Orlando, FL CCO (Orlando Premium & Prime Outlets)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by crystrill
The whole bitch thing wasn't geared towards you at all

CCO's are returns and store credit only. But since it's makeup we can't put it back out on the floor. So that's money wasted. We need more customers so we can become a high volume store since Premium is. It's hard because Premium is close enough for people to not want to come to Prime at all. But we NEED you guys to come so that way we can get up there with Premium and be able to order more often and more stuff. They're considered high volume which is why they often have a lot more things we don't. A lot of people tell us all the time that they like our store better but wished we had what they had. But Prime mall is fairly new so it will probably take another year to get up there. Our second problem is that we're on the expensive side of the mall.

I have to admit, I like the MSF selection at Premium better, but Prime is a much better store. I find things that would have sold out at Premium. When I make my CCO run, which means both stores (for my wallet not so good, for my traincase, YAY!), I tend to buy more from Prime. I guess it's because Premium usually gets picked over so thoroughly. They have a lot of pigments Prime doesn't, but most of them are ones I already have or wasn't crazy about. Their e/s selection is crazy, but I never find one I want. It's always the things I passed on when the collection came out. I really do prefer Prime, so much easier to find parking and the place doesn't feel so claustrophobic.


Well-known member
Oh, and for anyone wanting to know about the pigment selection at Premium, since I was just there on Thursday (1/28). Now, please understand that not all might still be there, this is what I saw that day. I was bummed not to be able to make it out to Prime that day (my pregnant belly wasn't in the mood to let me do much), so no list for Prime... They have sold a TON of pigments since I was there on January 6th. None of what I bought that day was still there. So, it looks like these jars are moving fast now that the word is out about the size changes. Anyway... the list:

cool pink, gold mode, polished ivory, gilded green, vintage green, viz-a-violet, mutiny, pink vivid, pink pearl, bell bottom blue, jewelmarine, reflects blackened red, melon, lovely lily, jardin aires, deep blue green, copperbeam, mega-rich, spiritualize, tan, lark about, green space, reflects very pink, clear blue sky, circa plum, royal flush, golden olive, cocomotion, provence, gold stroke, and antique green.


Well-known member
Can someone PM me the address of the CCO. Brand new to the state and cant seem to find any info on it. Thank you!

Using a GPS to find it and I cant seem to find it on the list....I am overly tired so it may just be staring me in the face and I cant see it!


Active member
Okay...so i used to work at the Prime Outlets years ago...well in 07....so i'm familiar with the mall...but now i live in Clermont and i don't really go out there as much anymore

My question is...what is the name of the CCO? I'm thinking its the perfumania store for some reason...or is it another name? I wanna go out there as soon as my refund hits my bank account!!

<-------this is so funny!! I jus had to comment on it! lol
Originally Posted by twirlingbunny
do you work there? do yall have the holiday ruby palette in smokey eye??

I definitely saw it at one of the outlets this weekend, but they are running together
Originally Posted by SmilingElephant
Okay...so i used to work at the Prime Outlets years ago...well in 07....so i'm familiar with the mall...but now i live in Clermont and i don't really go out there as much anymore

My question is...what is the name of the CCO? I'm thinking its the perfumania store for some reason...or is it another name? I wanna go out there as soon as my refund hits my bank account!!

<-------this is so funny!! I jus had to comment on it! lol

The Cosmetics Company Store


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SmilingElephant
Okay...so i used to work at the Prime Outlets years ago...well in 07....so i'm familiar with the mall...but now i live in Clermont and i don't really go out there as much anymore

My question is...what is the name of the CCO? I'm thinking its the perfumania store for some reason...or is it another name? I wanna go out there as soon as my refund hits my bank account!!

<-------this is so funny!! I jus had to comment on it! lol

LOL it's next door to a Perfumania though
A lot of people come in asking for perfumes and I'll be like, "Did you try Perfumania next door?" And they're like, "I thought this was."

And I live in Clermont too right now (Montverde). Hopefully I'll be moving soon. So much gas.

ALSO.... you all can forget about that new 3-limit rule thing I mentioned the other day. That only lasted about a week and now it seems that no one cares anymore. I'll be deleting the post.


Well-known member
Hey everyone! So it's my spring break the week after next
, and I was planning on shopping at both of the Orlando CCO's. Has anyone been there recently? Where there any products that are must-haves? I kinda want to have a game plan when I get there. TIA.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blusherie
Hey everyone! So it's my spring break the week after next
, and I was planning on shopping at both of the Orlando CCO's. Has anyone been there recently? Where there any products that are must-haves? I kinda want to have a game plan when I get there. TIA.

Hey girl,
I haven't been to the Orlando CCO's since Dec so I can't help with specifics but in general Premium has a bigger selection with lots of eyeshadows, piggies, lipsticks, lipglasses, MSF's, blushes, etc. Prime has more rare things though since it's not as picked over. So they are both def worth it
Have a fun break!


