Paris out of jail... already???

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Originally Posted by little teaser
yeah, i figured it out. if it would of been anyone else other than paris hilton opinions would of been diffrent..

completely incorrect.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
You reply was in regard to coke, not alcohol. And .08 isn't even that big of a deal. Considering many states have a 1.0 minimum limit. It's just an arbitrary number to start enforcement, not necessarily a point in which your a danger to others on the road.

I really have a hard time believeing that anyone who's a social drinker, hasn't driven at .08 at some point in their life. Especially if your thin.

1.0 minimum?

of all the crazy things you've said in this thread, this wins.

how can you drive when you're dead? once you hit 0.40 BAC you're going to be damn near death.

of course, if it was a typo then that's understandable, but 0.10 is still a lot of alcohol to have in your bloodstream. i wouldn't be driving at that level :S at that stage your reflexes, coordination, depth perception, peripheral vision and distance judgements are going.

edit: also read further in the thread that a lot of US states have 0.10 as the legal BAC limit for driving. remind me to stay off the roads if i ever go to the US.

as for paris... well, i think she deserves jail time. she's flouted the law and then expected to get off easy because of who she is. as a colleague of mine said: "it's a new day, paris is in jail, all is right with the wrold."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
1.0 minimum?

of all the crazy things you've said in this thread, this wins.

how can you drive when you're dead? once you hit 0.40 BAC you're going to be damn near death.

If you bothered reading the entire thread you'd see the post where i corrected my decimal. I had meant to type .1, not 1.0. Yes, 1.0 would be 100% alcohol ;p So yeh it was a typo.

edit: also read further in the thread that a lot of US states have 0.10 as the legal BAC limit for driving. remind me to stay off the roads if i ever go to the US.

Actually thats not true anymore. After further researching the issue, I had indicated in a post above that President Clinton signed a bill mandating states pass new DUI laws, putting the min BAC at .08, down from .10 by some month in 2003 in order to continue to recieve Federal Highway funding. I checked MADD's sight, and it looks like as of 2007 anyways all 50 states have a .08 min BAC.

as for paris... well, i think she deserves jail time. she's flouted the law and then expected to get off easy because of who she is. as a colleague of mine said: "it's a new day, paris is in jail, all is right with the wrold."

Yes, it's so worth it for her to go to jail, just so all the haters can toast to each other with a glass of hateraid. TMZ just posted the $'s a day it's costing taxpayers to keep her in jail. Some crazy number like $1,109.49 dollars a DAY. Thats not including all the court fee's (paying staff, the DA, the judge, increased security, etc) associated with taking this case to trial.

So yeh, instead of putting her on house arrest + community service (She would pay all the fee's associated with her electronic monitoring), were wasting prolly near 50k+ in tax dollars (25k+ alone in prison fee's) once all the bills are added together.

Way to go. Obviously, thats a great use of tax payerdollars, just so, "JUSTICE CAN BE SERVED!"


Well-known member
You still pay for her when she's on home arrest. As a tax payer, I would rather pay for her to be bhind bars and scare a little sense into her, than to pay for her to sit in her mansion and watch t.v., have friends over, eat good food, etc..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade
You still pay for her when she's on home arrest. As a tax payer, I would rather pay for her to be bhind bars and scare a little sense into her, than to pay for her to sit in her mansion and watch t.v., have friends over, eat good food, etc..

Thats not correct. When your on house you pay the fee's associated with the electronic monitoring. You buy your own food. Cpver your own medical. Etc.

Hey I have np with you personally footing the 1k + a day to keep her locked up. But any rational person who isn't blinded by their dislike of someone they have never met, understands there are much better ways of teaching people a lesson then a cell.


Well-known member
Yes, because locking her up in the 3,500 square foot mansion is really going to teach her a lesson.

Some people NEED jail time to learn stuff. I'd rather she be locked away, as most citizens would be, then partying it up at her house.


Well-known member
and we just went full circle, back to complaining about her being on house arrest instead, even though she is in jail for sure now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
If you bothered reading the entire thread you'd see the post where i corrected my decimal. I had meant to type .1, not 1.0. Yes, 1.0 would be 100% alcohol ;p So yeh it was a typo.

Actually thats not true anymore. After further researching the issue, I had indicated in a post above that President Clinton signed a bill mandating states pass new DUI laws, putting the min BAC at .08, down from .10 by some month in 2003 in order to continue to recieve Federal Highway funding. I checked MADD's sight, and it looks like as of 2007 anyways all 50 states have a .08 min BAC.

Yes, it's so worth it for her to go to jail, just so all the haters can toast to each other with a glass of hateraid. TMZ just posted the $'s a day it's costing taxpayers to keep her in jail. Some crazy number like $1,109.49 dollars a DAY. Thats not including all the court fee's (paying staff, the DA, the judge, increased security, etc) associated with taking this case to trial.

