My makeup was stolen...


Well-known member
Yes i had things stolen.
On feb. becaus eof money problems, i had to go and live with my best guy friend. One day, he calls and he´s like, ¨ohhh can you put some make up on me?, i have a costume party and i wanna dress up as a girl¨
I told him I couldnt, ´cause I was in college and I was going to home very late.
I got home that night at... 12 something, and OH SURPRISE!
I was SO pissed, i called to his cellphone, and he wouldn´t answer, next day... he goes to my room, he apologized, he said a friend of his, got into the room, and took my stuff!
Then i realized, they got a red lipliner and OPI Nailpolish.

I hate when people do that.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I have been stolen from big time. I was returning to my dorm from a trip. I had a very big bag packed because I was gone for quite a few days. I had my favorite make up at the time, all sorts of cute clothes and jewelry, shoes, A LOT OF STUFF. I was on the Amtrak train. I usually keep my bags with me when traveling on Amtrack but since the bag was so big, I decided to put it below with the other bags because I didn't want to be rude. Well, when my stop was coming up I went to go get my bag it was GONE. I was so crushed. I was upset, crying. I HATE thieves. It hurt but I learned a very valuable lesson. I learned to travel lighter and keep my things close, but most importantly, I learned not to place such a high value on such trivial things, they can be gone quick and there are things that are way more valuable.

In my second year of college, I lived in an apartment with 4 other girls. On two different occasions, laptops were stolen by "guests" who had been invited over. I've never thrown a party at my own place, and I hated that they did it all the time. There were no locks on the room doors, so whenever they threw a party I would make sure to take all of my valuables and put them in my closet, under all of the junk. I would be sure that my room was clean so that I would know immediately if anything was missing. I had a desk top computer, so that wasn't really an issue. I also wrapped jingle bells around both sides of the door knob, so if anyone tried to go into my room, I would know about it.


Well-known member
Its good her mother made her return the stolen items. SO many mothers would be like "My kid didn't do anything!!!", even if they know damn well their kid DID!! At least she has some sense in her for that...BUT.........If that were MY kid, I'd have paid you (or, made HER pay) for the items she ruined...AND probably even the items of makeup she took; 'cause, once it's been used by her, you probably don't want it's kinda like (and pls. forgive the gross simile) giving your man a used condom to wear (okay...maybe not THAT gross, but still pretty gross)!

In any event, I personally would've shelled out $25 for the're gonna take it as a loss anyway...

I hope the little bitch was really humiliated.


Well-known member
Friends have "borrowed" glosses and other things for a night out and "forgot" to return them for 6 months
and then I forget who it was that had it and when it went missing, but I know its gone
and then six months later they bring it over "oh ya I forgot I had this"
yaaa right haha considering its usually almost empty!

but thats only happened a few times, now I call them the next day "next time your over I want that gloss put it in your purse now"

its not worth loosing an LE gloss.


Well-known member
This is really interesting. A lot of my friends like my makeup and the quality, but since I'm such a different skintone than they are, they can't really "take it" unless I identify something that they might like. Even then, I often offer to share with them so there's no reason for them to take it.


Well-known member
A couple of the girls that my daughter has over-I really have to watch them. I have my pigments displayed on the wall and I think sometimes it is just too hard for them to resist. They have never actually stolen anything, but one little girl decided she wanted a closer look and spilled over half a pigment. Of course, it was a LE pigment that I had paid outrageously for. I learned my lesson at that point and now no children are allowed in my room.


Well-known member
Arg. I have that problem with my sister and her friends. They are always looking at my makeup when Im not home. One day I cam home and there were some pigments on my desk. I put down my bag and the cap flew off cause it hadnt been screwed on. I almost had a heart attack. She even took my concealer and lied about taking it. Rawr.


Well-known member
omg these stories are making me worry so much! my roommate just called and said her best friend and her best friend's sister are staying over in our room tomorrow night and I'm @ home this weekend. all my make up is on my desk in my case =/ i keep thinking i should go back tomorrow.


Well-known member
I have learned... Katie and her friedns are not allowed in my room. She is no longer friends with the girl. She called once after it happened and I told her not to call back.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by new-xero
A few months ago I had a purse stolen with over $1,000 worth of money, electronics ( digicam, iphone) and mac products in it. All I kept thinking was these nasty thugs are either throwing out the makeup and brushes, or giving it to their ho girlfriends!
I have so much make up, and in all honestly I'm not very organized with it. Sometimes I will notice things missing, but its hard to tell who took it.

OT, I have a friend who shop lifts like crazy. She goes into walmart and steals like $50 of make up at a time. She does it when she buys cat litter too, so she can open up the lid to the cat litter and hide the make up in there. eww. She also steals ground beef and chicken from the grocery store.



Well-known member
Ive had so many things stolen from me over the years but another terrible terrible thing isnt the stealing part. Sometimes I would rather they steal it.

I worked at a salon in hollywood, it was a booth so I had to bring all my stuff in. I had my traincase out, and a little girl who was there with her father in the waiting area got into my traincase and opened a translucent powder and it got EVERYWHERE! she closed it and her father had the nerve to tell me she didnt do it. but i saw her closing it. mind you he was chit chatting it on the phone the whole time not watching her at all.

ive also had girls use my mascara and use them without a disposable wands.

my cousin loves to pack on lipgloss on top of colour and one time she used one of mine and it had left over colour all over it it was terrible.


Well-known member
wow, I'm glad that little brat admitted to it and hope the mom punished her somehow

I'm careful about my things after I had my cell phone stolen 2 years ago at my best friend's bbq. There were maybe 15 people there and I knew all of them, with the exception of 2 or 3. I put in on the table and when I walked away for a few minutes, someone swiped it. I spent half the night searching for it but nope, it was never seen again. To me it was a big deal because it was the hot pink razor (I was obsessed with it at the time) and it cost me a lot, considereing I just graduated hs and worked pt.

oh, and a few weeks ago I was celebrating my friend's bday and we were all at a house about to go clubbing. I left my purse somewhere on a chair (again, it was with people I knew well. stupid me.) and my True Romantic BP was taken. Ugh, to this day I cringe about it because I LOVED it