omg.. I want to do this look for my bday!! Help on what eyeshadows she's wearing!! :)


Well-known member
Wow, all this really is drama... you're just too hot and likeable for your own good!
Have fun on your date... let us know how it goes! Brent sounds like he might actually be a good guy!


Well-known member
Man I sure hope so. Last night we talked for like 2 hours through text... and i was happy he asked me out to dinner. Obviously he wanted to talk to me and make sure that I knew that he liked me and everything was cool or he wouldn't have texted me and asked me out out of hte blue like he did when he got done talking to Melissa..

So I talked to Melissa again on the way up to school today and she said that i need to meet her and brent @ banana's before the movie after I put adler to bed... and that she might skimp out on the movie but wants to hang out with us before hand... she said she wants brent and i to have a "romantic" time together.... haha
Which makes me wonder if that's coming from brent, and not her. who knows. Im soooo excited to see him again though- I just dont know what to wear! Or what im going to do for my makeup!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh ... at least I'll have my handy dandy dazzleglass!!!!!


Well-known member
ahhh does anyone know what she's wearing on on her lips in the second picture? the girl on the right I mean? that's a gorgeous lip color.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gujifijian
wow I love ur collection!

If you are taking about mine...Thanks!! If not...excuse the ring!!


Well-known member
In case anyone hasnt caught up yet..

I had sex with brent last night.. the condom broke.. and i just went to planned parenthood and took plan b.

Brent told me this morning he wanted to slow things down but he still liked me and didnt want to stop talking to me. he said "I assure you."

but i doubt it.

Im not going to call/text him.

Last night after it happened we were laying there and he was like "Saturday night can i cook you dinner?"

I told him he didnt have to.. and i didnt have a sitter sat night.. he said that was fine but he didnt have a highchair... and i told him he could just come over to my house if he wanted.. but he didnt sound very enthused.

When it rains it pours


Well-known member
Well sometimes it takes men awhile to adjust to kids....especially if they don't have any. I lucked up my husband already had kids from his first marriage...(well that wasn't the lucky part) But he adores I asked him later if by me having a small son (2 at the time) when we met if that was ever an issue for him..He said no actually when I met your son and watched how you mothered him it made me want to be with you even more...So maybe this will be the case with you...

But I agree...let him call or text you....Don't make yourself too available...If he texts ...text him back but not immediately.

Again, I hope everything works out


Well-known member
Tish I just want to thank you for all of your advice and being there for me.... I really have no one to talk to about these things.... so it means a lot to me.

I hung out @ his apt last night before the movie for a bit and hee was showing me all these video montages he had done for like.. his cousin's wedding and one of the guys @ the station he works with... he was like "all my friends are married. I'm going to be 29 and all of them are...." He sounded so sad.. I felt bad for him... its obvious that he takes marriage and families seriously.

Im def not going to text/call him. I know he's going out tonight because it's black wednesday.... and tomorrow he's going to a friend's house for thanksgiving @ 1:30. He had mentioned previously us hanging out tomorrow night but Im not sure if he wants to now.

I think if I dont hear from him by likme 4 tomorrow I'm just going to text him and be like "did you still wanna chill tonight or can I break open a bottle of wine with my cousin's?"... or maybe i should just .. not. I dunno. argh.

I feel better after taking plan b though. Thank God I have the medical card because I got it for free and the lady there was sooooo nice. She ordered me a years worth of perscriptions for it and told me that any time I need it just to come in and give them my ID. I thought that was so nice of her- but I dont plan on having sex any time soon, now. Im too scared.

Might I add that my son is in his highchair right next to me eating cherrios and when I look at him looking at me and smiling like im the most amazing person in the world.... it makes me want to cry. I feel like I've let him down.... all this- him not having a dad and me fucking up every relatinoship i get into or every guy that i meet is really starting to break me. I want whats best for him soooo badly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Tish I just want to thank you for all of your advice and being there for me.... I really have no one to talk to about these things.... so it means a lot to me.
I think if I dont hear from him by likme 4 tomorrow I'm just going to text him and be like "did you still wanna chill tonight or can I break open a bottle of wine with my cousin's?"... or maybe i should just .. not. I dunno. argh.


No don't text him....let him call or text you...if he hasn't called go on with other plans...if he calls far late let him know you have already made other plans because you had not heard from him and take a raincheck for another day.

