Dani_California, I haven't tried any of them out yet on my face, but they all look beautiful. I've just swatched them on the back of my hand and for an NC30, Femme Fi looks like it'll be a beautiful highlight colour. Evening Aura is a beautiful peacy colour, although I am a little worried about how well it's going to show up on me. The actual texture of the e/s is beautiful though - I think most of them are Veluxe Pearls (one is a frost, but I don't think it's either of these two).
As for the blush, it's a light peach that I'll def be wearing on the apples of my cheeks. Looks like it'll give a nice pop of colour and the finish should also give my skin a nice 'glow' for the summer. The texture of this is great as well, so I'm hoping that it'll apply well. I can't wait to test out all this new stuff! I'm like a kid at Christmas time at the moment!