That is sooo cool! Their is this MA at a counter and he always gives me big samples of piggies that might come in the collections. I hate going to the actual stores, some of the MA's are so not that nice.
Originally Posted by MACATTAK Wow that is nice! Whenever they are out of things that I want they say they can bring over the items so I can "LOOK" at them. Yeah, I know what the items look like, that's why I want them
this could be so that you could order it online or find other means of getting it.
the mac counter showed me cashflow paintpot even though they ran out so that i could decide if i even wanted it or not and order it online or something
That is so nice of them! They just whip things off the display at my counter when they run out and wont even let you look at the samples (in case I were to order it online, etc)