Well today I let everyone slide because I really didn't care. To be honest, if you're not one of those tourists that come in and buy a ton stuff and all of the same colors, like say they buy 3 'vibrant grape' e/s, 3 'soft force' e/s, etc... no one is going to say anything. Because most of our returns are from people like that. They buy a ton of duplicates, go over $300, etc... then return it later. The only time I enforce any of our rules is if the person is a bitch and that's my weird way of getting back at them. (The sweetest revenge is when they're an ass the whole time and then their credit card gets declined!!). And everyone at my job is pretty nice. But I still wanted to warn you guys just in case, you know? So it's kind of like an... be warned, but not terrified type thing? If that makes sense LMAO.