Originally Posted by Raerae
Please Shim... Proof? Please? Pics on gossip blog does not = evidence. Not to mention having drugs for personal use isn't a felony. And realistically, recreational use of illigal substances is VERY common. Be it underaged drinking, pot, coke, mushrooms, meth, whatever. At this point really, who cares?
Are you kidding me?
Are you this daft? REALLY?
Find the film of the dumb skank telling Nicole Ritchie not to eat the coke, but to snort it. Find the pics of Paris licking coke off some fat guy's chest.
Pics DO equal evidence because they're fucking proof that she does the things she does.
That's what evidence IS.
It doesn't make a shit if recreational use is 'common'. Having enough to shower everyone in the room in a rain of cocaine is a FELONY. It's called FELONY POSSESSION.
Who really cares? Is that seriously your defense? You have not one single iota of reasonable defense of ANY of her behaviour. None. Not one. Not even a little bitty teeny tiny eensy weensy little bit.
I don't care if 'everyone is doing it', that doesn't make it right, legal, or ambiguous.
There's no ambiguity here.
She. Broke. The. Law.
She's not special. She's not a princess. She doesn't have diplomatic immunity. There were no extenuating circumstances.
She broke the law. Over and over and over and over again, and she's paying the price for it.