Not for the weak!! Caution. **STRONGLY ADVISE CAUTION** /admin


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I find people who get off on damn near dying more disturbing. To me, that's just so dangerous and likely being fueled by mental disease

Wikipedia has a great list of all sorts of fetishes.

and necrophilia...which is actually havin sex with dead people...wierd!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Wikipedia has a great list of all sorts of fetishes.

I'm going to add MACophilia to that list in a little bit.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous


ROFL'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so jacked up but, soooooo funny lol


Well-known member
Wow...I finally saw these. 2 girls 1 cup wasn't so bad. After all the build up it actually turned out to be pretty mild because it doesn't look real. Now, that 2 girls 1 finger video, on the other hand, was it for me. My jaw actually dropped and I felt nauseous. You couldn't pay me to do that.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I tried to watch it when the whole craze first started, but I could only get through the first few seconds.

We talked about it in a psychology class I took a few semesters ago. A lot of people hadn't seen it and didn't know about it but the few of us who knew warned them LOL Very interesting discussion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
For those that haven't seen it...

After seeing this, I did see reviews on you tube. It was more on reaction level. Apparently, some viewers on you tube thought it was funny and others got physically ill from seeing it. Perhaps, that's reason the creator of these films made these woman do such acts to just know people would get sick or laugh. I don't know, but I feel the creator of these is very sadistic towards women.

Personally, I feel whoever created this did this to take the viewer by surprise. It happens very quickly on the both films. You see two girls together and it almost appears that they are about to get it on, but they are dressed. Next scene, there is an anus with a large amount of loose feces coming out with a cup to catch it. Next, the two women are licking on this. This happens within seconds. That's when I stopped it. I felt I saw enough to get an idea of where this was leading.

Second clip

It appears one woman is vomiting into another mouth. I stop the tape quickly. This tape too was going into an area that was disgraceful to both the women and the viewer.

I believe there is something really gravely wrong behind the scenes that we do not know about that made these women perform such acts.

I see absolutely no value in seeing these films. If anything, I feel there may be something criminal behind the creation of them and should be throughly investigated.

To those who haven't seen it. You have been fully warned.

I'm SO glad I read your post. (and I totally agree with your opinion).

I will most definitely give it a miss.



Well-known member
Hrm ok well I haven't watched it. But I wanted to Post. I have read some of the comments and pretty much get what the video is about and all I can say is GROSS.
I am a pretty open minded person. I have worked in the sex industry for the last 2 years as a waitress and as a strip club manager!! And I have seen a lot of different things. I have served drinks to fully nude girls getting felt up by perverted 80yr old men (touching in strip clubs is legal in some states of australia QLD is one of them. never between the legs)And I have also seen alot of fetishes. Some of the weirdest ones would be the ball kicking guy he would come in once a week and have a dancer literally kick his balls for an hour...HE LOVED IT!!... Then we had the pie man... this dude would come in and have cream pies thrown in his face buy 2 or 3 dancers while they sang him a little song in childish voices, he would call in advance to let us know when he would be coming in and we would have to buy full size garbage bags to dress him in so his clothes wouldn't get dirty but these were the hilarious things...

We have also had to kick numerous amounts of people out for some pretty disturbing things. We have had guys chuck girls down on the floor and stick there fingers in the girls. Motor Boating the girls, Licking! (there is no mouth contact in the clubs either) And yes we have had lots of guys ask girls to pee and poo on them.. I have never heard of vomiting though.. But it's all still gross but it is real and it does happen and some people are pretty fuc*ed up!


Well-known member
Welcome to the internet. Most what of what some term as "deviant" behaviour has been around forever but was not available for mainstream consumption. While it may not be the majorities cup of tea there is always someone out there who is into it.

I personally think what people do to each other is their business. I only have two criteria, it has to be consensual and everyone involved is overage.

Just for the record I have not seen either of those videos.


Well-known member
You know, I heard about this first a couple years ago from a guy I was taking classes with. He brought his laptop to class regularly and before class was remarking on it. I didn't need to see it after he described it....seriously, what pleasure can POSSIBLY be gained from this? Ick.

kristina ftw!

Well-known member
I haven't personally seen the videos, but I know what they're about. Well, at least the first one.
To each his/her own, I say. No one's forcing anyone to watch it. I don't understand how people can get turned on by stuff like that, but I know it's possible, and that's fine. As long as all parts are consentual and fully understand what's going on, people are free to do whatever they like as far as I'm concerned.
Unless, of course, they were in any way forced or manipulated into it, which is an entirely different matter alltogether, I don't think there's a "monster" here at all.

Originally Posted by lara
Welcome to Japan, enjoy the porn.

On a lighter note, this made me laugh out loud.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
I don't think there's any monster here. I don't think the creator did anything wrong. Somebody, somewhere, likes this. Many people are as horrified by homosexuals, but homosexual porn is still made, and some people enjoy it. Unless he like threatened /beatthe girls into doing it, I don't see what's illegal about it. I'm just as disgusted as the next person by it, but eh it's a matter of personal taste, you know what I mean?

I don't think it's degrading to women. We are only saying 'it's degrading to women' because it's women doing something unappealing. If the video featured 2 guys doing the same thing, we wouldn't say it's degrading to men. Gender has nothing to do with it, we just like to jump in anywhere we can with YAY WOMEN'S RIGHTS.

Haha I don't mean for any of this to sound bitchy at all, Im just stating my counter-oppinion to some things I read in the thread.

Definitley good discussion topic!

If men were involved I would still feel complete outrage at this and that they are being degraded. It is disgusting. Few in the porn community are coming out in agreement with this. Most find it horrible. IF this is real, they are putting themselves at risk for serious disease.

To get off on this is going into sexual depravity. It is getting off on individuals putting themselves in danger and being subjected to something that society considers disgusting. Yeah, there are some who get off on this but I rate them right up there with those who get off on watching someone have sex with a dead body.


My fiancee and I watched the video a few weeks ago.... Nastiest thing in the world. And, I honestly think that they were "put up" to it...drugs, money, whatever. It doesn't seem like they're doing it for their own personal enjoyment. Who knows though, maybe they are. It's just sick.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Welcome to Japan, enjoy the porn.

Could you please clarify what you mean? Lol i think I may have missed a link somewhere here.


Well-known member
Haha I watched this with some guy friends. I was the only one who was able to watch it the whole way through.

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