I think you will be doing fine...I was going thru some of the same delimas only 4-5 years ago when my son was a little older than Adler...It will work out...Just keep taking care of your son, being a good mother and keep your faith.

I am not sure why he would be upset anyway...It's not your fault the condom broke...maybe he should buy better condoms....

I am sending you a PM


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Might I add that my son is in his highchair right next to me eating cherrios and when I look at him looking at me and smiling like im the most amazing person in the world.... it makes me want to cry. I feel like I've let him down.... all this- him not having a dad and me fucking up every relationship i get into or every guy that i meet is really starting to break me. I want whats best for him soooo badly.

And thats EXACTLY what you are doing for him. You are still putting yourself out there..but you don't need to jump the gun on any random guy just cause you want your son to have a father...(And your not) will take time! I know that you are frustrated..but don't loose hope! You are a good person with a level head and are doing the best you can. Lets hope this Brent guy plays out..he is old enough to know that a condom breaking shouldn't send him running for the hills...
Only look for the best Melissa, and if it not what you want for yourself or for your son, then send him packing guys only deserve the BEST!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
Only look for the best Melissa, and if it not what you want for yourself or for your son, then send him packing guys only deserve the BEST!!


I can tell from reading your posts how much you care about Adler... I mean it almost makes me want to cry reading it because I can tell how badly you want the best for him. He already thinks you're amazing though... you're "Mommy" after all. That's one of the things that made me want to have kids. I want to be the person they look at like that, to be the one to just light up their faces when they see me. You're already doing right by him. It's not your fault your ex doesn't want to be around... Adler will thank God later that you stuck it out for him. I hope things work out with Brent if that's what you want... and if not, I'm hoping you'll find a really great guy (and trust me, one is out there!). You and Adler deserve it!

Sorry if I'm being too nosy, but I saw all that and just felt like I needed to respond.


Well-known member
FiestyFemme-- you're not being nosey at all.. .thank you so much for your kind words!!! I want to just take things slow with brent and pray to GOD it works out- or that I meet someone with as kind of a heart as him. Most guys would have FREAKED OUT last night when the condom broke......he just looked at it... put it in the garbage... walked over to me and pulled me close to him and just hugged me and held me for like 30 minutes...

Every time I pulled back he would touch my face and tuck my hair behind my ears and kiss my forehead and then hug me again... he kept telling me that everything was going to be okay and we would figure out how to handle it... Ive NEVER IN MY LIFE felt that kind of compassion from a man. Ever. It touched my heart in a way i couldnt believe!!!!

Sorry if I keep rambling.. ugh. lol


Well-known member
He sounds like a really good guy... I think you're right that most guys would've freaked, so props to him for not being like "most guys". It sounds like he's mature and not looking to run away, so hang in there 'cause you just never know! Taking things slow sounds like a good idea, and I'm hoping it all works out for you.


Well-known member
^Exactly.,... he suprised me SO MUCH by acting the way he did. It just... sealed the deal. I cant believe how amazing that was of him. He didnt freak..

Ugh. But you know what ? Im not going to even look at my phone tonight. Not @ all.. he got off about an hour ago and I know he's going to the next town over for black wednesday so Im not going to even look at my phone because I refuse to be checking my phone all night. Part of me wants to turn it off but then I dont want him to call and be like "why the HELL is her phone turned off" and not leave me a voicemail- and then I wont know if I have a missed call from him.

So phone is on silent... on my dresser... face down so I cant see if it lights up... and im going to watch Baby Mama and drink my Casserilo Del Diablo Cabernet!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
If ur asking me I have no clue, I have never tried an alcoholic beverage before. Not even a wine cooler.

Wow! REally??? WEll good for you! REally can only lead to a bad hangover the next


Well-known member
I'm a wine drinker. I dont drink except aside from that except RARELY.... I have a huge irish family though.. so red wine @ every meal is how it goes around here

And yes that wine is excellent.. its my faveorite by far of red wines. Im a big merlot drinker... but this is the best cabernet Ive ever found.. its from chile and is pretty expensive by the glass/bottle if you order it out somewhere (between $9-$12/glass... up to $35-$40/bottle) but in the stores its literally $10-$15 a bottle. Niiice right? Resteraunts always jack prices on good wine though.

And so now starts the "Im not looking at my phone until tomorrow morning"... hopefully I can do it.. 7:40 pm. Wish my luck girls! This is extreame test of will for me!!!! :p