Obama finally called to task - about time!


Well-known member
Fortunately the IRS is equal opportunity when they crackdown on endorsements from the pulpit for candidates - these guys would have been campaigning for the GOP

National Catholic Register: Church muzzled by IRS on issues? No, church organizations say - Catholic Online

Episcopal News Service Archives


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AppleDiva

White churches do not have to say that they are "unapologetically White" because assumptions are made. One of my friends attends a church that used to be 98% white as the Blacks (mostly educated immigrants of the West Indies and Africa) the white people moved out. My aunt lives walking distance to her local denominational church and when she went to worship, they told her where the predominantly Black church was located. (Mind you, she did not ask for the information)]

Wow, that is just incredibly ignorant...That is the exact opposite of how the church is supposed to be.!!! It is shameful to say the least. I feel so sorry that she was treated like that.

Although I hate to reveal much about myself here, but formerly as a speaker, I've been invited to all diverse churches & I never minded the clapping, dancing , shouting - everyone should be free to express themselves. I (yes I am white - which seems weird to even have to say that) was invited several times to speak at an inner city church by the black pastor & his wife who were/are my friends. I was told that I was crazy because white women were typically raped in that area. My love for the pastor & his wife & their congregation was much greater than skin color & offenses. My family is simply color blind and has never understood that hatred & ignorance.

That said, listening to the whole content of Wrights comments, they are extremely offensive & divisive - that will heal nothing. I have never owned slaves, nor did any of my ancestors etc. I can't even wrap my mind around the whole thought - it is so horrendous. I apologize for such awful racial treatment as a whole.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I agree that he shouldn't use the pulpit to espouse his political beliefs. I also think that this pastor is a man of God and he should be teaching tolerance and forgiveness despite the indescretions and hatred experienced in the past. He should be urging his congregation to push forward to be better people...not bitching about the past and encouraging his congregation to continue to be angry. That's not going to solve anything, and it's only going to keep his congregation living in the past and do nothing for the future.

My take on Obama's involvement is about the same as Athena's. It makes me question his judgement. Not that I was going to vote for him anyway....but it's just one more reason.

There is no candidate that is 100% on point in their judgments, so I think that people must judge for themselves, as you have done, why you do want to vote for people.

I think if we all looked over our lives and all of the people we have associated with, we are probably not electable.

Once again a great convo.


Well-known member
^^^ too true - if I were to run for office, the parking tickets and other youthful indiscretions would certainly come back to haunt me.

I've been looking everywhere for a transcript of wright's sermon that is so divisive but can't find it, other than the video on utube. Does anyone know where it can be found?

BTW this is a link Obama made recently when he distanced himself from wright. I gotta say he is a very charismatic man and you just want to believe him; I wonder how many potential democratic voters will be swayed by this?
Transcript: Barack Obama's Speech on Race : NPR