Ouija board


Well-known member
Does anyone believe in the Ouija board or have any crazy/scary stories to share? I was inspired by reading another thread that someone had posted on here in the past about hauntings and such and I got to thinking of my past experiences with the Ouija board.

When I was between 10-11 (can't really remember) my friends really wanted to play the board, but I refused because my mom always told me this horrible story of when she played it back in the 70s as a teenager. I was bad and rebelled and played it a little bit in high school with one of my friends, who was OBSESSED with the damn thing. Scary things started happening at her house too. I never was there to experience what she told me, but it always creeped me out.
Last year, before Christmas when I lived at home with my parents, my fiance used to come over and spend the night every weekend. He brought the Ouija board over (against my wishes) and we were drunk and started fooling around with it. Nothing happened so I threw it off the bed and onto the floor. The TV was on the whole time and I had the remotes lying across the room on a table. We were sitting on the bed talking about it, Nick was saying it was all B.S. and didn't work when all of a sudden, the TV just straight up cut off all by itself! Scared the hell out of me! After that, I freaked out and told him to take it home with him the next day but he refused. It stayed in my guest bedroom for about a week and weird things happened. I ended up tossing it into the back of one of my dad's old cars and never touched it again.


Well-known member
I've never tried one for the reasons listed above!! While I have never personally encountered spirits/ghosts, I believe they do exist. I don't want to welcome anything unwelcome into my space!!


Well-known member
I am too scared to try it. Although I am not sure it is legit I still don't want to try it. Same with saying bloody mary three times in a dark bathroom with the door locked. I am sure she is not going to come out of the mirror but I am still not going to chance it!
I am such a wuss!


Well-known member
I don't blame you guys for not trying it. There have been times in the past when I played it and it worked well and other times, not at all. I guess it just depends on what you get out of it. Although I always try to convince myself "This isn't real, it's just a game by Parker Brothers"

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Ahhh...the Ouija Board, Tarot, Crystals, Runes, I love all those things.

Those things do work, but one, really, must have a clear heart and mind when approaching them. And never under any influence of anything mind altering. They do open doors to the other side - if you call, they will answer...more often than not, though, you don't need any of those things to do just that.

The Board is really just a way to focus your energy in thought. Always remain positive and happy and Loving. Never use the board when you are down, or depressed, and mad. Never!

Also, it is always important to remember that you will never attract anything negative, unless, your aura or being or very essence is negative. It is very true that like attracts like when it come to the spirit world. It's simply our fear of the unknown that keeps us from pursuing otherworldly communications.

Everybody has multiple Guardian Spirits/Angels that are linked to us from the Spirit world just as we are linked to them from the physical. They help us as much as we help them.
If you're quiet enough you may be able to hear them without the need of boards, Card, or Crystals...and no you're not crazy if you do hear them!

Having said that you need never be afraid!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
Ahhh...the Ouija Board, Tarot, Crystals, Runes, I love all those things.

Those things do work, but one, really, must have a clear heart and mind when approaching them. And never under any influence of anything mind altering. They do open doors to the other side - if you call, they will answer...more often than not, though, you don't need any of those things to do just that.

The Board is really just a way to focus your energy in thought. Always remain positive and happy and Loving. Never use the board when you are down, or depressed, and mad. Never!

Also, it is always important to remember that you will never attract anything negative, unless, your aura or being or very essence is negative. It is very true that like attracts like when it come to the spirit world. It's simply our fear of the unknown that keeps us from pursuing otherworldly communications.

Everybody has multiple Guardian Spirits/Angels that are linked to us from the Spirit world just as we are linked to them from the physical. They help us as much as we help them.
If you're quite enough you may be able to hear them without the need of boards, Card, or Crystals...and no you're not crazy if you do hear them!

Having said that you need never be afraid!

I really appreciate your post! Very informative!


Active member
My friends and I always played with them when we were in high school. I don't think we ever had any moments where we actually thought it was working. There was always someone pushing the pointer to some spot and making up ridiculous things. That saying I'm paranoid and would never buy one to keep in my home. The whole concept creeps me out a bit even if I'm a big skeptic.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Being in contact with spirits is the devil? Then most Christians must be demons to believe and talk to the Holy Spirit. Just sayin'.

Me, I am open to it. I do believe in God and I believe that you do have spirit guides. Like on poster said above, I would be a little heebie-jeebie-ous with having one in my home but I am a wuss like that.


Well-known member
When I was younger my Mom told me a scary ass story from when she used it in the 70's...scared the crap out of my sisters & I so we never used it. Plus, like hotmodelchiq said, my Mom told us that those type of things open you up to the Devil & evil so we never messed with it.

