Paris out of jail... already???

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Edit~ You'd have the check locally though, looks states had until 03 to reduce their limit to .08 or lose some federal funding. So chances are it's all pretty uniform now, neat, didn't know that.

I think you misunderstood my comment about where you live. A joke's not funny if you have to explain it, but here goes...YOU think it's ok to drive at or above .08. Which to me, meant you might be doing that (since you're thin and all). Therefore, I wanted to avoid your state so that I might not get involved in an accident with you whilst you're intoxicated.

See? Not funny anymore.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
First, that pic was absolutely hilarious. Loved it.

Second, Paris Hilton has made international news. My God. The world really is ending. Excuse me whilst I run out back and dig my own grave. Mmmmmm...The apocolypse....That's hot.

Oh course she did, she's the Iconic Blonde of our generation =P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Yeh, your a fairly unique case.

And wine is a foo foo drink =p I can't imagine drinking a strawberry dachery or a cosmo/appletini with dinner lol.

To each their own. However, at least I can say in all sincerity, that I NEVER get in the car with someone intoxicated or drive myself intoxicated. Ever.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
I think you misunderstood my comment about where you live. A joke's not funny if you have to explain it, but here goes...YOU think it's ok to drive at or above .08. Which to me, meant you might be doing that (since you're thin and all). Therefore, I wanted to avoid your state so that I might not get involved in an accident with you whilst you're intoxicated.

See? Not funny anymore.

I've actually been practically sober for over two years now. And the only time I drink any amount of alcohol is when I share a bottle of wine with my Mom when I visit. In which case I stay the night, and leave in the morning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Oh course she did, she's the Iconic Blonde of our generation =P

that makes me sad for humanity.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Oh course she did, she's the Iconic Blonde of our generation =P

Not so much.


Well-known member
Paris is the topic du jour on Nancy Grace right now, which kind of cracks me up but whatever.

I just have 2 small cents to add. I think Paris' arrogance landed her in the situation she is in and she and her family were hoping that their money and social standing would get her out. I wasn't surprised that her sentence was reduced and that she was released so early but I was surprised when the judge put her ass back in jail - but good for him!

Drunk driving isn't taken seriously in this country and that has to change. I know someone who had several dui's, suspended licenses and the sort and because of who her father was, she managed to side step a lot of it. It's nothing new and it happens all the time but it shouldn't, but that goes without saying.


Well-known member
Well, Nicole Richie said she'd probably be in jail at the end of the month....I can't help but wonder if they'll be cellmates (and film another season of The Simple Life).


Well-known member
Ha, to open the can of worms again. This article really frames a lot of the things I was thinking after viewing this thread. Especially the third paragraph from the bottom.

I am particularly annoyed that there are actual injustices taking place, daily, in the US, but this what I consider to be a nonissue, is the distraction.

I was thinking, this situation is much easier to grasp, therefore it is seized upon, yet the more complicated issues, of US society as a whole, and it's (largely perceived by outsiders, arrogant) position in the world, is perhaps too complicated to argue, as it isn't simple, or, simply: black and white. My point earlier, which I couldn't make clear, was that the Hilton situation isn't black and white, either. But it's easy to simplify it, exclusively to the situation; and not question our own position in society, nor our responsibility towards effecting some kind of positive change.

I came in charging, in a very simplistic way myself, that people's reaction is motivated by a glee in the suffering of a reviled rich girl, who epitomizes the ultimate in Marie Antoinette arrogance and ignorance. But really, everyone is falling victim to the cynical distractions of a media entertainment machine, where big money is to be made on a few shots, or a few accurate facts. Where we are distracted from the ills our own lives, and the larger world issues. Where we are all manipulated.

Hahaha, I guess you can say this has been bothering me for a long time, even before this, when there was all the gleeful hatred for Brittney Spears. I couldn't figure out how to say it then, either.


Well-known member
I think the thing is that the Hollywood crowd she is part of has completely gotten out of control...and there has to be a line drawn somewhere.
Unfortunately for her, her arrogance, condescension, etc. have turned on her and caused her to become mired in the most dire of consequences for her actions.
Eventually, your attitude catches up with you.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I don't think it's just a Hollywood thing... there's a lot of arrogance surrounding young people who think justice can be bought or that the law doesn't apply to them.

My father's girlfriend's son got caught with drugs on school grounds (I'm not sure what but worse than weed) and has been an arrogant asshole about the whole thing. He thinks Mommy and Daddy are going to get him out of this mess, because they have before (they know people). They are not wealthy at all, but they've bent over and gone above and beyond to "help" him with his legal troubles (illegal skateboarding, running from the cops, etc.). Part of me wonders if he wouldn't be in this mess had his parents allowed the legal system to do its thing and not try to "help."

