Paris out of jail... already???

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
This is absolutely not true.
State of Texas has no qualms with sending someone violating DWI/DUI probation to jail for driving on a suspended license. None. None whatsoever.
Then again, this is Texas and that is California.

OK, in NY its common- glad to see Texas is stricter!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
In all honesty, most people who violate their DWI or DUI probation by driving the a suspended license ARE NOT SENT TO JAIL AT ALL. Seriously. Most of them just get it knocked down to a no points traffic violation since it's a misdemeanor. I don't like Paris Hilton but I have no idea why she was sent to jail in the first place.

If my memory serves me correctly, the judge has been open about desiring to "make an example" of her.

And ya like Shimmer mentioned, in Texas, they are incredibly hard on DWI and DUI offenders. They're pretty much thrown the book at, along with expensive and continous fines for the length of the probation.


Well-known member
Thats the way it should be, Janice. Glad to see some states are not as leniant as idiotic NY about DWI's.

Well, some DWI's. I'm torn. I think most people have driven after having a beer or two so I'm not sure how I feel about states that have an absurdly low legal limit. For example, a few weeks ago, we had a girl come in, 20 yrs old, who had been arrested for a DWI by a police officer after she ran a stop sign. She had a .06 blood alcohol content, which is under the legal limit here in NY. Since she was underage, he arrested her. Although I know she broke the law, I felt pretty bad for the girl- I drank when I was under 21 and she hadn't hurt anyone and had been extremely cooperative throughout the entire process. Plus she had NO prior record and works with special education children. Personally, I was shocked the officer even arrested her with the amount of seriously terrible crime going on throughout the city. Sometimes--most times in fact-- cops are just being jerks. I don't think this girl deserves to have her life ruined over a stupid, extremely common mistake.

However, on Monday, a colleague of mine had a DWI by an illegal Mexican immigrant who was arrested with a .34 blood alcohol content. He's getting deported as a result. So it cuts both ways, I guess.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
And FYI everyones: a DWI or DUI, contrary to popular belief, is not that big of a deal unless you kill someone. It's usually just a misdemeanor and you'll rarely get jail time. If you're an illegal immigrant in the State of NY, however, you may get deported.
You would be shocked and amazed how many people I've seen with 7+ misdemeanor DWI's who are still alking around and driving!! Its truly insane.

This also varies state to state.
In TX a DUI/DWI is really expensive and a long term blemish on your record. The laws here have tightened significantly over the years and the idea now of having 3+ DUIs and being allowed out and about and behind the wheel is pretty much impossible.
In TX it's not uncommon at all to get jail time, probation, victim's counseling, AA classes, suspension (immediate) of driver's license, fines every month for probation, a yearly surcharge for three years of minimum of a thousand dollars per year to keep and maintain the driver's license (and it's mandatory that it be kept and maintained), insurance must be maintained as part of probation, community service as part of probation, minimum of a $1200 fine in most areas, and it doesn't go off your record for TEN YEARS.
Additionally, finding an insurance company that will offer coverage for a vehicle is exceedingly difficult, even three years after conviction.
Should an offender choose the monthly payment plan on his or her surcharge (license) fee and be late by ONE DAY, it's automatic default and the license is immediately revoked which will cost the offender the remainder of the yearly surcharge to reinstate, is a violation of the offender's probation, and will result in immediate jailtime if the offender is pulled over by a LEO for any reason.
While offenders are on probation, as a part of their probation, they're generally not allowed ANYWHERE that sells alcohol, up to and including restaurants. They're not allowed to DRINK alchohol, and must submit to regular urinalysis to prove they're not drinking. No going to clubs, concerts, movies, or restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages. The PO has the right and authority to show up at the residence during probation and any alcoholic paraphernalia found is a violation of probation.
All of this I just listed? That's for the first offense. The second one isn't a joke either.
Also, the surcharge raises as the BAC raises. The higher the BAC the higher the surcharge. It can cost up to 3000 dollars a year to keep the driver's license, and it HAS TO BE paid. It doesn't go away by moving from state to state.
Yes, it's a misdemeanor, but I assure you, DUI/DWI in Texas is not a joke anymore, and will cost you literally thousands of dollars without ANY way to get that money back, ever.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm not a fan of Texas, but their DUI policy is makes a lot of sense. Strict but DUIs aren't a laughing matter.


