New Year's Resolution?


Well-known member
Pay off my death, finish losing this weight I started (lost about 54 lbs, 30 more to go!), actually apply to freelance for MAC.

I can do it, I can do it.


Well-known member
-lose weight. as I need to get healthier. already started this as I've joined WW. *fingers crossed* I think the weekly meetings really help to try and stay accountable. Plus I am also motivated by being maid of honour in a wedding next year.
-spend less on MAC/MUFE/etc. I have more makeup than one person should ever have. No need to have 57 different neutrals or whatnot. ties into.....
-pay off all c.card debt in '09 and begin saving for retirement. yea, start doing it early so that I get the benefits of compounding!!

edited to add:
-watch less tv!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^ I so need to drink that toxic healthy tasting stuff too....

LOL.. I have no problem gulping down that stuff, but I do have a problem emptying it, especially I loath public restrooms!


Well-known member
I usually make them but I can seem to achieve them.
Mines this year is to lose some more weight, eat healthier, and save more money. I may end up adding more as it close to January.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbey_08
coke zero tastes just like coke! diet coke tastes disgusting!!!

think mines gonna be to get a decent job and seriously cut the "friends" out of my life that arent real friends n just make life harder.

I totally hear you about the dropping the "friends" thing.. those type of people who are just around when its convenient for them...or they don't know you when they have a new boyfriend or girlfriend in their lives.
I don't need an amount of friends just to feel popular.. I would rather have 5 good friends than 100 aquaintances who are fake, selfish, and just bring you down and so on.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
lol, it seems like way too many ppl are like me. I used to be excited about the resolutions but seeing as I never actually do them, I have given up.

I shall do the 10-min dance per day though. I've already started it, I love dancing


Well-known member
That is a great idea! I have a personal trainer for the first time ever, and my goal is to work out 3 times a week.. not 5 or 6 like I always say I will. 3 is more attainable.


Well-known member

I thought about the personal trainer, we get a really good package at the university, but i just don't like people watching me work out. it freaks me out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mtrimier

I thought about the personal trainer, we get a really good package at the university, but i just don't like people watching me work out. it freaks me out.

I don't like it either, but the gym I go to is all women... and also, I find that when I have something to focus on, I don't notice the other people around me. When I am just doing cardio, I can't help but watch people then feel self conscious. But with the program my trainer has me on, I have to keep focused on all the things I am doing. It's great because the time goes by quickly and also I don't think about anyone around me.


Well-known member
I want to save more money, not charge things on my credit card

Actually apply to grad school for fall!

Floss, seriously, you'll prob think that's disgusting but it's so important to do and I am so freakin' lazy about it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
I totally hear you about the dropping the "friends" thing.. those type of people who are just around when its convenient for them...or they don't know you when they have a new boyfriend or girlfriend in their lives.
I don't need an amount of friends just to feel popular.. I would rather have 5 good friends than 100 aquaintances who are fake, selfish, and just bring you down and so on.

or the types that are friends with you and someone you hate and say they aint gettin involved but stir it up then act the angel lol!!!

oooh i thought of another pay of my debts so i can start saving to move out with my bf!

would love the weight loss one the most though but not faddy diets cos i know i NEED to eat better! i do eat alot of fruit and veg but i also eat way too much junk which cancells out the goodness lol. thinking about joining WW's too. i have cut down on my alcohol intake and try to have cranberry juice with my vodka instead of coke haha...every lil helps!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LoveMU
I want to save more money, not charge things on my credit card

Actually apply to grad school for fall!

Floss, seriously, you'll prob think that's disgusting but it's so important to do and I am so freakin' lazy about it!

not gross at all.. personal hygiene (?!??!) is so important. And teeth.. (always the first thing I notice about someone is their teeth/smile) I always try to get my smile as white as possible and keep the cavities away!

We should all make sure to do our best to keep our bodies and minds healthy.. quitting smoking, going to doctor/dentist regularly, work out, stay out of the sun (use sunscreen).. gosh this is tough and this is just scratching the surface.


Active member
i usually make a few resolutions every year & only end up following thru with maybe one lol. besides, i'm very random

but for 09,
01. i plan to focus more on (my last yr of) school & GRADUATE!
02. make an effort to become more financially stable = SAVE more $$$
03. and stick out to my workout plan which won't be so hard now that i have a trainer hehe

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Just to keep doing what I'm doing now. Work out 5-6 times a week and keep trying my best in school and saving up to move out.

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