I'm gonna work out a lot - nothing is better motivation than having your heart stomped on.

I KNOW I am so much better off without him. He is $20,000 in debt, at 23. His family... is HORRIBLE. The behavior of them on the phone? That's them, every single day. They are the meanest, most cruel people I have ever met. I get a little bit happier remembering when his brother's PRESENT girlfriend (the one on the phone laughing at me) sent pictures of herself naked to her boss and baby's daddy... while she was with and living with the brother. They all deserve everything they have coming to them. They belong on Jerry Springer.

My mom is dealing with him so that I don't have to, in terms of exchanging stuff. I am very grateful I have her on my side. She can be scary. Even better, he thought my parents loved him so much they would take his side. Whatever, buddy.

I damn well intend to make this a turning point in my life. I plan to make this summer the best summer of my life. I've had so much pain in my life the last few years, letting people walk all over me. Well I've had it.

Thank you so much everyone, you are all angels. Your words and support mean the world to me.

Stick to that. You are going to have soooooo much fun this summer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oulala
I am feeling okay today. I slept until 6 pm... yes, 6 pm.

Thank you so much for all your support everyone......[snip]...... Your words and support mean the world to me.


It is BEYOND me how dispicable people can act towards each other ESPECIALLY towards someone you were planning to spend the rest of your life with.
*sigh* I just dont get it

Any type of break up is seriously tough; it is your habit. And with any BAD habit you have to overcome it. You are doing the right things. Take your mind off that piece of shit; that is so awesome of you to volunteer your time. You are bettering yourself emotionally, mentally and physically. He doesnt even DESERVE your thoughts.
Avoid all contact with this douche.
Focus on YOU


Well-known member
I feel like I'm going crazy.

Nights are so hard for me. It's Friday night.... I'm at home alone, trying to get a grip on things.... I'll bet he's out right now having so much fun. Even gravol and melatonin don't work so I think I'm gonna have to see my doc.

He left me a message on my phone saying "Sorry, I hope things go well for you." I keep hoping he'll come by to say sorry. Or something.
I hate that he just suddenly stopped loving me.


Active member
He is not worth it!!

You need to tell yourself that! You are worth more than him and his other ass-wiping posse..laughing at you! I was so angry reading that!

Girl, dust yourself up and move on!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by oulala
I feel like I'm going crazy.

Nights are so hard for me. It's Friday night.... I'm at home alone, trying to get a grip on things.... I'll bet he's out right now having so much fun. Even gravol and melatonin don't work so I think I'm gonna have to see my doc.

He left me a message on my phone saying "Sorry, I hope things go well for you." I keep hoping he'll come by to say sorry. Or something.
I hate that he just suddenly stopped loving me.

People that cruel and heartless can never truly experience fun and happiness. It's bad enough he cheated on you, then he pulls that immature shit? You deserve better than that. Also, what kind of loser expects his ex's parents to side with him? Seriously, how much gall do you have to think that when you've wronged your ex?

Staying in on a Friday isn't that bad. I don't know what your situation is, but get a group of friends together for movie night, clean, do something active so you don't waste your time on that loser. Give yourself time to heal, of course, but he really sounds like someone who doesn't deserve your love

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