NARS Fall 2011


Well-known member
[quote name="Honey&LemonGirl" url="/forum/thread/173546/nars-fall-2011/30#post_2116159"] Incoming! A great new bunch of photos and information about Fall 2011, courtesy of:

- Delphes e/s trio
- Grand Palais e/s duo
- Outremer e/s single
- Mascate pure matte l/s
- Montego Bay pure matte l/s
- Pago Pago l/s
- Oasis l/g (not pictured)
- Train Bleu velvet matte lip pencil (not pictured)
- Galion n/p

- 9 Larger Than Life e/l (the swatch shows 6 out of the 9): the names I've heard around so far include Abbey Road, Madison Ave, Bourbon St, Via Appia, Rue Bonaparte, Rue de Rivoli, Via Vieneto
- some Larger Than Life l/g: Spring Break, Coeur Sucre, Gold Digger, Odalisque
[/quote] OMG :jawdrop: LOVE it all!


Well-known member
i just ordered carthage from the summer collection.. cant wait to try the matte lipsticks.. bt if its great, then im all up for it.. was hoping for improved versions of their velvet gloss pencils though (i really wanted them to change it to retractable)..

im excited abt pago2 though =)


Well-known member
I don't think it's possible to make them retractable since my understanding is the super-awesome formula needs to stay air-tight (hence the tight lid, plastic/faux-wood pencil casing). update: totally wrong - they are retractable!

i just ordered carthage from the summer collection.. cant wait to try the matte lipsticks.. bt if its great, then im all up for it.. was hoping for improved versions of their velvet gloss pencils though (i really wanted them to change it to retractable)..

im excited abt pago2 though =)


Well-known member
Whoa! I can't even make a preliminary list.


Well-known member
Nars was present at the NYC makeup show that was held last week-end. It is said they presented the fall collection along with the newly formulated concealers, the Larger Than Life eyeliners and lipglosses.

I know it's not much, but this blog has a picture of the fall collection and there is a picture of what I assume is Train bleu velvet matte lip pencil. It looks like it's a very dark bordeaux.

New information should surface soon as the Makeup show ended yesterday.


Well-known member
Oh this thread makes me very happy in the pants. I ended up with 7 things from the Summer collection, and so far I know I'm at the very least getting 4 from this (the blue single, the trio, nude e/l, the np). The duo I'm going to need to see swatched, and the e/l are perm I assume so the rest can wait.

So. Excited.


Specktra Bestie
Wow... I haven't even made my Summer collection purchases yet... That trio is mine for sure, as is Outrmer. And I don't know that I'll be able to resist Train Bleu... I don't know why I like Pago Pago, because I really do not need another nude lip colour...


Well-known member
Oohhh....when does NARS usually release their fall collections? Summer hasn't even really started yet and I'm already ready for fall, the collections anyway. I NEED that darker matte lippie, I'm such a sucker for wine-colored lipsticks. The concealers look intriguing and since the front middle color seems to be a match, I may snap one of those up as well.

I was super excited about the eyeliners, then realized they look (conceptually anyway) almost exactly like the Sephora brand retractable waterproof liners, sharpener and all. I have one and despite needing to go over the line once or twice for the color to show up it stays put once on and lasts a good chunk of the day on my oily lids. Since the Sephora liner's only $12 and I imagine the NARS version may be twice that, there better be a hallelujah chorus bursting into song with the heavens parting when I swatch one of the NARS ones to justify the higher price.


Well-known member
now the concealers are something i would be interested in. i need one and have never used one before!


Well-known member
and NARS is usually late to the table because they are a much smaller line... other's are out in July and in time for the NY Fashion shows.


Well-known member
why is it that the more i look at the trio the more i want it?? there is something very wrong with me! :p

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