OH DEAR. :O What should I name it?

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by EllieFerris

A lot of folks are naming their daughters Bella these days, so I would probably have to go for Sophia.

My nieces middle name is Bella

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Our first concern right now is the child, our second concern is worrying about what to do with ourselves, but as of right now we both know we love each other and we just need to get past our anger and work together.

I hope you know that a child can be raised well and happily, even if the parents are not romantically together. I often think that I would've been better off had my mother divorced my father instead of (what I believe) staying with my father for our sake. Your happiness will affect your child's happiness and how you let others treat you will set an example of how this child thinks s/he should treat others and be treated.

With that said, why not wait until you see the baby or a little closer to time? I'm not too schooled about babies, but I imagine you might feel some kind of connection or hint about what the baby will be like (for instance, if it moves a lot). I like names that are specifically tailored to that particular child. It seems more personal (my name was just something my mother decided to her daughter, regardless).

Whatever you do, make sure the initials don't spell out anything bad or weird or the name is associated strongly with someone you don't like.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I hope you know that a child can be raised well and happily, even if the parents are not romantically together. I often think that I would've been better off had my mother divorced my father instead of (what I believe) staying with my father for our sake. Your happiness will affect your child's happiness and how you let others treat you will set an example of how this child thinks s/he should treat others and be treated.

With that said, why not wait until you see the baby or a little closer to time? I'm not too schooled about babies, but I imagine you might feel some kind of connection or hint about what the baby will be like (for instance, if it moves a lot). I like names that are specifically tailored to that particular child. It seems more personal (my name was just something my mother decided to her daughter, regardless).

Whatever you do, make sure the initials don't spell out anything bad or weird or the name is associated strongly with someone you don't like.

XD OMG I hear ya on the names spelling out something bad. Oh god, the possibilities

Whatever it is, it's kicking mommy's butt already with all this sickness, it's hard to even get out of bed in the morning D:< Bad baby!!!

And we're not exactly romantically involved, we just decided it would be a good idea to see where things go right now but not worry about it too much. The idea is: If it happens it happens, no reason to rush anything or start anything for anyone's sake. We're just being really good friends and being extremely civil to each other, but we want to actually be in the same house when this happens mostly because of my father. I have to move out with him before I can tell my parents because like I have said before, my father is rather abusive. And I will not have anything happen to my child because my father wants to go off on a anger fit about me being pregnant at (ALMOST) 21. So we just figure this is a better idea, and my sister is also being very helpful through all of this

Originally Posted by EllieFerris

A lot of folks are naming their daughters Bella these days, so I would probably have to go for Sophia.

My niece's name is Sophia
It is a really pretty name, and she sure is a little handful XD


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chrissyclass
I've always loved Stella.......as in Steeeeelllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I love Stella too! I also love Simone.


Active member
Boys names that I like: River, Adam, Collin, Finn, Joel, Max, and I second (third?) Oliver. Ollie for short! oh and Liam is so cute!

and girls names: Tabitha, Sara, Leah, Sophia, Olive, and Pia.

I like names that are more uncommon....


Well-known member
For a boy I have always loved Caleb Matthew, but if my hubby and I had a boy it would probably be Caleb Michael, because Michael is my husband's name, and his middle name is his father's first name. I also really love the name Brandon.

For a girl I really love Sophia Josephine and Cadence Ellianna.


Well-known member
My fave names are Liam for a boy and as for girls names I love Kylie, Ava (as cantaffordmac pronounces it) and I love the name Elle for some reason. Very sophisticated.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brittanymorgan
Boys names that I like: River, Adam, Collin, Finn, Joel, Max, and I second (third?) Oliver. Ollie for short! oh and Liam is so cute!

and girls names: Tabitha, Sara, Leah, Sophia, Olive, and Pia.

I like names that are more uncommon....

Those are really nice :O I especially like Finn for the boy, it reminds me of a character in a book my friend was writing.


Well-known member
What about James for a girl?

[10 points for anyone who knows where that's from. Veto!]