This whole case, while it is over the top, sort of symbolizes the moral decay of society in the US. To me, that's why it's potentially important.

I also think people are more than capable of being interested in gossip and being interested in "real" issues, like people can be super geniuses, do brilliant work, and still care about makeup.

karen diggins

Active member
i have to say one thing about this whole Paris thing. My best did Paris's hair and makeup. She was a total bitch to my friend and would not stop haveing diva moments. My friend said her hair was nasty and her skin is just a mess. My friend ended up leaving because Paris was such a bitch. I can't stand her and I hope she is put back in jail where hse belongs


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
......Eventually, your attitude catches up with you.

Well said.

And now let's put Paris' importance in perspective......




little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C*Attack
She violated parole not probation either way she back in there and JUSTICE IS NOW BEING SERVED !

No.. she was on probation not parole theres not a big diffrence but they are diffrent.. only people who go to prison and go up against a parole board to get out are on parole, paris hasnt been to prison, you dont go to prison for a sentence thats under 1 year. No.. justice is not being served


Well-known member
LOL sent back to jail...! That is just too perfect. I didn't think it would actually even happen. Those pictures of her crying (nice one paparazzi!)... thats exactly how I feel on the inside every time this parisite is put on a pedestal by simple minded children.

What a media circus this is and it is bound to get worse. No doubt she will emerge from jail and revert to her self indulgent fame-whoring ways, but in the mean time I'm going to enjoy the show as she wails and pouts her way through her real life version of The Simple Life.


little teaser

Well-known member
what the hell is the world comeing too... seriously, everyone is happy that paris went to jail because she violated the terms of her probation for something as petty as driveing on a suspended license.
the girl made a mistake, i think she has paid the price and then some...
this is NOT justice, its petty s***. justice is when the courts keep muders and sex offenders and child perverts IN jail and not let them slip through the system because of over crowding due to people with petty crimes that are in jail takeing up space that should be for real criminals.. paris may be alot of things but a criminal shes NOT!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
what the hell is the world comeing too... seriously, everyone is happy that paris went to jail because she violated the terms of her probation for something as petty as driveing on a suspended license.
the girl made a mistake, i think she has paid the price and then some...
this is NOT justice, its petty s***. justice is when the courts keep muders and sex offenders and child perverts IN jail and not let them slip through the system because of over crowding due to people with petty crimes that are in jail takeing up space that should be for real criminals.. paris may be alot of things but a criminal shes NOT!

She is a criminal. She broke the law. I do realize that there is a difference between a pedifile, a murderer and Paris Hilton, but they are all criminals.

I don't think she deserved the circus she got. The courts and Sheriff's office made a mess of this for her. It could have been avoided.

That been said, she did choose to drive drunk. She did choose to drive twice on a suspended license. She did make a mistake. True, but it was a potentially deadly mistake. Then she made another mistake driving on a suspended license. Then she made the same mistake, again. Does she need to have someone chisel out a 20lb stone tablet that reminds her not to drive and chain it to her ankle?

I don't think that driving on a suspended license is petty, as it is a product of her driving under the influence which put others at risk. I have no problem not driving when I have had a drink. I make a conscious choice not to. It is pretty easy. Just put the keys down.

I think that most, including myself, are just disgusted at the way she does what she wants, regardless of what she is supposed to do. Whether it is obeying the law (drunken driving) or just being a better person (ie using racial slurs, talking down to others, etc). A lot of us have seen the Simple Life. The show is basically Paris and Nicole making a mockery of hard-working or normal people. All for shits and grins. I dunno, I just don't find her stupidity and helplessness entertaining or endearing. Sure, she has one hell of a Mystic Tan, but I prefer a bit more substance in a human being.

She is reaping what she has sown. She made her choices. If people don't like her based on her actions..that's just the way it goes.


Well-known member
hmmmm. Glad you enjoyed the great read.

Yes I, like most, have sped behind the wheel. I have received a speeding ticket. In the eyes of the law, my speeding infraction didn't merit jail time, as Paris Hilton's drunk driving and repeated driving without a license did.

I owned up to it and took the punishment. I paid my ticket. I didn't take it to court. Why waste everyone's time? I made a mistake and I paid my fee. I make an effort to be a safe driver.

I'm not perfect, I make mistakes. Like Paris made a mistake. The difference is that I try not to make the same mistake repeatedly.
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