No communion for Obama supporters???


Well-known member
^I know... and then they said the one girl (the blonde) was still w/ her husband after he cheated on her 3 months into their relationship and that having sex every day showed him that she forgave him on a day-to-day basis.. I was like.. I'd be stabbing him in the neck on a day to day basis if my husband cheated on me.. wtf?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
^I know... and then they said the one girl (the blonde) was still w/ her husband after he cheated on her 3 months into their relationship and that having sex every day showed him that she forgave him on a day-to-day basis.. I was like.. I'd be stabbing him in the neck on a day to day basis if my husband cheated on me.. wtf?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
^I know... and then they said the one girl (the blonde) was still w/ her husband after he cheated on her 3 months into their relationship and that having sex every day showed him that she forgave him on a day-to-day basis.. I was like.. I'd be stabbing him in the neck on a day to day basis if my husband cheated on me.. wtf?

I know right...I think I'm gonna just go to this church one Sunday just to observe....I mean to bring a bed into the pulpit...DRAMA!!! who has a bed set up to make a point of telling people to have sex everyday....Speaking on it was just not enough I guess. How Dramatic!


Well-known member
Id love to go to that church and see what the big deal is- but who knows, that could be why this publicity started....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
^I know... and then they said the one girl (the blonde) was still w/ her husband after he cheated on her 3 months into their relationship and that having sex every day showed him that she forgave him on a day-to-day basis.. I was like.. I'd be stabbing him in the neck on a day to day basis if my husband cheated on me.. wtf?

Ugghh...and can you believe how happy that guy must be right now?? He cheated on his wife, then she turns around and has sex with him on a daily basis...seriously..if I ever seen this dirtbag in a dark alley...I TELL YA...


Well-known member
No joke. Thats the one thing (next to abuse) that I do NOT tolerate in a relationship. Catholic or not- if my husband can't stay faithfull to me then he can say "what up" to the Motel 8. Hope he enjoys basic cable. I wouldnt let his dick come within a 10 foot radius of me after being in another girl while we're married.


Well-known member
^^ lol.. No kidding, hey? Just the thought of the whole situation makes me cringe!! I wonder how long it will be before the man cheats again so that he can get rewarded with 7 days of sex with his wife when he gets back...GAG..