So yeh, instead of putting her on house arrest + community service (She would pay all the fee's associated with her electronic monitoring), were wasting prolly near 50k+ in tax dollars (25k+ alone in prison fee's) once all the bills are added together.

Way to go. Obviously, thats a great use of tax payerdollars, just so, "JUSTICE CAN BE SERVED!"

nice of you to snip out the bit where i acknowledged your 1.0 may have been a typo.
all good, doesn't matter.

if the bac is now lower for all states - that can only be a good thing. I don't live in the US, and i'm not a US citizen, so i'm not entirely familiar with all the ins and outs of DUI laws over there. if it's been lowered then cool. over here (in NSW at least) it's 0.05 for full license holders, 0.00 for learner and provisional (first three years of driving) license holders.

i can't comment on the spending of tax dollars over in the USA, but i don't think paris would have benefitted from a house arrest situation. she's so used to have so much freedom and doing whatever she wants that being in her own house, able to do whatever she wanted in the house, ordering food/clothes in, with her friends able to come and go wouldn't be much of a wake up call. house arrest may be perfectly suited to someone who doesn't have many resources and luxuries at their disposal at home. it would show them how limiting it is to be confined. with someone who could place a call to a designer boutique and get clothes delivered to her door... well... it kind of negates the whole punishment thing, doesn't it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Yes, it's so worth it for her to go to jail, just so all the haters can toast to each other with a glass of hateraid. TMZ just posted the $'s a day it's costing taxpayers to keep her in jail. Some crazy number like $1,109.49 dollars a DAY. Thats not including all the court fee's (paying staff, the DA, the judge, increased security, etc) associated with taking this case to trial.

So yeh, instead of putting her on house arrest + community service (She would pay all the fee's associated with her electronic monitoring), were wasting prolly near 50k+ in tax dollars (25k+ alone in prison fee's) once all the bills are added together.

Way to go. Obviously, thats a great use of tax payerdollars, just so, "JUSTICE CAN BE SERVED!"

Taxpayers would have paid/do pay that whether it's for Paris or Joe Schmo. She pays taxes too, so who's to say she's not entitled to the 'benefits' of said tax paying? She's a regular person- entitled to her stay in jail just like anyone else when they screw up royally.

I find it funny that people are thinking this is about 'haters' and 'hateraid' rather than about someone who violated probation, drove with a suspended liscense and drunk. And that's only what she was caught doing. The girl screwed up! She's probably never been punished like this a day in her life, so this is probably doing her some good.

You screw up, you deal with the consequences like an adult. That's what they're forcing her to do, they're not doing it to be vindictive.


Well-known member
TMZ reported also that, "typical" inmates cost the city about 99 dollars a day. There is a BIG difference.

Originally Posted by Dizzy
Taxpayers would have paid/do pay that whether it's for Paris or Joe Schmo. She pays taxes too, so who's to say she's not entitled to the 'benefits' of said tax paying? She's a regular person- entitled to her stay in jail just like anyone else when they screw up royally.

I find it funny that people are thinking this is about 'haters' and 'hateraid' rather than about someone who violated probation, drove with a suspended liscense and drunk. And that's only what she was caught doing. The girl screwed up! She's probably never been punished like this a day in her life, so this is probably doing her some good.

You screw up, you deal with the consequences like an adult. That's what they're forcing her to do, they're not doing it to be vindictive.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tash
Yes, because locking her up in the 3,500 square foot mansion is really going to teach her a lesson.

Some people NEED jail time to learn stuff. I'd rather she be locked away, as most citizens would be, then partying it up at her house.

I think she would learn a lot more picking up trash on the side of the freeway for 45 days. Instead of sitting on her butt in a VIP jail cell.


Also, it's been reported that her dad is looking into clubs in Vegas to throw something like a $50,000+ "Out of Jail" party for her. I'm suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure sitting in a nice little cell for a few weeks, reading books, and writing, watching TV, calling Celebs on the Phone, etc. Is doing a lot. :roll:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
nice of you to snip out the bit where i acknowledged your 1.0 may have been a typo.
all good, doesn't matter.

ummm... from like 4-5 posts above...

Originally Posted by Raerae
If you bothered reading the entire thread you'd see the post where i corrected my decimal. [/b]I had meant to type .1, not 1.0. Yes, 1.0 would be 100% alcohol ;p So yeh it was a typo.[.b]

What exactly am I snipping out again?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
TMZ reported also that, "typical" inmates cost the city about 99 dollars a day. There is a BIG difference.

You know what's bullshit about this argument?
She doesn't have ANY NEEDS that are greater, more special, more time consuming, or more pervasive than ANY OTHER inmate there.
She's ADD? She's got herpes? She's claustrophobic?
How many inmates in those jails share those same conditions?
She thinks it's 'icky' and doesn't want to eat?
Guess what, it's JAIL not a spa vacation. It's supposed to be 'icky'.

