NEW!! 24/7 Glide-On Shadow Pencils!!


Well-known member
Ok, just saw this announcement on UD's Facebook page, but can't find any info on it other than this:
[h=3][/h] [h=3]Urban Decay's NEW 24/7 Glide-On Shadow Pencils. Big, blendable eyeshadow pencils in 12 luscious, drop-dead shades![/h]

Can't wait to see them!!


Well-known member
Temptalia just posted pics of the pencils along with swatches. They look gorgeous and, with the exception of two (Sin and Midnight Cowboy), they've come up with all new, different shades, YAY! I was afraid they were going to also make these in the same shades they use for everything else.


Well-known member
I feel really slow- I read the post about twenty times trying to figure out why they were $20 instead of $17 like the other 24/7 pencils. It wasn't until I read this that I realized they are an entirely different product.

I'll have to see on these. It all depends on formula, I guess. But, I am currently in love with six of them, so let's hope I don't like the formula.


Well-known member
Same! January especially is going to be horrible. With the 15 24/7 set and the new spring products and with the Peacocky collection, lord help me!



Well-known member
^I think they will be perm since the post says 'introducing'. That's the nice thing about brands other than MAC. Usually when they introduce a new product, it becomes perm instead of LE.


Well-known member
OK, I'll wait then :D Thanks Layla! Normally you don't come to my rescue - normally you make you want to buy more


Well-known member
Temptalia just posted pics of the pencils along with swatches. They look gorgeous and, with the exception of two (Sin and Midnight Cowboy), they've come up with all new, different shades, YAY! I was afraid they were going to also make these in the same shades they use for everything else.
I saw those and drooled! All of the colors are so beautiful and vibrant!


Well-known member
I'd be going YAY but I feel like the quality of UD isn't as good as it was a few years ago. Am I alone here?


Well-known member
Damn I want a lot of these,they look way better than those crappy shadesticks.
I just bought the 15 247 anniversary set,and I now I find out about these too


Well-known member
As of now, I want Rehab, Wasteland, Mercury, Clinic, Clash, Delinquent, Morphine, and Barracuda. And I still want the 15 24/7 set. Needless to say, I will be purchasing these slowly and one at a time.


Well-known member
I just got their 15th anniversary collection today! The colors are amazing! Here are some swatches:


Well-known member
They were initially offered on the UD site one day last week, I think it was, during a two-hour time period. For the rest of us who didn't luck out then, they're supposed to be released in January.