NARS Final Cut Collection


Specktra Bestie
Swatches and review of all the products from Perilously Pale:

According to her information, this collection will only be available at Holt Renfrew in Canada, but I'm not sure what that means for the US. She does say release in January for us here and Canadian launch dates are normally a couple of weeks later than US ones.


Well-known member
It's really odd. I just called Nars Boutique stores (at the Bleecker and Prince St.) and the Bleecker said it will come out in Mar, but the Prince said in the mid of Jan.


Well-known member
According to my source, this collection will come out in Asia first (at the end of Dec) and then in the US and Europe.
I went to the counter today and they said it will be released at the end of Dec too (if there's no change), so I'll post some pic and review after I get them!
I think I'll get all of them except the illuminator.


Well-known member
Everything looks so pretty, that illuminator & Those blushes...
I cant see it only being released in one city per country though, that would just be crazy. & In canada that would mean Toronto over Calgary for sure. =|


Well-known member
I love me some pink blush, however I can't see any of these looking nice on my skin tone. They don't seem very WOC of to me.


Well-known member
Swatches and review of all the products from Perilously Pale: According to her information, this collection will only be available at Holt Renfrew in Canada, but I'm not sure what that means for the US. She does say release in January for us here and Canadian launch dates are normally a couple of weeks later than US ones. 
My list is definitely just Final Cut and Love. Villa Lante really looks like Goodbye Emmanuelle in these pics so it's a skip for me. I still love how everything looks all together though, it's tempting even though I know the colors aren't all for me


Well-known member
I went to the counter today and they let me pay for them (except the illuminator) in advance since the launch date here is on the 27th.
I'll get them next friday. Yay!!!


Well-known member
man oh man yall dont understand my love for NARs but im not sure if these colors will be flattering on me all. but what i do find intresting is the lip pencils i wanna see more of that


Well-known member
I really like the blushes and lippies! Will only limit myself to 2 lippies, and try not to get all the blushes!


Well-known member
man oh man yall dont understand my love for NARs but im not sure if these colors will be flattering on me all. but what i do find intresting is the lip pencils i wanna see more of that
I'm feeling the same. I've been dying for some new blushes but all of these look too pale. It's pretty disappointing, since Nars is usually so good with brown-girl-friendly shades.

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