To cut my Mom's story short, her & her sisters were messing around with it, asking about boys liking them and stuff like that. They were outside on the front patio, all of the sudden, some person in a long black robe with a hood was coming down the street (they were at the end of a cul-de-sac) when he got across the street from them they saw he had no feet so he was floating. They started screaming & their Grandma came outside, they tried to show her the man and he was gone. She saw they had the board and she got really mad and told them that is what happens when they play with stuff like that. She threw the board away but when she woke up in the morning, it was back on the patio where they had been playing with it!! So she got even more mad at them because she said now she had to destroy it and get the house blessed. She was very religious, very into the Catholic faith, went to church everyday so she didn't like them to mess with that type of thing.

Once I heard that story I never was even tempted to play with it.


Well-known member
never seen one in my life.

However, I believe in the strength within us to see what others cannot. Some of us have it more developed than others, have that 6th sense, that intuition things are going to happen, etc.

I'm one of these folks, my boyfriend says I'm a witch

anyway, lots of strange things have happened to me .. sometimes I rather not think ...

anyway, all things are from God, is what we do with this gift, knowledge, that makes something either good or evil.

The Devil (or evil things, spirits, etc.) will never win over me, as God, and good things live within me ;-)


Well-known member
Ouija boards and similar items are entertaining because they heighten your body's reactions to suggestive stimuli. The responses are personal and feel compelling, but as for actual ghosts, contacting people beyond the grave - there is no evidence for this. (But I'm a scientist, so I would say this...)


Well-known member
Well back during the college dorm days.. and going to school with a lot of nerdy asians and indians we played a bunch of board games. They went crazy over this.. I didnt actively play but i was in the room. I remember they would play for 4-5 hours during the weekend and if they had to use the bathroom or leave to go eat they would actually have to tell the supposed "ghost" they will be right back for an hour or so... There was this one "spirit" who wouldnt let them go and stop playing, because your supposed to say goodbye, and if they dont say you can go it can dwell on for hours.... not sure how i feel about this game, all i know is that i dont wanna mess with any lingering spirit...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
Ouija boards and similar items are entertaining because they heighten your body's reactions to suggestive stimuli. The responses are personal and feel compelling, but as for actual ghosts, contacting people beyond the grave - there is no evidence for this. (But I'm a scientist, so I would say this...)

yes, I wouldnt expect anything else

Sure, everything (or most things) can be explained scientifically .. or you can find some way of rationalizing it, so it's not so "spooky"

Not everything in life has a scientific explanation, nor do I feel the need to have everything concrete, in a nice little box -- I don't need all the answers ;-)

It's all subjective anyway, you either believe or you don't


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
yes, I wouldnt expect anything else
It's all subjective anyway, you either believe or you don't

I agree. Those who choose to believe in the Ouija, doesn't mean they are devil worshipers. And those who don't believe in it, doesn't mean anything either. There's really no in between on this subject for me. As much as the Ouija frightens me, it's like a mysterious way of being frightened, a sense of the unknown and being naive about it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I am too scared to try it. Although I am not sure it is legit I still don't want to try it.

But you never know...you might find out something very interesting and positive for your Life...

I do understand you, tho...

Same with saying bloody mary three times in a dark bathroom with the door locked. I am sure she is not going to come out of the mirror but I am still not going to chance it!

Now you've given me another thing to add to my Suspicions List.

I am such a wuss!

No you're not; you are a kitten. (That's a big compliment in my family.)




Well-known member
Originally Posted by NicksWifey
Does anyone believe in the Ouija board or have any crazy/scary stories to share? I was inspired by reading another thread that someone had posted on here in the past about hauntings and such and I got to thinking of my past experiences with the Ouija board.

When I was between 10-11 (can't really remember) my friends really wanted to play the board, but I refused because my mom always told me this horrible story of when she played it back in the 70s as a teenager. I was bad and rebelled and played it a little bit in high school with one of my friends, who was OBSESSED with the damn thing. Scary things started happening at her house too. I never was there to experience what she told me, but it always creeped me out.
Last year, before Christmas when I lived at home with my parents, my fiance used to come over and spend the night every weekend. He brought the Ouija board over (against my wishes) and we were drunk and started fooling around with it. Nothing happened so I threw it off the bed and onto the floor. The TV was on the whole time and I had the remotes lying across the room on a table. We were sitting on the bed talking about it, Nick was saying it was all B.S. and didn't work when all of a sudden, the TV just straight up cut off all by itself! Scared the hell out of me! After that, I freaked out and told him to take it home with him the next day but he refused. It stayed in my guest bedroom for about a week and weird things happened. I ended up tossing it into the back of one of my dad's old cars and never touched it again.

Thanks so much for posting this. When I have time, I'm *sure* I'll be contributing. How could I not, being me? lol



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zantedge
I don't believe in them at all. I'd try it just for fun, but I wouldn't take it seriously.

But ya' never know...do you?

Your avatar is soooo beautiful!
