Paris's DUI

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
i dont find paris hilton good looking in anyway
shes kind of tall and gawkey

if it wasnt for all the stylists and makeup artists who knows what any of the stars would look like

sorry didnt mean to post twice


Well-known member
That's my point... (two posts up) I don't really think that the people who live in the media or are "famous" deserve the money they get. I'm not singling Paris out, the thread is about her. I feel the same about every other young drunk/high/rich pop star. I respect hard work. And I respect people who don't want to whore themselves to the media to make money. Money is great, but I think it's somewhat sick to do to yourself what all of those Hollywood folks do to themselves just to make money. Why would you sacrifice all of the joys of life that you need to in order to make money by being a celebrity? I just don't get it.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
i dont find paris hilton good looking in anyway
shes kind of tall and gawkey

if it wasnt for all the stylists and makeup artists who knows what any of the stars would look like

beauty is in the eye of the beholder! and either you have it or you dont makeup helps bring out your beauty and highlight your features if ur ugly i dont think makeup will help!lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Umm, yes it did. No one would WANT to watch or buy any of her crap if she didn't have the Hilton last name. She wouldn't have the money to market herself, either.

There are plenty of trust fund babies out there who DON'T make themselves media whores because they don't want to. What a concept.

I'm not remotely jealous of Paris Hilton. I'll take my functional life anyday over acting in such a manner as to acquire the reputation of a sperm vomiting (South Park, anyone?) moron, thank you very much.

I'm pretty sure Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks WORKED hard to get to the top of their fields. Just because it doesn't seem like a hard job doesn't mean that it isn't work. What you are missing is that Paris has NO discernable talent, unlike actress and models and athletes, etc.

Her CD is quite good actually. And has a few good singles on it. <shrug>

And all things considered, being a media whore is a talent. You'd be silly to discount being marketable as not having any talent. It takes a certain type of personality to be able to survive in that type of environment. Not only survive in it, but thrive. Every trust fund baby doesn't do it, because they woulnd'tbe able to handle it, or make it nearly as entertaining.

Entertainment comes in many shapes and sizes, and considering how many different things she's be able to do, it's quite amazing. Regardless she's doing something right, she works less than we all do and makes a whole lot more. The idiots in this world are the ones who work 9-5. All the smart ones already found a way out of it, regardless of if you consider it work or not.


Well-known member
I don't think she;s attractive and I just don't find her talented. But drunk is drunk. No one, no matter how rich or famous, should be driving drunk, and if they do, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Who cares who she is? She needs to get in trouble just like any of us would if we were to get a DUI.


Well-known member
I personally did not like the cd.. and you can tell by listening to it that someone in the mixing room worked VERY VERY HARD to make her voice sound good.. its incredibly digi-tized. . . She did not have to have talent to record this album all she needed was money which she has.

I also think she is a lousy model and she is not that attractive. and her acting skills are... well.. not great...

I am guilty of watching the simple life.. the last season being my favorite. I like paris's attitude much better than nicoles. thats all she has going for her.

I do give her props however for making a living on her own and not using her parents. but it also helps the have the hilton last name when trying to make something of yourself

as for the dui . she said she had one margarita after not eating all day. Personally i dont get in the car after ANY drinks. and drunk is drunk no matter who you are..

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Speaking of jobs, does she even have one?

Whatever she picks this week as her job. Socialite seems to be her biggest job, though.

It's ridiculous to think she hasn't benefitted from her name/family connections/money. Many people do. Anderson Cooper, the Osbourne children, Ashlee Simpson, Jamie Lynn Spears, Gwenyth Paltrow, God knows who else. Some of the people actually take time to educate themselves on what they wish to do. They do have an advantage over the rest of us, but at least they attempt to make themselves slightly deserving. I don't believe Paris Hilton has deserved to release a CD. The vocals have been Pro-tooled, but the same can be said about Britney and other pop CDs. What frustrates me about Paris is that she hasn't had to work at her craft and doesn't seem aware of how much she's got going for her by just being born a Hilton.