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1203.016. (e) The court may recommend or refer a person to the correctional administrator for consideration for placement in the home detention program. The recommendation or referral of the court shall be given great weight in the determination of acceptance or denial. At the time of sentencing or at any time that the court deems it necessary, the court may restrict or deny the defendant's participation in a home detention program.

Just a tidbit of info.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
This is absolutely not true.
State of Texas has no qualms with sending someone violating DWI/DUI probation to jail for driving on a suspended license. None. None whatsoever.
Then again, this is Texas and that is California.

AZ is the SAAAME way. We have CRAZY laws when it comes to DWI/DUI, we even have different jail sentences for the severity of the DUI and all that. But this is great right here...

when you get caught... they post your mugshot and info on this site for the world to see.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I'm not a fan of Texas, but their DUI policy is makes a lot of sense. Strict but DUIs aren't a laughing matter.

Unfortunately, there is abuse, because it IS a huge money maker for any state.
Imagine the number of DUI offenders every year.
Now multiply that by at least 1000.
Then multiply THAT by 3.
That gives you the minimum dollar amount the state receives yearly based on DUI convictions (average).

Take any given county in TX, find their number of DUI convictions, multply that by 1200. That's how much the county gets.
They also get another (minimum) 40 dollars a month for 2 years.
HUGE revenue generator for any state, really.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Popular people get treated differently. We all know this. But fame is availible to anyone, your not born with it.

Tell that to Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.


Well-known member
The issue here for me, is that if any regular inmate had a health problem, they'd be dealt with in the system, they would not be sent home. That, in and of itself, reeks of special treatment from the Sheriff.

And I totally get why the prosecutor is livid. The city of LA has a shitty reputation for LITERALLY letting celebrities get away with murder and in this case, he can actually attempt to do something.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
And FYI everyones: a DWI or DUI, contrary to popular belief, is not that big of a deal unless you kill someone. It's usually just a misdemeanor and you'll rarely get jail time. If you're an illegal immigrant in the State of NY, however, you may get deported.
You would be shocked and amazed how many people I've seen with 7+ misdemeanor DWI's who are still alking around and driving!! Its truly insane.

2nd DUI/DWI in Indiana within 5 years is a felony. Your first DUI is a misdemeanor and your license is suspended for 6 months. If you're caught driving (or drinking) during this 6 months off to jail you go. As stated previously, DUI laws very from state to state; some states are clearly more strict on DUI than others.


Well-known member
You know..if Paris was released from jail because she was suffering some medical emergency..why wasn't she taken to the hospital? why was she just sent home? and she had a van full of cupcakes delivered to her place shortyly after she arrived home, apparantly was also well enough to eat some In and Out Burger food,,she wasn't sick, I call BS on that. She faked it so she could go home.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Tell that to Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.

We'll have to wait and see if she turns into anything other than another no name child of ___________ <---Insert washed up celeb here.

Just because your born to a celebrity, doesn't mean you have the love of the public. There are plenty of people who are children of famous people and get absoluteley 0 media coverage.

It takes a certain amount of talent to stay in the spot light. And if your not the type of personality that adores the lime light, the public will quickly tire of you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade
You know..if Paris was released from jail because she was suffering some medical emergency..why wasn't she taken to the hospital? why was she just sent home? and she had a van full of cupcakes delivered to her place shortyly after she arrived home, apparantly was also well enough to eat some In and Out Burger food,,she wasn't sick, I call BS on that. She faked it so she could go home.

All blonde's aren't created equal =p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
You'd be crying too if you were in the back of a black and white =p

None of the current media circus is even her fault. It's a cock fight between the DA and the Sheriff's office.

Seriously, this is getting ridiculous.
Are you that blind? Do you really think her behaviour, any of it, is ok?
It IS her fault, because instead of saying "Yes sir." to the judge and taking the punishment as it was meted out with some kind of dignity, and possibly, in doing so, gaining some POSITIVE favor from the masses, she is continuing to do her best to get out of it. Had she simply said "Yes sir, I understand, I messed up, and I'm ready to take what you've doled out as punishment for my repeated disregard for the law as it is written" there wouldn't be a media circus because her saggy butt would still be in jail.

I have to question anyone who blindly and completely inexcuses this type of behaviour over and over again.
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