Hilton received preferential treatment because had any other inmate gone off her food, yelled and wailed for her mommy, or whatever other bullshit reason Baca can come up with for sending her home, the inmate would have been told to shut up, and remanded to the hospital for medical care, then stabilized and upon stabilization, been returned to the jail.

The 'big difference' comes into play because elected officials like Baca are more concerned with their campagne contributions and gifting from the constituents than actually applying a fair and even hand across the boards.
She should never have been let out, per the judge's sentencing.
She should never have been put on EM, per the judge's sentencing.
She should never have been anywhere except Lynwood Facility and a hospital and then back to Lynwood.
Judges have the right and the duty and the ability to sentence as they see fit, in this case it's obvious that the particular offender needed a more harsh wakeup call that another might.
I don't tolerate that type of behaviour from my five year old, and all her bullshit is is the adult equivalent of a small child flinging herself on the ground and flailing her fists and kicking her feet and beating her head against the floor. It's an attention ploy to see how much the adult in charge will allow.

She tried to milk the system and the system kicked her in the teeth and she fucking deserved it.

Holy fuck I wish I could lock this thread because this is goddamn ridiculous. People need to quit blindly following the 'popular girls' in hopes they'll receive the same empty validation those 'popular girls' get.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
ummm... from like 4-5 posts above...

What exactly am I snipping out again?

You did cut out her acknowledgement that it may be a typo from your response to her in post number 263. Just FYI.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
TMZ reported also that, "typical" inmates cost the city about 99 dollars a day. There is a BIG difference.

Doesn't change the fact that she still pays her taxes, which is probably considerably more than the average person living in that city. She is still entitled to her stay.

Not to mention, if anything, it's HER OWN FAULT. She's the one who flipped out and had her shrink demand that she be placed in the med ward and have her own guard (which is commonly known as suicide watch, btw). That right there is costing the taxpayer that CO's salary since it's a sergent that was taken off another block to sit there and make sure she doesn't flip out and hurt herself.

If she was truly repentant, she would have been in a 'regular' cell like she was last week, and been like every other inmate in the jail. Instead, she decides to first get her shrink to finagle her out of jail without ever being evaluated by the medical staff on site, then when she gets put back she is in the med unit with a personal guard. Be angry at her for wasting taxpayer money, not the judge who's forcing her to pay for her mistakes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You did cut out her acknowledgement that it may be a typo from your response to her in post number 263. Just FYI.

I wasn't responding to that point. I had back on page 8 or 9 of this thread in response to Kimberleigh's posted:

Originally Posted by Raerae
Gimme a moment, i'll give you the BAC limit by state. Several states have it at .10. Some states have it at .01, and have 0 tolerance for driving with any amount of alcohol in your system.

Edit~ Need to move a decimal... 1.0 is really high LOL

That edit was done back on 6.8, her post was on 6.10. If your going to slam me on a typo in the post, at least make sure you read the entire thread before you reply to something. That was my point.

Yeh she might have said, "might have been a typo!" But that post wasn't even relevant to the current thread. It was just a bad attempt at a cheap shot. Moral of the story? Read the whole thread b4 you get involved.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
Be angry at her for wasting taxpayer money, not the judge who's forcing her to pay for her mistakes.

Nah, I'd prefer to be disapointed at the judge for giving her a meaningless sentence. One that will not do her any good, is only giving her MORE publicity, MORE exposure, MORE media coverage.

End result?

This isn't even that humiliating for her. At least if she was doing community service, we'd have pap photo's of her doing manual labor. Why is this so hard to see? "Jail Time" in 2007, is not the answer to the majority (all imho) of non violent crime. Electronic Monitoring, in addition to mandatory community service to pay off your debt to society is the way to go. Having a bunch of people clogging up the system in jail does nothing, for anyone.

I know if I had the choice between 23 days of communty service in the wonderful June sun/heat, or 45 days in Paris's jail cell, i'd pick jail. I dont see how people can argue that jail is the better punishment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
This isn't even that humiliating for her.

Punishment is not about always about "humiliation" and really, it shouldn't be about humiliation. It's about removing your freedoms. They removed her freedom of driving by suspending her license. It didn't do any good. Remove her freedom from shopping, hanging with her friends at home, eating food, ordering food out, being outside, etc.

At least if she was doing community service, we'd have pap photo's of her doing manual labor. Why is this so hard to see? "Jail Time" in 2007, is not the answer to the majority (all imho) of non violent crime.

No, you're right. Sending someone to the stocks is a much better option. This way, there's punishment involving torture AND humiliation.


Well-known member
How exactly does jail time allow people to, "repay their debts to society." All they are is running up a tab on taxpayer dollars.

Jail time should be specifically for removing violent offenders, sex offenders, theives, etc, from the general population. Not a holding tank for non violent, low risk inmates. It's pretty obvious that the justice system needs to be overhauled, when the answer to EVERYTHING, is jail time.
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