Orlando, FL (Orlando Premium Outlets)

Hi everyone! I was in Orlando next week for work and managed to quickly visit the CCO at Orlando Premium Outlets. I didn't spend more than 2 minutes in there but saw several pigments (Circa Plum springs to mind), some Mineralize Eyeshadows and Sculp/Shape duos. That's all I managed to remember from a very short visit, sorry!


Well-known member
I'll be going to both CCO's next week. I'll be in Orlando from Monday to Sunday so hopefully I can get an answer before then lol.

I'm looking for these:
Select cover up concealers in NW shades only
Pro long lip wear in durashell, alta moda, lasting lust, boss browns



Well-known member
Originally Posted by fintia
I'll be going to both CCO's next week. I'll be in Orlando from Monday to Sunday so hopefully I can get an answer before then lol.

I'm looking for these:
Select cover up concealers in NW shades only
Pro long lip wear in durashell, alta moda, lasting lust, boss browns


I saw the concealers at the one in Prime. I don't remember if they had them at Premium. The last time I went was the end of January. They had a ton of pro long wear at Premium, I can't recall the exact shades.


Well-known member
This is for PRIME outlets.

SOOOOOOOOO we've been getting shipment the past two weeks!!!! And today, the final day, we got the best shipment EVER! And I do mean EVER! Me and my co-workers agree this is the best shipment we've ever gotten in our 2 years of existence LOL. It's just sooo much stuff to the point that even if you visited a week or two ago it's a "brand new store".

-We got about 90% of the Holiday collections.
-We got the mineralized eyeshadows that had the 4 colors in one. From I think Colour Craft? Can't remember.
-PIGMENTS! We got a ton. Some of them were only a few of a color so if you want them act fast. And we have 3 or 4 glitters at the moment including gold, fuschia, pink, and another one.
-Mineralize skinfinishes!! We have the BBR ones in stock again as well as the tri-color ones like triple fusion, smooth merge.
-We got in a TONNNNNNN of eyeshadows. I counted them. We currently have 42 eyeshadow colors and a ton of singles that can be found by the register.

And as I said, we got in a majority of the Holiday things including all 4 eyeshadow palettes, 2 brush sets, both face kits (fabracadabra and the other one), the Nordstrom kit, the kit in the pink box that came with the skinfinish and mineral e/s, umm... lips kits, the mineral eyeshadows, pigment sets, lipglass sets, etc. Basically damn near the whole thing.

It's really just so much stuff that I can't list it all. We're still opening and going through boxes and running out of spaces to put everything! But definitely worth the trip.

We also got in a lot of Bobbi Brown things that are really nice! I normally don't buy BB but there's so much I actually want.

This is for PRIME outlets.


Active member
I was just at Prime today! I guess I was there too early this morning for all of that to be put out. Ah well...got some Clinique instead.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by crystrill
This is for PRIME outlets.

SOOOOOOOOO we've been getting shipment the past two weeks!!!! And today, the final day, we got the best shipment EVER! And I do mean EVER! Me and my co-workers agree this is the best shipment we've ever gotten in our 2 years of existence LOL. It's just sooo much stuff to the point that even if you visited a week or two ago it's a "brand new store".

-We got about 90% of the Holiday collections.
-We got the mineralized eyeshadows that had the 4 colors in one. From I think Colour Craft? Can't remember.
-PIGMENTS! We got a ton. Some of them were only a few of a color so if you want them act fast. And we have 3 or 4 glitters at the moment including gold, fuschia, pink, and another one.
-Mineralize skinfinishes!! We have the BBR ones in stock again as well as the tri-color ones like triple fusion, smooth merge.
-We got in a TONNNNNNN of eyeshadows. I counted them. We currently have 42 eyeshadow colors and a ton of singles that can be found by the register.

And as I said, we got in a majority of the Holiday things including all 4 eyeshadow palettes, 2 brush sets, both face kits (fabracadabra and the other one), the Nordstrom kit, the kit in the pink box that came with the skinfinish and mineral e/s, umm... lips kits, the mineral eyeshadows, pigment sets, lipglass sets, etc. Basically damn near the whole thing.

It's really just so much stuff that I can't list it all. We're still opening and going through boxes and running out of spaces to put everything! But definitely worth the trip.

We also got in a lot of Bobbi Brown things that are really nice! I normally don't buy BB but there's so much I actually want.

This is for PRIME outlets.

Dang girl, you are making me want to drive up to Orlando but I don't think I am going to be able to
The Estero CCO has a lot of the holiday stuff too if anyone was wondering


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PerformingMAC
I was just at Prime today! I guess I was there too early this morning for all of that to be put out. Ah well...got some Clinique instead.

I got to work at 11 AM... so I think shipment came around 12ish lol. Wait about 3 days and come back. There's 50 million boxes to go through. What I listed isn't even everything that we got. It's just what we opened so far. Tons of singles as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by crystrill
I got to work at 11 AM... so I think shipment came around 12ish lol. Wait about 3 days and come back. There's 50 million boxes to go through. What I listed isn't even everything that we got. It's just what we opened so far. Tons of singles as well.

do you all take phone orders?

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