Re: Anyone ever heard of Napoleon Perdis cosmetics line?
I am amazed at some of the heresay being taken as truth in this thread. I'm further amazed that fellow Aussies are joining in on the slagging.
I attended a makeup course at the Napoleon Perdis academy, I have used his products and I've worked in the cosmetics industry. I've also watched Napoleon at work and have met the man.
I don't think the stuff is rebranded. Many cosmetics houses share manufacturers but that doesn't mean the product then becomes identical. I find distinct differences between NP products and the products they are supposed to be.
The positives about the course was that it was well structured and supplied with working notes, provided good facilities, all makeup materials were provided and access was given to Fashion Week which is a great experience/networking opportunity for any budding MUA.
The negatives about the course were that pressure was applied to students into purchasing the brush roll with staff saying that it was a necessary component although the pre-course notes stated otherwise. I bought the roll because I didn't have a full kit at the time but oddly, we were asked to sign a disclaimer regarding any faults with the brushes. I refused to sign this and nothing was said, though. Years later I am still using those brushes and they're still going strong. While I appreciate this, I didn't appreciate the pressure at the time. Another unfortunate aspect was that the staff would change each week with some of them being as new to the industry as I was and a lot of them parlayed the belief that students would be 'real makeup artists' upon graduation.
Furthermore, I was offered work experience after I'd completed my course, was advised I would have to wear the t-shirt (which I was expected to purchase) and there was no embargo regarding what I was allowed to say and not say to customers.
I have NP products in my kit and, yes, like any line, there'll be some products you won't like but that's life. You move past them and move on. The price point is equal to that of MAC and having used MAC as well, I'd say they're pretty much on par with each other. But, if you don't like the price for NP then don't buy them. Use something else. But if you haven't tried them and make a judgement that they're bad because someone else has said they are, well that says more about you than it does about NP.
Napoleon is a self taught makeup artist. He makes no bones about this. Having watched him in action, he makes a good job of it. Unlike other "star" makeup artists I have come across, NP took time out to chat and answer questions at his appearances and provides a generous discount to makeup artists who use his products. Another thing people should know is that the company is not solely owned by Napoleon. His wife, brother and others own parts of it and are run accordingly.
To be honest, I really don't care what he looks like. It shouldn't matter. If he was black and someone made comments about his appearance as I've read in here there'd be uproar. But because he's a European migrant, smart and a marketing genius, he is poked fun at for his deportment and digs made about his sexuality.
The man is worth $45 million. Ten years ago he was taking makeup short courses. His makeup has put the Australian makeup industry on the map.
If it's anyone having the last laugh I reckon it's him.