My MAC day- comments on some uk MAC stores!


Well-known member
You're so lucky you've got so many. I haven't got any in my area, nearest one is Bluewater I think and that's pretty far! Bournemouth is crying out for a MAC counter.


Well-known member
i think you need to get some funding from the British Arts Council for all the mac research your doing and submit a white paper to parliament 8)


Well-known member
I'm so excited - I'm going to London next week so I'll check out Covent Garden MAC - I was originally going just to check out B Nevr, but I think my MAC obsession is getting stronger by the day! Thanks for your reviews - they are really helpful


Well-known member
squirrel-paws you're so lucky! I guess I'm lucky in that I have a B Never in Poole but Covent Garden is so cool, I expect the B fits right in and the MAC store too.


Well-known member
Philosopher- LOL! Yes, I think I should get more funding so I can *ahem* continue to visit the UK MAC stores, so that I can be sure I have researched and reviewed the quality of our stores/counters effectively! And at the same time, I also think I should have funding to buy products so that I can pass judgement on the quality of them *cough cough culturebloom cough*


Well-known member
Kirstetten - I love Poole and hope to be going there in the Easter hols. The problem with Covent Garden is they have all of my fave shops - MAC, B, Lush, Urban Outfitters, Fossil - I'll have to extend my overdraft AND max out my credit card at this rate!!!!


Well-known member
I will say this for the US MA's, they are alot nicer and helpful than the UK ones.

With that said, you can't expect an MA to teach you all these things you requested. The PRO store is of a professional environment. Most the people that shop there are make up artists/models etc... They know what they are going in for. If you want to be 'taught' something you generally have to make an appointment, this is how the MA knows you WILL spend money. Its a business, so they are looking for a sale, in big dept stores they generally help the wealthy looking.

I have to say, its so terribly annoying when i'm asked to to do a look with colour and then have the person unsatisfied, as they had invisioned something else. Being a little bit more clearer would definately help the MA. Not every MUA is a mind reader, remember that. I think that you're expecting too much when im assuming by your post, haven't even spent much money. From your indecisiveness, the MA probably thought they wouldn't be able to satisfy you, so they left you.

If you are really going to haul out, my advice is book an appointment for a make over and you can ask all the questions you want.


Well-known member
Yeah, I know the MAs aren't mind readers, I guess I should be more specific next time, actually though a lot of what annoys me is that a lot of them just don't seem enthusiastic, either that or they just seem to 'act' polite, instead of being genuine. And then there was that one girl who didn't know whether aquadisiac was permanent or not...


Well-known member
Well if you think about it, they HAVE to be polite, so of course its all an act. To some of them, its really just a job. Its not everyones dream job to work at MAC. They maybe frustrated make up artists that cant make it anywhere else... lol... I'd prefer them pretending to be nice, than to be out right rude, where people at the london pro HAVE been.

I too have found some of the MAs have no CLUE about the products. Its annoying when i know for a fact its available, but they out right me, or they tell me it was LE. At the end of the day, they just don't know the brand as well as us mac-a-holics out here (which is really a minority) on the web
. They arent that obssesive about it as some of us!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cloverette

does anyone know when culturebloom & ultracheek come out in the UK?


2nd March I THINK


Well-known member
Oh my gosh! I know I'm very much late off the mark here, I just want to send you some massive THANKS for reviewing the stores! This is always something that bothers me massively before going MAC-shopping... I put so much on the vibes and the niceness of MAs, it can really make/break your trip. I've spent ages dissecting your posts to figure out which is the best... although I still have no idea, lol!

Funnily enough I've actually had 2 very positive experiences in the London Selfridges though, where separate MAs spent ages on me... it made me feel great, like a valued customer, and I bought stuff from them on both occasions. I also had a good time once in the Pro Store (Fouberts Place) at the beginning of this year, when an MA took ages helping me choose e/s... but my happy-stamp-of-approval was negated when I went there again after a week, and was treated like utter dirt
I guess it really depends on how busy they are.