With that said, I hope they give Paris a fair hearing. I don't want the judge to crack down especially hard, but I don't want a light slap on the wrist. I find that most celebrities who commit crimes get off a hell of a lot lighter than everyone else. Like the stars, justice should be blind.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester

It speaks for itself...

..10. Suing a guy who was smart enough to film the sex and keep it, in case
he might get blackmailed later. BTW I saw some of these videos, and it looked like she was well consented before hand.

Ironically, she got super popular post sex video. So you can thank your XY friend for helping Paris become who she is today. Like I said before, there is no such thing as bad publicity. And the sex tapes were easily a huge reason for the media frenzy that surrounds Paris.

Thats Hot

And I doubt he saved the tape in case he got blackmailed. She not the first girl to make a home video with a boyfriend. It's just the sad boyfriends who end up hanging on to them for years so they can replay the moments they are never going to have again
. While their ex's are making new videos =P


Well-known member
i hope she gets punished to the fullest possible extent of the law, not because she is paris hilton, but because driving while intoxicated, regardless of what your BAC is, is NOT cool. i don't care if she blew a .08 or an off-the-charts-she-should-be-dead number, it's still driving under the influence. unfortunately, being as how it is california, and more specifically the los angeles court system, she'll probably get a fine, maybe some probation and community service. she might lose her license. but more realistically, she'll higher some phenomenally expensive big-gun defense attorney, and more or less walk free. look at how many celebrities get pulled over for driving under the influence, or possession. occasionally, youll hear about the cases going go trial, and less often than that, you'll hear about them actually getting more than a wrist-slap punishment. it's big news when it happens, and slowly loses it's headline-value once the DA or CA decides to lessen charges, or drop them altogether. should the case actually make it to the court system, her sentencing will no doubt be very light. it sucks, it's not fair, but it's the truth.

and as far as paris herself goes...i have hated her for awhile, even before she became the clusterfucked celebrity she is now. does anyone else remember the piece about her, years ago, that was in either vogue or vanity fair? painting the picture of her and nicky, in their mid teens, being spoiled-ass brats? even back then, she annoyed me, although i never thought she'd become what she is now. clearly, she's used her familys name to become what she is. also, the speculation that she and rick solomon actually PLANNED for that tape to be released is completely conceivable. publicity is publicity, no matter how good or bad it is. look at kate moss...


Well-known member
You know, the more I think about this, the more I get pissed off. She's Paris Hilton for goodness sakes, can't she get a driver or call a cab when she's had too much to drink?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
You know, the more I think about this, the more I get pissed off. She's Paris Hilton for goodness sakes, can't she get a driver or call a cab when she's had too much to drink?

I think your overreacting about a .08 BAC. .08 is hardly intoxicated. I would probably blow a .08 after 1 drink if I was pulled over right after drinking on an empty stomache. And if she's telling the truth about having 1 margarita, which considering she blew the absolute minimum to get in trouble with the law i don't doubt. Who knows how much alcohol the bartender put in the drink. It's not as if every bartend measures out exactly 1 shot when they pur your drink (and some places pour a really stiff drink).

Anyone and everyone has had 1 drink (probably more like 2 or 3) at dinner, or at a bar, or at a party and driven home afterwards. Take a look at your family the next time you go out for dinner at a restaraunt for a holiday. Or the next family gathering for a holiday dinner. I bet the majority of the men driving home that night have more than 1 drink, and happily get into their cars and drive their families home with BAC's over .08.

She didn't do anything that 90% of the adult readers (and probably quite a few of the underaged ones) haven't done at some point in their lives. Give her a break. I could see getting totally on her case if she was way over the legal limit and "drunk." But when your right on the line like that your basically sober.

I'm sure there are others on this board who have driven home with much higher than a .08 and got lucky nothing happened. I'll be the first to raise my hand on that one. I've done it. Thats another one I'm also willing to be the majority of adults on this board have done at least once. It doesn't make it right. But even though she's Paris Hilton, she's still only human, and does just as much dumb things as any other girl in her 20's has done at some point while growing up.


