If you read the thread you'll find that there are a mixture of positive and negative experiences. Not everyone said that service is so bad. Don't take it personally.
As customers spending our hard earned money, we have every right to demand decent service, and speaking up when it isn't up to scratch is our right. There is a reason that companies do mystery/test shops....because they acknowledge that customer service is not always 100% and they want to make it better.
I can only read your post in light of the fact that you are a MAC employee and therefore have a vested interest in defending whatever service customers receive from MAC employees. Having worked in the top end of customer service at a store renowned for excellent customer service, I will not make excuses for staff just because they work in a busy location. I have done it before myself, in the heart of Oxford Street, at Christmas but being the service provider, it is down to me to still provide great service and do my utmost to overlook the crazy people that might emerge during that period!!
It is a retail environment- I'm sure that MAC give training on dealing with customers, and anyone that really can't hack it should leave.
I don't see why people here think that MAC should be excused....to me its no different to any other shop or service, and just because it is premium makeup does not mean that basic rules do not apply. If I had crap service anywhere else I would complain, same goes for MAC.
There is a part of me that wants to tell you to get real....why would people fabricate stories about rude MA's??? No, not everyone aspires to be one, just incase you felt that MAC employees are the be all and end all of life. I have shopped at MAC in France, Belgium, UK and the USA. The best service I have had consistently is in France and Belgium. In the UK it really is touch and go....I find that the only way to guarantee good service and attention is to go to a really quiet store or counter.
Basically, MAC MA's need to deal with the customer service part of the job as well as the artistry bit. We have every right to share our experiences, whether they be positive or negative. Our views are legitimate, and I'm sure if we were to complain to MAC HO directly, we wouldn't get a snotty response. Every job has its hard parts, unenjoyable parts and specifically the service/retail industry is designed to test your character and patience. MAC should be training you to deal with that.
Not all MAC MA's are extra-fantastic with cherries on top like you.....there are some who have a distateful attitude, though I get the impressino you are loathe to believe that. There are times I have gone to MAC with the intention of spending huge amounts, but the service I got put me off and I walked away. I'm not one to feel hurried into parting with my money.
Having been to busy counters with great service, I will not join you in making excuses for anyone in the retail industry. Having a crappy day? Go take it out on someone else....better still, don't go into work because I shouldn't have to bear the brunt of your bad mood.