Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
And FYI everyones: a DWI or DUI, contrary to popular belief, is not that big of a deal unless you kill someone. It's usually just a misdemeanor and you'll rarely get jail time. If you're an illegal immigrant in the State of NY, however, you may get deported.
You would be shocked and amazed how many people I've seen with 7+ misdemeanor DWI's who are still alking around and driving!! Its truly insane.
This also varies state to state.
In TX a DUI/DWI is really expensive and a long term blemish on your record. The laws here have tightened significantly over the years and the idea now of having 3+ DUIs and being allowed out and about and behind the wheel is pretty much impossible.
In TX it's not uncommon at all to get jail time, probation, victim's counseling, AA classes, suspension (immediate) of driver's license, fines every month for probation, a yearly surcharge for three years of minimum of a thousand dollars per year to keep and maintain the driver's license (and it's mandatory that it be kept and maintained), insurance must be maintained as part of probation, community service as part of probation, minimum of a $1200 fine in most areas, and it doesn't go off your record for TEN YEARS.
Additionally, finding an insurance company that will offer coverage for a vehicle is exceedingly difficult, even three years after conviction.
Should an offender choose the monthly payment plan on his or her surcharge (license) fee and be late by ONE DAY, it's automatic default and the license is immediately revoked which will cost the offender the remainder of the yearly surcharge to reinstate, is a violation of the offender's probation, and will result in immediate jailtime if the offender is pulled over by a LEO for any reason.
While offenders are on probation, as a part of their probation, they're generally not allowed ANYWHERE that sells alcohol, up to and including restaurants. They're not allowed to DRINK alchohol, and must submit to regular urinalysis to prove they're not drinking. No going to clubs, concerts, movies, or restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages. The PO has the right and authority to show up at the residence during probation and any alcoholic paraphernalia found is a violation of probation.
All of this I just listed? That's for the
first offense. The second one isn't a joke either.
Also, the surcharge raises as the BAC raises. The higher the BAC the higher the surcharge. It can cost up to 3000 dollars a year to keep the driver's license, and it HAS TO BE paid. It doesn't go away by moving from state to state.
Yes, it's a misdemeanor, but I assure you, DUI/DWI in Texas is not a joke anymore, and will cost you literally thousands of dollars without ANY way to get that money back, ever.