It looks like I'm the only oaf who actually paid for the next day delivery! I assumed that there was no way delivery would be upgraded if I used the code, so that's why I paid the extra £2.50 on top of the free delivery. Never mind, though - my litle haul just arrived and it looks good so far.
I had no idea the boxes would be soooo orange! I think the colour of all the packaging is brilliant.
I'm a bit bleh about the colour of Evening Aura and Expensive Pink so far, but I haven't opened them up to have a proper look. Pink Grapefruit looks as if it will give a subtle orangey hint without being too scary. I want Electro, but I decided not to buy it at this point as I've got a damaged front tooth which is a bit discoloured and I thought the lipstick would make it even more obvious. However, I should be getting that fixed before
too long and it occurred to me that I've still not got rid of all my empties, so I think I'll B2M for it and if it's not great on me, it won't be too much of a loss.
I haven't fully investigated the Solar Bits yet either. It's so warm at my desk that I have a fan on and I was worried that about £10 worth would blow away as soon as I opened the lid. My first impression was "hmm, Black Ore looks like haggis!".