My makeup was stolen...


Well-known member
I am so f***** pissed off. My daughter's friend was over today and she stole one of my lipglosses and lipliners. Aghhhhhhh!

I never liked her anyway. She comes over and bosses my daughter around and she just takes it. Katie told me that her friend kept coming in my room looking at my makeup and playing with the glosses.

It really pisses me off because I shouldn't have to worry about whenever one of her friends come over if something is going to go missing. I know Katie didn't take it because she never has before. She always asks if she can put on something. I am glad that it was only a gloss and liner from the perm line. I can easily replace it if I can't get it back.

I called her mom and told her and she said she would call me later. I feel a little bad but she shouldn't be stealing from her friend's parents.

Oh well... rant over now.

Has anybody ever stolen from you?


Well-known member
I would be pissed too if some little brat came and stole my makeup! But thankfully no has ever stolen any even though I have 4 sisters not one of them has ever taken any of my makeup.


Well-known member
My own 'friend' has stolen from me before... she stole my glitter liner, concealer and one of my tops ¬¬ I was so pissed. She returned my top (all strectched out due to her FAT-ARSE BACK) and i took back my concealer when i found it in her bathroom...she refuses to admit that she stole my glitter liner though....urgh


Well-known member
As much as it hurts , Your daughter shouldn't have been letting her friend into your room. You make need to make your room off limit to her if possible , or at least just when she has friends over and obviously that friend would not be allowed to come over anymore. If the mother does call you back , I would ask for the Cost of the make up ( reasonably if most of it's used ) . I wouldn't want it back after she had it.... Or if she knows she's in trouble she may do immature things to it before returning =/. I would also have the " you need to be careful about what kind of people you make your friends" talk with your daughter.


Well-known member
That is awful. I would have called her mother too, I think you did the right thing. On the opposite end, I remember when I was younger and I was best friends with this girl who had a sleepover. She accused me of stealing a hair brush-which I never did-and her mom called mine. I swore up and down that I didn't take it and told my mom I knew if I wanted something all I had to do was ask (I got this lecture when my cousin was found shoplifting a lighter at Walgreens). A few months later, her mom called mine and told her the brush was found under the girl's bed. Not only did it hurt me as a person, it ruined a friendship over something so ridiculous. I will never forget that because I was so crushed she would accuse me of something like this.

Your daughter I'm sure has realized this girl is bad news. On the positive side, I'm sorry to say, it was probably the best lesson your daughter could have learned about friends and what is right and wrong.

Hopefully this mother is mature enough to realize her daughter has done a bad thing and teaches her a lesson.


Well-known member
This happened to me a few weeks ago. I had a party at my house and I have some makeup in drawers in my bathroom, but most is in my room. You know when people start drinking they have to go to the bathroom, and usually everyone uses the main bathroom but they were in and out of mine as well. I guess someone took the liberty of taking some of my makeup, including a liner, lipliner, a couple pigment samples and I'm not sure what else. The only reason I even noticed was because I was going to sell the liner and went to get it and it was gone, then noticed my other stuff gone too. Too bad I don't know who did it or I would ask for it back, but there were too many people and it will be a hassle to try to figure it out. It's irritating because why would you take something that isn't yours??


Well-known member
What was that little brat doing going into your room, let alone going near your precious make-up! Wow I would be PISSED. $^*#$%&^#^!! I hope her mother steps up to the plate and makes her brat give them back.


Well-known member
I did a wedding once, for an old friend I used to dance hula with, and her bridesmaids stole 2 lipglosses. They were the minis from the 2005 holiday collection. (But they were so catty & uncooperative with me & the bride, I guess I should have expected as much).

And then my car got broken into once & a traincase got stolen... but that's a whole story on its own!


Well-known member
Kids often do do things like that (unfortunately!) buthopefully her mum will keep her in line.

A woman once stole my whole clear plastic bag of makeup on my flight. I was so angry it had some limited edition items and stuff I needed for holiday like my sunscreen! I was so mad!!!!!!!! I had to spend a week with only 1 lipstick and a tinted balm that I kept in my case.


Well-known member
Her mother brought her back her to give me my stuff back and then we found out she took a bunch of other stuff from my daughter. She had about 7 DVDs that Katie didn't even notice was gone and some makeup that I gave to Katie. I had given her a Mac blush and lippie and she had taken it and completely ruined it.

