Tish I just want to thank you for all of your advice and being there for me.... I really have no one to talk to about these things.... so it means a lot to me.
I hung out @ his apt last night before the movie for a bit and hee was showing me all these video montages he had done for like.. his cousin's wedding and one of the guys @ the station he works with... he was like "all my friends are married. I'm going to be 29 and all of them are...." He sounded so sad.. I felt bad for him... its obvious that he takes marriage and families seriously.
Im def not going to text/call him. I know he's going out tonight because it's black wednesday.... and tomorrow he's going to a friend's house for thanksgiving @ 1:30. He had mentioned previously us hanging out tomorrow night but Im not sure if he wants to now.
I think if I dont hear from him by likme 4 tomorrow I'm just going to text him and be like "did you still wanna chill tonight or can I break open a bottle of wine with my cousin's?"... or maybe i should just .. not. I dunno. argh.
I feel better after taking plan b though. Thank God I have the medical card because I got it for free and the lady there was sooooo nice. She ordered me a years worth of perscriptions for it and told me that any time I need it just to come in and give them my ID. I thought that was so nice of her- but I dont plan on having sex any time soon, now. Im too scared.
Might I add that my son is in his highchair right next to me eating cherrios and when I look at him looking at me and smiling like im the most amazing person in the world.... it makes me want to cry. I feel like I've let him down.... all this- him not having a dad and me fucking up every relatinoship i get into or every guy that i meet is really starting to break me. I want whats best for him soooo badly.