NAKED 3 is real!!!

Audrey C

Well-known member
Oh my gosh. I expected to like this, but it way exceeds my expectations. It's absolutely gorgeous and the shades are ridiculously flattering. I'm very warm-toned and I haven't historically reached for pinks, but I love this so much that I'm kind of sorry I bought N2 and at least one of my Inglot palettes. I will wear this again and again and again. The shades are buttery (with the exception of Dust) and pigmented and I love almost all of them.

This is a great purchase. I waited ages for it but it was worth it.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I finally saw the palette in person. It is prettier than I imagined, and I would say I like it more than Naked 1 and 2. Naked 1 looks too warm to me, while I don't like the colour placement in 2. Too bad Sephora only launched it after the 20% off sale, and I'm in no hurry to own it so I'll wait a while and see if it haunts me.


Well-known member
I love my Naked3 more than any of the neutral palette's own(Naked 1 and theBalms's Nude 'Tude primarily). I love it even more because it was only $36 thanks to Sephora's $20 off $50 (VIB) beauty insider gift card! So glad it launched before those expired, I got it online the second it released with my sale code. I've been using it practically every day! Which is unheard of for me, as I generally like lots of color!


Specktra Bestie
I was going to wait, but I caved. I went to Sephora yesterday and they were in stock... I couldn't possibly resist. I used a few of the shades this morning and I was afraid that it was a little too pink around my eyes, but there's enough brown that it works really well. Love this palette and am looking forward to playing with it a lot over the holidays! Now I feel like I have to get Naked 2, so that I have a complete set.


Well-known member
I was going to wait, but I caved. I went to Sephora yesterday and they were in stock... I couldn't possibly resist. I used a few of the shades this morning and I was afraid that it was a little too pink around my eyes, but there's enough brown that it works really well. Love this palette and am looking forward to playing with it a lot over the holidays! Now I feel like I have to get Naked 2, so that I have a complete set.
would love to see your looks with this one
and i think naked 2 would look good on you

Audrey C

Well-known member
would love to see your looks with this one
and i think naked 2 would look good on you
I like Naked 2 (but love Naked 3). I find N2 more monotone somehow; maybe I just need to play with it more. I love taupes, but I like adding a warmer matte into the mix with the palette. It may just be because I have strong yellow undertones. I've been using Inglot matte shades with N2 to create looks, whereas I like N3 all on its own.


Well-known member
i have exactly the same problem audrey. i need darker warm matte shadow because i am struggling with naked 2 only on it's own

Audrey C

Well-known member
i have exactly the same problem audrey. i need darker warm matte shadow because i am struggling with naked 2 only on it's own
I've been using some of the warm mattes from my Inglot palettes either as a lid or transition colour and that helps a lot. (Please excuse the deep scratch from a pin in the second Inglot palette - trying to get the &*%# individual shadows out once in the palette is a royal pain).

PS - I think the bottom Inglot palette (bought before I received Naked 3) shows how much I naturally gravitate to those kind of tones. While there are (surprisingly) no dupes between the two, there's no question that there are similarities in the undertones.


Well-known member
love the second inglot palette, can you please post the numbers of the shadows?
If you click the picture you can see the numbers more clearly.

row 1: 390, 341, 360, 337, 344
row 2: 154, 397, 402, 409, 423

Hope that helps. I love Inglot, their products are awesome.

Audrey C

Well-known member
Audrey, I'm going to duplicate your Inglot palette. It's so beautiful.
Let me post some swatches for you before you do. It can be hard to tell what the colours look like from the pic. I don't have time to do it today but I will in the next couple of days.

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