Older male stars you find attractive?


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I have a really strange one...Ian McKellan.. I *know* he prefers boys in gold hot pants (and who wouldn't) but....

Chic 2k6

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I think these 2 are sooooo HAWT!!!!! i know old pic but wowza! River Phoenix and Wil Wheaton. Wil's still very hawt now but poor River's been dead 13 years RIP
Sorry if the pic's big



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George Clooney.

But my older-celebrity crush has been, is and always will be JOHN TRAVOLTA i´m in love with him since i first saw grease ....


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I Forgot ...

* Jon Bon Jovi
* Richie Sambora (even though i think he´s an asshole)
* Richard Gere (sweetness)
* Bono
* Clive Owen (the guy from the film CLOSER)
* Billy Corgan (smashing pumpkins)
* Scott Weiland (stone temple pilots)
* Dave Grohl (foo fighters)
* Davey Havok ( A.F.I)
* Nick 13 (Tiger Army)


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Sean Connery , George Clooney , and Nicolace Cage ...... Some very nice looking men ! I'm 21 and I've thought the much older Sean Connery has always been attractrive.... I thinkit's got something to do with the voice


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Originally Posted by ccarp001
FINALLY someone mentions him!
i feel like a weirdo for thinking he's so sexy! i think its the smart thing and his sense of humor!

I was gonna say him too , but i thought it may be a little creepy


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey
Hugh Laurie (from HOUSE)

Patrick Dempsey (from GREY'S ANATOMY)

Sean Penn

Johnny Depp

I don't think of johnny Depp or patrick dempsy as old, but if they are.... lets add em to my list too


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Guys about my age I find attractive: Keanu Reeves (dead ringer for my brother!!!) Viggo Mortensen (met him-he's more than attractive because he writes great poetry and does the most amazing paintings, very deep guy), John Rzeznik, Anthony Bourdain (he's even better looking and funnier in real life, Linus Roache-its those sad puppy eyes. Christopher Walken is still uber-hot!!!!


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Originally Posted by moonrevel
Mmm, have you seen Alan Rickman in the music video for that Texas song "In Demand"? If you haven't, you must go find it online. I am convinced that anyone who has seen him doing his sexy dance in it will feel warm and tingly all over and agree with me that he is one hot older man!

OMG, that is such a sexy awesome video!!!
It's a Scottish group called Texas. The song is "In Demand" Its a great tango.


Well-known member
robert de niro is oh so hot to me.

and i still think al pacino is attractive. scarface is what got me onto him. that whole bad boy role he played. he was a bad boy in his younger days also. and he was gorgeous in the godfather series. and i love his voice.

but if it came down to it i'd sooooooooooooo be with robert.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey

Patrick Dempsey (from GREY'S ANATOMY)

Sean Penn

Johnny Depp

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS LAWDDDDDDDDDD RIGHT ON THE MONEY!!! Me and all of these men can have pretty lil mixed babies...Dempsey..*tear* that's a sexy man right there...and Johnny Depp i have loved him since Edward Scissorhands...nobody understands why i love him so much..so sexy...and i add Blair Underwood to this list too...he can beat up women in his movies but i still love him lol


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Didnt ever think it before but after watching Iron Man..

Robert Downey Jr. Hawt.

and Tommy Lee Jones, theres just something sexy about him.

and of course I agree with Patrick Dempsey and Johnny Depp!


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I have always adored Andy Garcia. I dunno, it may be the Cuban thing (since I am Cuban too). Funny thing is that way back in the day when my mom was in elementary school in Miami and had just come from Cuba, she was friends with his sister, so she would see him all the time when he was a little boy. hehe

Oh, and I agree with Anthony Bourdain. I find him sexy for some reason.

I'm 28 and they both are old enough to be my dad lol


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Originally Posted by moonrevel
Like every other warm blooded woman, I find a number of younger celebrity men to be quite hot, but more than them, I have girl-crushes on older celebrity men. As you can tell by my new avatar, I am in love with Alan Rickman, and my heart has been known to pitter-patter over Sean Connery. So...

Does the cheese stand alone? Or do any of you join me in finding older male stars (say 50 or over) strangely hot? You know, like they may not be young whippersnappers anymore, but they still have it?

If not, I'll just go be weird on my own and watch Harry Potter.

I love this thread. I consider the study of the hot older man one of my main hobbies
My friend once described my taste in men as "mom" taste in men. Pshh, she said it like it was a bad thing!

Alan Rickman definitely. And Anthony Stuart Head (Giles from Buffy) I've fancied them both since I was about 15. One girl in my class just couldn't get her head around my Giles obsession, I think she thought I was pulling her leg, and one day I'd turn around and admit to my secret love of Angel instead.

And John C McGinley. Hes not 50, but not far off...


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Originally Posted by coachkitten
I hate to say this now that Nicole Ritchie & him are supposedly dating but I have alway thought Jeff Goldblum was attractive. If he is dating Nicole Ritchie I am going to have to think twice about it as I am not a huge fan of hers.

When did this happen? Sorry, that is just about the most unlikely couple of all. Isn't he really tall? She probably comes up to his...oh wait.....maybe that is a good deal for him. lol

Oh, but I agree. He's got that....swagger. lol

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