Congratulations &I hope you feel better


Well-known member
Our son's name is Ian Allen. I always wanted the name Ian and we went with Allen b/c it's my husband's and his father's middle name. It works, so no complaints, lol. For boys' names though we like Colin Daniel and Gage Michael. And then girls' I really like Ava, but the hubby doesnt so we agreed on either Natalie Marie or Emmerson Riley (call her Emme).

Good luck with your pregnancy and I hope you feel better =) Hopefully we'll be pregnant again next year, keeping my fingers crossed!


Well-known member
If I ever have a girl I'd like to name her Ida Adalmina.
Ida was the name of my mothers mom whom I never met and Adalmina comes for a fairytale I used to love as a child.

For a boy I don't have a clue.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
So me and the jerkbag (ex-boyfriend/boyfriend/idkwhatweare) have decided to keep the behbeh in my belly :O Mostly because well we can afford it, and for right now it seems like the most responsible thing to do and I just can't get rid of it
I thought about it and I can't do it, and luckily he respects that.

We've already told his parents and are going to be moving out soon because he's only 21 and already makes over 50grand a year. So for now it'll be on his monnnney until I can get my MAC job HOPEFULLY on the 10th or a little after. Anyways, we were both slightly fighting on names, ALREADY. I want to get this down so I don't have names running through my head during this entire pregnancy, but I am just wondering.

I don't want to sound rude, or sound like I'm passing judgement on you, but from your post, it sounds like you have elected the absolute wrong reason to have a baby. Just because you can afford to keep it doesn't justify having one. And less than a week ago I read a thread about this same man being abusive and very unloving towards you...why would you want to have a baby with someone like that? You do realize that having a baby with him bonds the two of you for the entire life of that child? I think that's an awful environment to bring a baby into, and I hope you don't think that it's going to make your ex or whatever he is straighten up and fly right, because becoming parents isn't to be taken lightly, and it can take quite a toll on a relationship, especially one that's already so rocky. I don't think that's fair to you two or your baby.

Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
Sorry to digress, but didn't you just have a thread about breaking up with him and how horrible he has always been towards you?

And still...to have a baby with him seems like a good idea?

Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Yes I did, but we reconciled on that point as of right now. For right now our main concern is this child and what we need to do to bring it into this world healthy and with love. He told me he wants to prove to me that he can be a good boyfriend at this point, and so far he has been very good to me. Besides, it's not like I didn't wrong him also, I did a horrible thing as well, and we both talked about it for a LONNNNGGG time over a few days and we came to this conclusion.

Our first concern right now is the child, our second concern is worrying about what to do with ourselves, but as of right now we both know we love each other and we just need to get past our anger and work together.

Sorry, rant XD

You've reconciled as of "right now." What does that mean 7 or 8 months from now, when you have a baby on your hands? It sounds like you guys are having a honeymoon phase so that you won't leave him. Abusers don't just stop abusing all of a sudden. Sure they'll straighten out for a little while until things seem great, and then something could happen to set them off again.

Obviously, this baby is already conceived and is living inside of you, and I don't want you to read this and think I'm some crazy bitch on a soapbox who's urging you to have an abortion or give up your baby to avoid having to be with this man...but perhaps before you start thinking about baby names, you guys should consider some sort counseling to help with some of the problems in your relationships before this baby arrives. You might also want to make sure you have good family or friends support in case things don't work out and you need to seek alternatives for where you would stay and who would keep your baby when you start working or something, because once your baby gets here, he or she is here to stay, regardless of what goes on between the two of you.

Good luck.

Originally Posted by kimmy
if i ever have a kid, i hope it will be a boy so i can call him james. i like the name james...it's so classy.

On a happier note, that's my daddys name, and I already decided to name one of my children after him, or at least a middle name.


Well-known member
Actually... there's no real reason to worry anymore
I went in for my checkup to my doctor's and we found out the baby's heartbeat wasn't there. So in other word's I lost it... my body hasn't seemed to have reacted to it, because I wasn't in any pain, except now I'm very sad.

And of course... after that happened the jerk's true colors showed through. So I'm done with that, now I just need time to myself and time to heal from this. I never thought I would be knocked on my ass so hard by something that came and left so quickly.
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