OH DEAR. :O What should I name it?

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
I'm really sorry to hear that

~hugs back~

It's okay
Shit happens... just gotta tough it out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Actually... there's no real reason to worry anymore
I went in for my checkup to my doctor's and we found out the baby's heartbeat wasn't there. So in other word's I lost it... my body hasn't seemed to have reacted to it, because I wasn't in any pain, except now I'm very sad.

And of course... after that happened the jerk's true colors showed through. So I'm done with that, now I just need time to myself and time to heal from this. I never thought I would be knocked on my ass so hard by something that came and left so quickly.

Oh my god i am so sorry to hear this

Please know we are all here for you, if you need anything just pm me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Oh my god i am so sorry to hear this

Please know we are all here for you, if you need anything just pm me.

Thank you
I'll be okay... I'm just really shocked still.


Well-known member
I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. Just know that sometimes your body knows something that you don't and perhaps there was something horribly wrong with the baby. My niece went through this about 2 yrs ago. In fact she didn't even know that she was pregnant until she lost it. But it was still very hard for her. She and her husband now have a beautiful baby girl. I'm sure you will someday have a little one if you want. Who knows someday you may look back and see this as a blessing in disguise.

Give your body and emotions time to heal and then focus on working toward your happiness and goals. You are very young and can bounce forward in new directions. Good Luck!


Well-known member
Nathan and Aiden for boys names. Personally, I'm naming my son Redding but I wouldn't suggest that as I like unique names.

I love Olivia as a girls name. and Sophie...not Sophia. and Lanie. I love the name Ava but it's gotten really popular lately and it's what I named my persian last year. :p Actually I'm not a fan of anime AT ALL but I think Sakura is a cute/unique name. I know some people like names like Alize (pronounced like the alcohol lol)....personally I don't like 'em THAT unique


Well-known member
Hey BloodMittens, I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this. It must be pretty confusing and painful. Just a suggestion; I know some people haven't read the update and are still posting name suggestions... If you're finding this particularly painful you might consider posting an update in your original post. Anyway, I'm sending hugs and support.


Well-known member
I have 3 kids. Zoe, James and Sommer. Get a name book if you can't think of a name.
Sometimes during the pregnancy, the baby names itself....it's really weird, you guys can work it out, just make sure you think of all the rhymes that come with the name so kids won't make fun of your kid. ....

EDA: I read your post about your miscarriage. I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy too. It was heartbreaking, but 10% of first pregnancies end in miscarriage. You will fell better in time I promise!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Hey BloodMittens, I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this. It must be pretty confusing and painful. Just a suggestion; I know some people haven't read the update and are still posting name suggestions... If you're finding this particularly painful you might consider posting an update in your original post. Anyway, I'm sending hugs and support.

It's okay

Thank you for your support! I'm getting through this pretty well, but I am going to a therapist, my sister insisted on it. She said I needed to get some closure on everything that has been bothering me for this long time, and to finally get it out and get some answers. It's going pretty well


Well-known member
bloodmittens - I'm so sorry to hear your sad news.

Out of respect for the difficult time the OP is experiencing and the nature of this thread, I am closing this thread.

Bloodmittens - feel free to create a new thread in DT, I just don't want this thread to cause you any unnecessary pain right now.
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