New Year's Resolution?


Well-known member
I'm not good at resolutions so this year I'm just going to continue working to improve myself in ways I've already been working on. I'm a major people pleaser so I want to commit the time I usually give everyone else to myself and to making myself happy in whatever ways I can. I want to stop taking things personally when I have no control over them and to stop making asumptions.


Well-known member
i'm going to try and be more positive and less routine-like. i seem to plan for everything and have daily routines. and when my routine changes i feel like my day has gone wrong and that i've failed. which is very silly. so i shall see change as a good thing and be positive about it


Well-known member
I'd like to stop worrying completely, but being a mom, that is just!
So, I'll go with getting back on the exercise wagon and maybe taking a pilates class.


Well-known member
Mine is to smoke less dope. I'm doing okay. I had a couple on new years eve, and haven't had any since.

Ideally I would like to end up being able to smoke it the week before my periods as (Cliche!! ding ding ding!!) I find it makes a significant difference in my mood swings.

I'm a ounce a month girl normally, and frankly I really enjoy it! I find it very relaxing. I smoke less joints than I did cigarettes because I can't do it in public and spend the same amount on it as I used to on fags.

I'm going to start by cutting it down to just weekends, I am into day five without now.
I'm REALLY counting down till friday night though...

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
It feels like forever ago when I started this thread, lol! Here's my resolution for this year:

1. I need to be more conscious about the environment. I already am but I need to try harder and reduce my footprint.
2. Be a more vocal advocate for peace. This is a very personal issue to me.
3. Lose some weight. I need to drop 10-15lbs. I like my body but some of the belly fat has to go.
4. Reduce my makeup spending!


Well-known member
I wrote a few in my blog, but other ones are to lose weight (of course), get my license, and renew my passport for f*cks sake. =P

Oh, and to care less about boys.


Well-known member
I say I'm going to lose weight every year, and never do. But this year we're thinking about starting a family, and I definitely want to be healthy and in shape before that, so this is my year!

I'd also like to quit wasting money, and not just on makeup...clothes, shoes, etc.

I also need to figure out what I really want to do with my life.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I say I'm going to lose weight every year, and never do. But this year we're thinking about starting a family, and I definitely want to be healthy and in shape before that, so this is my year!

I'd also like to quit wasting money, and not just on makeup...clothes, shoes, etc.

I also need to figure out what I really want to do with my life.

aww, you guys are gonna start trying? Good luck on both weight loss and the family planing Karin


Well-known member
I did this a few days prior to the new year but as my new years resolution. (or maybe I'm just cheating
) but I registered as a bone marrow donor.


Well-known member
My resolution

1) workout- lose weight and stay healthy + fit
2) save $$$ and pay off my cc bills
3) learn how to apply eyeshadow.


Well-known member
I have a few, mine are:

1. Stop smoking cigarettes! (have not for 5 days now
2. Learn to drive FINALLY
3. Lose 15-20 lbs

I hope everyone succeeds with their resolutions and has a great year


Well-known member
Mine is to get over being so insecure and to stop doubting myself. I always workout and take care of my outside but this year my inside really needs to catch up lol.

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