My makeup was stolen...


Well-known member
Thats awful. A couple years ago (back when I shared makeup
) a friend used my burts bees chapstick and i never even noticed i had lost it, well i thought I misplaced it. Then i saw her using it at work and she laughed about it. it wasn't a big deal to me, but it happened again with the same girl with an actual lipgloss. Like, wow you're a dirty bitch give me back my stuff lol.

I'm glad the stuff is returned but it doesnt help that the brat broke some of it.SEVEN DVDS. What a stinker her mom should spank her for a week and never let her out of her room. ever. LoL


Well-known member
that's terrible

I am happy to hear that the other mother took it seriously and made her daughter return the stolen items - it should teach the girl a lesson!

Personally I would not be inviting the girl back into the house.


Well-known member
That has happened to my husband before, my younger brother asked if he could borrow his cd case so he can put a bunch of songs on his ipod. I warned my husband not to do it because my brother is irresponsible and doesn't take care of things. He did it anyway, well my mom's boyfriend had his son and some friends over. Of course my brother didn't put up the cd case & left it out. Well when we went back to pick up the cd case more than half of his collection was gone. All of his one of a kind DJ Screw cds were all gone!!!

DJ Screw is really popular in the US, he is from Houston & my husband knew him and all of his friends. So he had a bunch of one of a kind cds you can't buy in stores. He can't get anymore cds from DJ Screw because he died years ago.


Well-known member
In college I was in a sorority and there was one girl that I roomed with (there were four to a room) that would steal my makeup all of the time. I would be missing a lot of high end makeup and brand new clothes. I would often times find the makeup products or clothing stuffed in her laundry bag. When I confronted her with them she denied it. did my clothes and makeup get in your laundry bag? It made me sooooo mad.


Well-known member
Aww that sucks

My sister takes my make up all the time. I mean its not like STEALING it, but she will take it and HIDE it.

Like my eyelash curler
I have it back now though

But one thing that really annoyed me was she took my woodwinked e/s which was BNIB (my backup) and opened it, used it, and obviously left her straightener on it and now the top is melted

Oh, and non-make up, but she also took my passport to use as ID (shes underage) and IT GOT ALL WET, and now I have to get a NEW one.

Oh, and before I knew she took my passport, I was going to Fiji, and I couldnt find it, I thought I'd lost it and have to get a new one. (which is NOT CHEAP) and then the police found it in the city! I was SO annoyed, that she took it lost it, I got it back, THEN SHE TOOK IT AGAIN!
That made me so mad! I was so scared someone could steal my identity (she also took a bankcard) because she was being so careless!


Well-known member
Sorry about that hassle. I am very glad that you called her mother.

Personally, I would stop allowing your daughter to see this "friend". She doesn't sound like she respects you or your daughter. If she is stealing lipglass now, what next? What if she steals something again and your daughter gets caught up in the mess?

ETA: I see that you did cut them off. Good call.


Well-known member
Im glad you got your stuff back, that sucks when someone steals from you. =( When I was in cosmo school I did makeup for everyone all the time, and there was very few girls at my school that used MAC or had heard of it, (smaller place, big malls about two hours away) anyhow, one day I let a few girls use my makeup and one of them stole two brushes from me! I was so pissed off, what the hell did they need my brushes for? they probably didnt even know how to use them!!!! (Think they were like 266 or 208 and a 219) Never the less, I stopped letting people use my stuff after that.


Well-known member
Having stuff stolen at a party you have thrown is the worst!!!

When I was in college, I threw a party for someone and my bff from Colorado was visiting. Clearly, we are in college and broke as jokes. This dumb hoe- Venessa- stole my SELENA movie, Picture frame, hot dogs (i am not lying about this!!!!), money from my out of town friend, and the nest of all....some really old resin from a bowl we scraped!!!!! LOL Who does that!?!??! LOSERS!

I am glad you got your stuff back can be such scam artists!


Well-known member
I can't stand bitches that steel makeup,clothes,shoes all personal stuff can they just buy there own. Seriously when I hear stories like these it gets me pissed off because i remember when my cousin stole some of my mac eyeshadows.


Active member
A few months ago I had a purse stolen with over $1,000 worth of money, electronics ( digicam, iphone) and mac products in it. All I kept thinking was these nasty thugs are either throwing out the makeup and brushes, or giving it to their ho girlfriends!
I have so much make up, and in all honestly I'm not very organized with it. Sometimes I will notice things missing, but its hard to tell who took it.

OT, I have a friend who shop lifts like crazy. She goes into walmart and steals like $50 of make up at a time. She does it when she buys cat litter too, so she can open up the lid to the cat litter and hide the make up in there. eww. She also steals ground beef and chicken from the grocery store.


Well-known member
I went to a Bachelorette party for a good friend a few years back and there were lots of girls that I only knew casually. I had gone to Sephora that day before we all arrived at the hotel and had my bag sitting on a table. I didn't think anything of it...

When I left the next day, a really cool duo-colored liquid eyeshadow (about $20) was missing from the bag. I didn't get to use it ONCE.

Ahhh and learn, right?


Well-known member
I am really sorry this has happened to you. I wouldn't allow that girl to come to your home anymore. I would be soo angry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TIERAsta
And then my car got broken into once & a traincase got stolen... but that's a whole story on its own!

I would have had a heart attack!!! That sucks!


Well-known member
One of my friends parties like every night. She has had so much stolen from her at her parties. I don't throw parties for that reason. Honestly I don't even like going to them. But Lubbock has a horrible stealing problem. Someone store her iPhone and she found it on campus a couple weeks later all banged up and scratched... Luckly it still worked. But seriously. I don't understand why anyone would steal something they had no use for. and Make up. I don't like sharing make up to start out with and taking someone you don't knows makeup is just gross.


Well-known member
Yep I'd def keep her away from your house, knowing that she stole other things aswell


Well-known member
Thats awful, how old is she out of curiosity? At least you got it back and the mum was good about it instead of making excuses.

I can't stand people who steal. One of my best friends, he was working a night shift the night before christmas eve, and he comes out in the morning to find his car window smashed and broken into, and they took his £1000 guitar (about $2000), all his guitar pedals which are worth quite a lot, and they took his laptop which was worth over £1200, but they didn't take the charger or battery for the laptop which was next to it? Guess it was just 'grab and run'. Merry f*kin christmas to him huh?


Well-known member
Man how horrible! I was once doing makeup for a show in University and I was about to take my traincase home when everyone decided to go to meal hall so I put it in a closet in the theatre and when I came back 45 mins later it was gone. I was devastated, mostly because I lost my beloved makeup but also because I don't know who else would have been in there other than people involved in the plays.


Well-known member
Thank god the mother did something about it! Some parents will never admit their children do bad shit.
I got my makeup case stole a few months ago when I worked at the Bay. I had brought it to work for the first and only time because I was sleeping over at a friends and we were going clubbing. It pissed me off cause it was worth quite a bit. i had not many products but they were expensive as we all know. But something good came out of that. I became an ADDICT(good...or bad?) I found Specktra as I was searching for what to buy. I got to learn alot about MAC. And now my makeup collection is worth about 3 times as much as my previous one. I will never bring it anywhere-_-


When I was in middle school I had a friend that stole from me. At first I thought I just misplaced my things because then I was kind of messy and my room was definately messy so I thought when I cleaned up I would find it. The stupid girl actually used my lipgloss she stole from me infront of me and even stole those teeny bopper magazines from me! Even after my parents asked her if she wanted anything when we went to the mall or the store when she was spending the night with me. Needless to say everytime she came over I had to proof my room and give my parents my important things.