Well-known member
I don't drink and I've never left anywhere and driven my car after drinking (when I did drink). How hard is it to make simple plans before you start drinking (even one or two) to have someone else drive?

Fact is, you may think that .08 isn't a lot, but its the level that the state of California has chosen to use as the guideline for DUIs. Given that she was pulled over for driving erratically, she shouldn't have been behind the wheel of a car, plain and simple. Good grief, we've seen enough footage of her not being able to handle a car sober.

There is a large difference between making a mistake or being dumb and intentionally driving a car when you can't handle it. Does she have to kill someone before we condemn her for breaking the law?


Well-known member
RaeRae, it doesn't matter. She broke the law. Plain and simple. Not only did she break the law, she did so in a potentially dangerous manner.
I'm not going to say that I'm not sympathetic to people who get DUIs because I am. In the state of Texas, you can get a DUI for SUSPICION of intoxication and it DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ALCOHOL. I could tell you stories of people taking a benydril and getting a DUI and literally having their life ruined.
She broke the law, and it's punishable by certain consequences. Given the fact she can't handle a car sober, I think it's reasonable to expect that a fair and slightly harsh punishment be meted out.


Well-known member
RaeRae-Please remember I'm the one who find most of hollywood useless. They don't have jobs in my opinion. All they have to do is go up repeat a few lines - think they are acting or modeling and boom. They get paid millions.

Most of the actors/actresses in my opinion in hollywood are garden variety shallow and pedantic and on top of this I've seen better acting in a 2nd grade play.

Most of hollywood cannot sing same with country singers. They just sit there and try to and then some poor sap that has to listen to the crap has to try to make it semi palettable.

So as you can see my opinion of hollywood is not high at all. It's very VERY low.

So am I singling paris out? By all means NO. Do I like some actors/actresses more than others? YES especially when they seem to have a brain and they actually use it with semi intelligent answers. Not a two word attempt at a sentance that is replied to by everything.

EX: The box is black. Paris would say" That's hot"
It's cold outside: Paris would say " That's hot"
Try talking to her about basic economics, history or anything else in the world- She'd get that glazed look in her eye she's so famous for then say " That's hot" in hopes that it would be.

It just ugh infuriates me.

And quite frankly I don't care if it were paris or some joe on the street if your DUI You're ass needs to go to jail before you can utter "i'm sorry". I've been hit by a "drunk driver" before who was at an .08, I've seen people who have been hit by a drunk driver I have seen people get killed.

I have absolutely NO sympathy whatsoever for anyone who drives drunk. There is absolutely no excuse. If you have the money to buy alcohol you have the money to buy yourself a ride home. End of story.


Well-known member
I'm not comenting about the punishment. The line of the law has to start somewhere. And with regards to DUI's I would rather have it at a relativly sober .08, where for the most part everyone of any weight/mass is sober enoght to drive safely, than at a BAC that makes your driving severly impared.

I just find it funny how passionate people are about Paris, and how because it's her it's some huge deal. I think out of my previous circle of friends I was one of the only people to not have a DUI. And most of em got their DUI at the .08 level. They all paid their fines, did their AA course, and had their liscense suspended. <shrug> no big deal.

Ironically most ofthe people hating on her, are the same one who buy the tabloids that made her famous in the first place.


Well-known member
I think people are passionate because they're tired of seeing rich and famous people get off for crimes that the average person would spend a lifetime paying for.


Well-known member
The upper class of society have always gotten away with whatever thay wanted. And the celebrities are the new upperclass and have been for a while. The princes and princesses of the USA.

But thats a whole nother topic
We could get into how thin attractive white women get away with more as well too. And it would be indirectly related hehe.


Well-known member
I hardly think it's something to be proud of that Paris Hilton and her ilk are the world accepted representatives of the US.