I haven't had the talk with her yet. I will wait until tomorrow night or Saturday to talk to her about it.

Katie knows my room is off limits when her friends are here but this girl doesn't listen and bosses Katie around. I never liked her and didn't like Katie playing with her. I told her today flat out... she can't speak to her or play with her anymore. They can talk in school... I can't stop that but any other time... HELL NO.

I am just glad that it wasn't one of my favourite LE glosses. I would have been so pissed off. Can you imagine if it was Heatherette or my precious Barbie ones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
This happened to me a few weeks ago. I had a party at my house and I have some makeup in drawers in my bathroom, but most is in my room. You know when people start drinking they have to go to the bathroom, and usually everyone uses the main bathroom but they were in and out of mine as well. I guess someone took the liberty of taking some of my makeup, including a liner, lipliner, a couple pigment samples and I'm not sure what else. The only reason I even noticed was because I was going to sell the liner and went to get it and it was gone, then noticed my other stuff gone too. Too bad I don't know who did it or I would ask for it back, but there were too many people and it will be a hassle to try to figure it out. It's irritating because why would you take something that isn't yours??

College parties around here are notorious for that from what I've noticed (and seen girls, who weren't my friends, doing it). It's such a shame. I've seen plenty of girls steal from bathrooms - ridiculous things, too; hiding BLOW DRYERS in their purses for example, perfumes, SHAMPOO, etc.

....Mell, how old are these kids? I think you did the right thing because people should be called out when they are doing something wrong; like a slap in the hand so they know not to do it again!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
Her mother brought her back her to give me my stuff back and then we found out she took a bunch of other stuff from my daughter. She had about 7 DVDs that Katie didn't even notice was gone and some makeup that I gave to Katie. I had given her a Mac blush and lippie and she had taken it and completely ruined it.

I haven't had the talk with her yet. I will wait until tomorrow night or Saturday to talk to her about it.

Katie knows my room is off limits when her friends are here but this girl doesn't listen and bosses Katie around. I never liked her and didn't like Katie playing with her. I told her today flat out... she can't speak to her or play with her anymore. They can talk in school... I can't stop that but any other time... HELL NO.

I am just glad that it wasn't one of my favourite LE glosses. I would have been so pissed off. Can you imagine if it was Heatherette or my precious Barbie ones.

That's awful - she's a real bad influence!! Maybe (I know you shouldn't have to but..) invest in a train case with locks? My 4 year old niece is obsessed with my make up and even though I trust her, I would be seriously annoyed if she played with any of my LE stuff - so I keep my traincase locked just in case.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I had my handbag stolen today with over £300 worth of stuff inside it, amongst them was MAC Barcelona Red l/s, Springbean lustreglass and a 3D gloss. but those dont matter, its my phone and ipod that matters

having things stolen sucks


Well-known member
That's really dreadful - it sounds like you did the right thing. Going in to your room *and* stealing from you is bad enough but then finding out that she also stole from your daughter?! Some friend.

I hope you can get it all sorted out and that you can have your little chat.


Well-known member
ahh i hate that. One time my friend asked me if she could borrow a lipgloss real quick but she ended up taking it. I saw it at her house and I asked for it back but she said ohh no its mine i bought one. Yeah right.
=( people should not steal makeup


Well-known member
That really sucks.

Kids can be really naughty sometimes.

I hope the girl's mom pays for what her daughter took and ruined.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rennah

I hope the girl's mom pays for what her daughter took and ruined.

I completely agree , That is their responsibility. You are lucky that the Mom took action. A lot of times they either 1 don't care or 2 think their child would never do something like that.

*Star Violet*

Well-known member
There was this girl in my school who befreinded me by stealing my personal diary and kinda black mailed me into being her friend. She was one of the most richest and popular girls in my school where as, I had just lost a father and my family was going through financial problems. Her dad's a millionare. She started stealing alot from me, makeup, clothes and you name it. The rich stealing from the poor. Well, I couldn't get my diary back so what I did was I stole all of my own stuff back from her before dumping her and no I didn't steal anything of hers but boy did she have an awesome makeup collection...maybe she stole it from others?