Older male stars you find attractive?


Well-known member
Dave Grohl for sure.

Dave Matthews...oh yum. He can sing, play guitar, and he's sexy. The things I would do to that man.

The Rock.

Tim McGraw. Oh my I could go on. and on..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Obreathemykiss
Dave Grohl for sure.

Dave Matthews...oh yum. He can sing, play guitar, and he's sexy. The things I would do to that man.

The Rock.

Tim McGraw. Oh my I could go on. and on..

I TOTALLY agree with Dave Matthews. I am a HUGE fan. Have every CD he has ever made.....


Well-known member
Johnny Depp


Well-known member
Yuck... I don't like grandpas... George Clooney is just too old for me. I've never been interested in him or anyone his age. I think I have something against guys with gray hair.
I don't think Brad Pitt is hot either. eww.

Patrick Dempsey is alright... Johnny Depp, of course, is sexy.
& Jon Bon Jovi. :p

Orlando Bloom is hot, but he's not old.

...Christian Bale is frickin HOT. omg. Watch American Psycho. (nice ass!!!) ... watch Batman Begins! damn...


Well-known member
Isn't there a thread asking what celebrities in general we find hot? I can't find it for the life of me so I'll post here instead because I am SOOOO excited I finally have a celebrity crush! LOLLLL

Shia LaBoeuf!!

He is technically older than me, just not significantly. :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by threelittlebirds
James Spader and Dr. Drew.

OMG!!!Both hotties, and smart. You would have a nice conversation after!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
OMG, the bolded statement is hilarious.
Prince definitely has presence, but he would be almost half a foot shorter than me, that's too much!

LOL, I'm almost an ENTIRE foot taller than Prince, and he could still get it. All day and all night, and twice on Sunday. We'd be working up a black sweat



Well-known member
Daniel Day Lewis. Especially in Gangs of New York, with that big moustache and top hat. So hot.
Harrison Ford.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
Daniel Day Lewis. Especially in Gangs of New York, with that big moustache and top hat. So hot.
Harrison Ford.


No ones said Ed Harris yet...