Paris's DUI


Well-known member

So oficially it came in at .08... Which amazingly is the minimum amount needed to qualify for a DUI arrest. I kinda find it amusing how the police pulled her over at just the right moment to get a .08 reading. Rounding up anyone?

I know not everyone likes Paris =P But I think there just making an example out of her, which is rather silly. Dont hate her cuz she's beautiful lol.


Well-known member
drunk = drunk, even if you're 'at the limit' and 'feel like you can drive'.
Regardless of celebrity, she should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law as it reads in California.
Then she should thank her lucky fucking stars she lives there and not Texas.


Well-known member
Very very rarely do I hate someone with every fiber of my being but I seriously cannot STAND Paris Hilton. She's not that pretty, she has no talent, and I'm not even sure what will happen to her if she ever has to claim bankruptcy. Probably wouldn't even know how to look for a job.

Speaking of jobs, does she even have one?

She to me is just one of those spoiled little brats that the parents decided to give everything to just to shut her up from wanting attention and now crawls into bed with the media to get her attention.

Good for the police officers. You know she may not have to obey the rules at her house and do whatever she wants in hollywood but the moment she steps out on the street she has to answer to the police if she screws up and they happen to be there.

And for all the adoring fans of hers- im glad she got pulled over looks like the blond bombshell diety can indeed fail miserably.

Her situation is just sad.


Well-known member
I don't feel safe with drunk people on the road. I was behind someone yesterday that was swerving and then they turned into a curb because they missed the street they were to turn on. Its a good thing i was pretty far behind them by this point.
If she was driving drunk I'm glad she got arrested, its pretty much an inexecusable offense.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Speaking of jobs, does she even have one?

She's got a great selling CD, She's a Reality TV Star, has starred in movies, does advertising, modeling, she also has perfume lines, and other clothing, purses, and accessories out there.

All things considered she markets herself very well, and has an income of several million a year. According to I believe it was E.

So she doesn't have to be spoiled by her parents, she makes plenty of money on her own to support her lifestyle.

Dont hate her because she's sucessful =P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
And for all the adoring fans of hers- im glad she got pulled over looks like the blond bombshell diety can indeed fail miserably.

She didn't fail. In reality, all this is doing is making her even more money. I forgot who said it, but the quote was, "There is no such thing as bad publicity." She's just getting free advertising


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
it's not because she's successful that shes' annoying.
It's because she exists.

You can't blame Paris. She's only popular because people like you and I make her popular. She lives a charmed life


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Then she should thank her lucky fucking stars she lives there and not Texas.

I thought in Texas it was illegal to drive with a BAC of UNDER .08 =P


Well-known member
Guess it depends on where you live. Since according to friends of mine who grew up there it was fairly lax in their area. They weren't in the city though.


Well-known member
Check into the laws as of Sept. 03.
It's a points based system now, and the most minor of DUI infractions (inc. driving at .08) results in a three thousand dollar fine paid out over three years (either 1000 each year or monthly installments) as well as not being able to be insured at a reasonable rate for ten years.
In addition it's a mandatory six month license suspension (DPS takes your license immediately and does not return it) for SUSPICION of DUI. Meaning you lose it for six months before you're even convicted.

Add to that a mandatory year of probation, monthly probation visits, no drinking or visiting establishments that sell alcohol as part of the probation, court fees, mandatory SR-22s, you can't be insured "full coverage" in TX with a DUI, victims classes, etc., and the costs are actually pretty steep.

And, that's regardless of location.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Check into the laws as of Sept. 03.
It's a points based system now, and the most minor of DUI infractions (inc. driving at .08) results in a three thousand dollar fine paid out over three years (either 1000 each year or monthly installments) as well as not being able to be insured at a reasonable rate for ten years.
In addition it's a mandatory six month license suspension (DPS takes your license immediately and does not return it) for SUSPICION of DUI. Meaning you lose it for six months before you're even convicted.

Add to that a mandatory year of probation, monthly probation visits, no drinking or visiting establishments that sell alcohol as part of the probation, court fees, mandatory SR-22s, you can't be insured "full coverage" in TX with a DUI, victims classes, etc., and the costs are actually pretty steep.

And, that's regardless of location.


I saw Varsity Blues! You can steal police cars in Texas while drunk and not have any problems!



Well-known member
I hesitate to say that Paris earns herself money. I would tend to give the credit to the designers, producers, musicians, publicists, etc that she hired with Daddy's money, and then with her own once she 'earned' it. The States is supposed to be a place of equal oppourtunity, yet does anyone have the kind of oppourtunities that she takes for granted? Why does she make millions of dollars a year, and people like cops and doctors who I think anyone would agree make far more important contributions to society make so much less? *Please note here I am Canadian and our doctors are paid by the government and don't make very much. I'm not sure what the situation in the States is.


Well-known member
i dont find paris hilton good looking in anyway
shes kind of tall and gawkey

if it wasnt for all the stylists and makeup artists who knows what any of the stars would look like


Well-known member
RaeRae-a job is a job. Like where you go out and you bust your ass for something. She has never done that. I tend to agree with Nutmeg, she is "earning" money because other people are doing it for her.

Nutmeg-many doctors are very wealthy here in the states but this is because the government does not pay our doctors. Insurance does.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
RaeRae-a job is a job. Like where you go out and you bust your ass for something. She has never done that. I tend to agree with Nutmeg, she is "earning" money because other people are doing it for her.

Nutmeg-many doctors are very wealthy here in the states but this is because the government does not pay our doctors. Insurance does.

So are the hundreds of other models, actors/actresses, etc are busting their asses for the millions they earn? But Paris isn't?

VSecret pays their models millions to tiptoe around in their bra's and panties, yet no one is getting on Tyra Banks or Heidi Klum's case about how they dont have real jobs.

She's earning her own money just like them. You might not like the fact that in the greater scheme of things she probably makes more in one episode of The Simple Life, than most of us make in a year, but she's still working just as hard as any other reality show star.

You can't single out Paris. Being a Hilton didn't give her the success she has had. Being Paris did. There are thousands of rich brats in the United States, and probably millions world wide. They dont all have their own TV show, record deal, or reality TV show. Paris Hilton is a household name completely seperate from Hilton Hotels. She turned, "Being Famous for Doing Nothing" into a multi-million dollar advertising campaign by being marketable. It takes morethan money to do that, or every rich brat would be making millions like her.

Edit: If your busting your ass to make ends meet, your doing something wrong. People need to work smarter, not harder.

little teaser

Well-known member
wow it's amazeing how many of you know paris to be hateing like that she's laughing all the way to the bank the girl is pretty young and rich and gets all the cute rock stars on another note i think all people who are out drinking or under any influence thats dangerous and should be punish fullyto keep the roads safe exspecially celebs they can afford taxi or a desinated driver they need to think twice befor geting behind the wheel!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
. Being a Hilton didn't give her the success she has had.

Umm, yes it did. No one would WANT to watch or buy any of her crap if she didn't have the Hilton last name. She wouldn't have the money to market herself, either.

There are plenty of trust fund babies out there who DON'T make themselves media whores because they don't want to. What a concept.

I'm not remotely jealous of Paris Hilton. I'll take my functional life anyday over acting in such a manner as to acquire the reputation of a sperm vomiting (South Park, anyone?) moron, thank you very much.

I'm pretty sure Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks WORKED hard to get to the top of their fields. Just because it doesn't seem like a hard job doesn't mean that it isn't work. What you are missing is that Paris has NO discernable talent, unlike actress and models and athletes, etc.

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