Now I'm trying hard to decide where to go to ask for a makeover... I have a formal ball coming up in a month and I really want some creatively edgy, colourful makeup to match the theme. I'd take the dress (or at least a picture) to make sure it all complements, for sure... but I really have no idea where to go, as it's so dependent on individual MAs! I'd love to find a talented MA in London who won't be afraid to experiment on me... I just don't know which store/counter to book! Any recommendations?
Originally Posted by Steel
I only moved to the UK last year and so far I've been to one MAC store and one counter.

I haven't got anything bad to say about the MAC store in Nottingham, the MA that helped me was really, really friendly and instead of me asking if she could try some products on me she did it on her own initiative (like when I was looking at a product she immediately asked if I would like to try it on). I would go there again anytime!

I've also been to the counter at Debenhams at Sheffield Meadowhall. It was really crowded, the MAs did ask me if I needed any help but overall I thought they were really rude and unhelpful. They also didn't know the names of some of the Paints I was looking at (Chartru, Canton Candy) which I thought was a little weird. There's no way I'll go there again.

It's not just me who thinks the girls at the Debenhams counter are rude then! I live in Sheffield so it's my local counter and I go there a lot (and spend loads of money!). All of the MA's recognise me by sight, and one even knows my name, but they give me dirty looks when I'm looking around as if I'm about to steal something! And even when I've been the only customer at the counter and have been asked for help, they huddle round the till together and talk until I have to ask for the 2nd time!

I'm so glad the online store has opened because now I don't have to buy anything from them, I can go and test it out then order it online!


Well-known member
old thread but thought id reply

im not a fan of mac stores in the UK though im going to manchester on friday so ill see what they are like there

i HATE the MA's at hof in the NE once i bought this eyeshadow for my friend turned out was wrong colour so i took it back for a simple exchange, i told her it was the wrong colour and she gave me the right one and the MA next to her sighed at went 'oh come on buy some stuff' i was like erm excuse me? then the other week them there were just really huffy and i told them i wanted a purply eyeshadow to go with nocturnelle and she was so unenthusiastic and bored
lol was scared to go back and take the fluildline id got but she gave me the wrong one lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shuhoniuo@gmail
It's not just me who thinks the girls at the Debenhams counter are rude then! I live in Sheffield so it's my local counter and I go there a lot (and spend loads of money!). All of the MA's recognise me by sight, and one even knows my name, but they give me dirty looks when I'm looking around as if I'm about to steal something! And even when I've been the only customer at the counter and have been asked for help, they huddle round the till together and talk until I have to ask for the 2nd time!

I'm so glad the online store has opened because now I don't have to buy anything from them, I can go and test it out then order it online!

i agree, the MAs at meadowhall seem really disinterested. last time i went i asked for shimmermoss and got steamy instead! however, i liked steamy when i got it home so i kept it, its very similar to shimmermoss anyway.

i usually go to the counter at harvey nics in leeds, and i have to say, theres one MA there, i dont know her name, but she always ends up serving me and shes great. she gives good recs and ive always been pleased with things ive bought on her recommendation. think she prob reconises me now cos im always in there!

ive been to the one in covent garden and selfridges too. covent garden was quite good, the MA showed me how to depot, but she didnt seem that interested. at selfridges, they were very busy and i got no attention. i couldnt even get near the counter there it was that busy!!

i want to try the pro store next time i go to london


Well-known member
I went to the pro store for the first time last weekend, its great if you want to look around as the MA's there seem to be the opposite of pushy like they are in other London stores. Havent been to Covent Garden or Harvey Nicks yet will try those next month when I go to London with my husband.
I went to the Selfridges counter today and the MAs were great - very helpful, genuinely friendly and knowledgeable about the products! I was impressed


digging this thread up from beyond the grave... Thank you Google...

Does anyone know if the MAC store in Nottingham is open on Bank Holidays? I want to get some
and stuff but don't want to have to make the trip in vain...